Hadfield échange avec Starfleet sur Twitter
Le 3 janvier 2013, William Shatner, acteur canadien reconnu pour son rôle de capitaine Kirk dans la série originale Star Trek, a ouvert les canaux de communications avec l'astronaute canadien Chris Hadfield lorsqu'il lui a demandé, via Twitter : « Gazouilles-tu de l'espace? Mes hommages, Bill. » (Traduction libre)
La réponse d'Hadfield a rejoint Starfleet et enflammé la Twittersphère. Cet album réflète les échanges d'Hadfield avec les membres de Starfleet ainsi qu'une apparition par un très respecté et très réel astronaute ayant marché sur la Lune. Parcourez les images pour voir comment le tout s'est déroulé.
- 1 : William Shatner
- 2 : Chris Hadfield
- 3 : Canadian Space Agency
- 4 : Chris Hadfield
- 5 : George Takei
- 6 : Chris Hadfield
- 7 : Chris Hadfield
- 8 : George Takei
- 9 : Wil Wheaton
- 10 : Chris Hadfield
- 11 : Wil Wheaton
- 12 : Leonard Nimoy
- 13 : Chris Hadfield
- 14 : Buzz Aldrin
- 15 : William Shatner
- 16 : Chris Hadfield

William Shatner : @Cmdr_Hadfield Are you tweeting from space? MBB

Chris Hadfield : Yes, Standard Orbit, Captain. And we're detecting signs of life on the surface.

Canadian Space Agency : @WilliamShatner @cmdr_hadfield Of course he is! And doing a great job at it!

Chris Hadfield : The last time @WilliamShatner and I met was in another dimension - 2D. (From @csa_asc contest - asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/missions/e... ...) pic.twitter.com/Y7tECNL7

George Takei : This actually happened

Chris Hadfield : With @GeorgeTakei posting about our space comms, all we need is @TheRealNimoy to beam in and we'd have an away team! :) facebook.com/photo.php?fbid...

Chris Hadfield : I'm proud of being Canadian, but after yesterday's twitter conversation am starting to question wearing this red shirt. pic.twitter.com/9iss6g0P

George Takei : @Cmdr_Hadfield wrote: I'm fine with beaming down with the away team, as long as I don't have to wear the red shirt.

Wil Wheaton : @Cmdr_Hadfield If you get into trouble with Nanites while you're in orbit, I know a guy who can help you contain them. He has experience.

Chris Hadfield : @wilm Wesley, we've talked about you being on the bridge. I believe you're needed in Engineering. :)

Wil Wheaton : So... I just got a twitter message from an astronaut, who is currently in orbit. No big deal. #ACTUALLYAVERYBIGDEAL

Leonard Nimoy : @Cmdr_Hadfield. LLAP

Chris Hadfield : I am not Spock either, but living and working in this spaceship comes pretty close. Life mirrors art. LLAP, @therealNimoy.

Buzz Aldrin : @Cmdr_Hadfield @WilliamShatner Neil & I would've tweeted from the moon if we could have but I would prefer to tweet from Mars. Maybe by 2040

William Shatner : @TheRealBuzz And I would have lelighted to tweet you back. So we are 40 plus years too late but it's still a pleasure to Tweet with you.

Chris Hadfield : To recap for the newcomers, I've recorded music: soundcloud.com/chrishadfie..., taken pictures: facebook.com/media/set/?set... and tweeted Starfleet.
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