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Tristan Richmond – Student, Operational Space Medicine

Tristan Richmond – Student, Operational Space Medicine

What is unique about your job?
As a second-year biomedical engineering student, I'm fortunate to work in this fascinating environment where I learn a lot and have access to incredible resources. I am discovering a new perspective on my (future) work and various possibilities for applying my degree in biomedical engineering. Space exploration and astronaut health are not the first areas that come to mind when studying in my field, but that's exactly what makes my internship unique.

What are your tasks during a working day?
During the summer of , I did a lot of coding, especially in Python, and filtered physiological data and wrote reports. I also managed databases where I had to create the code to manage the huge amount of data from an ECG (recording 250 pieces of data per second) and interpret their meaning. In doing all these activities, I learned a lot and put into practice what I was taught. In the fall of , my main tasks are to read and summarize scientific studies.

Which professional accomplishment are you the most proud of?
I am very proud to have been hired at the Canadian Space Agency. This is my first professional experience in my field, and I am very grateful to have acquired so much knowledge so early in my career.

Who or what helped you the most throughout your career?
Thanks to Annie Martin, my supervisor last summer, I learned so much during my internship. She trusted me to carry out my project, gave me a lot freedom to do so, and was always there to answer my questions. Her support has allowed me to develop professionally.

What advice would you give to a child or young adult?
Our education can take us anywhere, and it is possible to combine the things we love. For example, I study biomedical engineering and have been very interested in space since I was a child. I think it's great to be able to combine the two areas.

How do/did you reconcile work commitments and your family life?
I work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., which gives me time in the late afternoon and evening to see my family and friends. I try to organize my time in advance to make sure I see the people close to me.

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