Toolkit for educators and youth – Engineering
This Web package is a one-stop resource for educators and youth who want to learn about engineering, which is a significant area of expertise in the space field. Did you know that over 38% of the Canadian space workforce (2022) and nearly 34% of the CSA's personnel are engineers ()? And in –, more than a third of the CSA's interns were students in engineering.
Reading list
- Careers in space – Engineers
- Careers in space – Technicians and technologists
- Employee and partner profiles (tip: click on the "engineer" tab)
- CSA astronauts with an engineering background:
Things to do
- 3D printing models
- Assemble paper models:
- Engineering and design thinking activities:
- Make a pollinator (K to grade 2)
- My Canadarm3 (K to grade 2)
- Say hello to HALO (K to grade 2)
- Multi-functionality in space (grades 3 to 5)
- My moving Canadarm3 (grades 3 to 5)
- A simple pollination system (grades 3 to 5)
- Pollinating pulleys (grades 6 to 8)
- From Gateway to HALO (grades 6 to 8)
- Making a hand actuator (grades 6 to 8)
- Hovercraft launch (grades 6 to 9)
- Lunar resupply mission (grades 6 to 9)
- My Canadarm3's end effector (grades 9 and 10)
- Make a HALO component (grades 9 and 10)
- Engineering an end effector (grades 11 and 12)
- Good night HALO! (grades 11 and 12)
- My job? Growing food in space – Chris Patterson, Engineering Project Manager
- Humans of the CSA: engineer Miriam Micael
- Jagriti Luitel: creating a path to space
- Launch Your Dreams – Krishna Nair's story
- Meet some of the young engineers getting Canada's RADARSAT Constellation satellites ready for space!
- Feeding the astronauts of the future
- Animation of Canadarm3, Canada's contribution to Gateway
- A legacy of excellence in Canadian space robotics
- Canadian CubeSat Project: ready for launch, part 4
- Lunar exploration: The Canadian lunar rover and its payloads
- The Juno rover, training to recover samples on the surface of other worlds
- Rockets – narrated by CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen
- The making of a satellite – The RADARSAT Constellation