Mays Ahmad - Engineer, Project Management

- Quote: Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be versatile and commit to being a lifelong learner.
- Studies: Bachelor of aerospace engineering
- Job title: Engineer, Project Management
- Employer: Canadian Space Agency
What is unique about your job?
My role exposes me to the earliest phases of upcoming space projects. I have this amazing opportunity to be part of managing the development of space technology and interfacing with Canada's brightest minds, which is very humbling and exciting.
Which professional accomplishment are you the most proud of?
I was selected for the Dr. Roberta Bondar Career Development Program, which will provide me with a unique opportunity to gain new perspectives and allow me to learn how industry and the public sector each contribute to innovation in Canada. I'm also very proud of having worked on a Canadian Space Technology Trend Assessment that will feed into a cohesive and strategic approach guiding Canada's future technology development investments.
Who or what helped you the most throughout your career?
Having great mentors who allowed me to better understand my strengths and weaknesses and to ultimately uncover my own potential. Being adaptable and exposed to different aspects of an organization really helps in understanding the bigger picture.
What advice would you offer to girls or women?
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be versatile and commit to being a lifelong learner. Be open to stepping outside your comfort zone—you never know where it may lead you!