Roxanne Côté-Bigras - Operations Engineer, Canadian Space Station Program

- Quote: Follow your passion and never let anyone tell you that you don't look the part!
- Studies : Electrical engineering (specialization in robotics and automation); Space Studies Program at the International Space University.
- Job title: Operations Engineer, Canadian Space Station Program
- Employer: Canadian Space Agency
What is unique about your job?
The fantastic team I work with! Everyone pitches in so that the mission control centre runs like a well-oiled machine.
Which professional accomplishment are you the most proud of?
I worked on programming the robotic simulator we use to plan for missions and train astronauts. I'm always so proud to see a successful robotics mission.
Who or what helped you the most throughout your career?
Getting involved in workplace activities has always opened a lot of doors for me.
What advice would you offer to girls or women?
Follow your passion and never let anyone tell you that you don't look the part!