Mays Ahmad
Engineer, Project Management
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women]
Here are some fantastic people who accepted to share their career path, sources of inspiration and dreams.
Engineer, Project Management
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women]
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: woman, women, partnership, ESA, engineer]
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: woman, women]
Student, Engineering Physics
Métis Nation of British Columbia
Physics and maths
[Keywords: woman, women, rocket, Indigenous, university]
Engineer, Operations
Canadian Space Agency
Robotics and rovers
[Keywords: woman, women, mission control]
Anishinaabe/Saulteaux from the Buffalo Clan and a member of Ebb and Flow First Nation and Lake Manitoba First Nation
Environment and EO
[Keywords: geography, mapping, Indigenous, industry]
Université de Montréal
[Keywords: partner, astrophysics, astronomer, university, James Webb Space Telescope]
Senior Scientist, Space Astronomy Mission
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: astrophysics, astronomer, James Webb Space Telescope]
Engineer, Operations
Canadian Space Agency
Robotics and rovers
[Keywords: woman, women, mission control]
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: woman, women, scientist, engineer]
Manager, SAR Data
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women, geography, data, management]
Technical Lead
Robotics and rovers
[Keywords: woman, women, partner, industry]
Manager, Laboratories and Demonstration Infrastructure
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: physics, technical, laboratory]
Senior Scientist, Mission
Canadian Space Agency
Geology and geography
[Keywords: asteroid, planetary science]
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: science, physics, pilot]
Senior Engineer, Systems
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women]
Principal Research Officer Emeritus
Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics NRC
[Keywords: partner, university, industry, James Webb Space Telescope]
Project Manager
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: woman, women, management, James Webb Space Telescope]
Project Engineer and Mission Manager
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: woman, women, management]
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: science, pilot, engineer]
Flight surgeon
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: doctor, surgeon, medical, health science, medicine, engineer]
Université de Montréal
[Keywords: partner, physics, mathematics, university]
Senior Scientist
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: woman, women]
Portfolio Manager
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: woman, women, medicine, health science, kinesiologist, engineer, management]
Nutrition Specialist
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: woman, women, health science]
Engineer, Project Management
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women]
Program Scientist (Planetary Science)
Canadian Space Agency
Geology and geography
[Keywords: woman, women, Osiris-REx, canadian lunar rover, Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program, Bennu]
Engineer, Operations On-Orbit Science
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: woman, women, health science]
Mi'kmaq from the Qalipu First Nation of Ktaqmkuk Newfoundland and Labrador
[Keywords: astrophysics, Indigenous, university]
Scientist, NIRISS instrument
Space Telescope Science Institute
[Keywords: woman, women, university, industry, partner, James Webb Space Telescope]
Engineering Project Manager
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: doctor, surgeon, medical, health science, medicine, engineer]
Western University
[Keywords: woman, women, university, partner, physics, James Webb Space Telescope]
Senior Engineer, System
Canadian Space Agency
Space systems
[Keywords: woman, women, material]
Student, Operational Space Medicine
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: biomedical, university, health science]
Innu – member of the Mashteuiatsh community (Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation) in Quebec
[Keywords: woman, women, astrophysics, astronomer, Indigenous, university]
Canadian Space Agency
[Keywords: health science, astrophysics, astronomer, medicine, astronomy, engineer]
Engineer, Project Management
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women]
Student, Engineering in Aerospace – Space Systems Design
Garden River First Nation
Space systems
[Keywords: Indigenous, university]
Exploration Scientist
Canadian Space Agency
Health and nutrition
[Keywords: health science]
Engineer, Project Management
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women, biology]
Head, Canadian Astronaut Corps
Canadian Space Agency
Physics and maths
[Keywords: robotics]
Team Leader, Human Resources Planning
Canadian Space Agency
Director, Sun-Earth System Sciences
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women]
Senior Engineer, Planning
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women, management]
Lead Engineer, Systems
[Keywords: woman, women, partner, astrophysics, physics, industry, James Webb Space Telescope]
Intermediate Engineer, Operations
Canadian Space Agency
Environment and EO
[Keywords: woman, women, management]
National Research Council Canada
[Keywords: partner, astrophysics, James Webb Space Telescope]
Technical Lead
[Keywords: woman, women, partner, computer, system, software, industry, James Webb Space Telescope]