Hadfield tweets with Starfleet
On January 3, 2013, William Shatner, a Canadian actor best known for his role as Captain Kirk in the original Star trek series, opened up a hailing frequency to Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield when he asked via Twitter: "Are you tweeting from space? MBB."
Hadfield's response would engage a Starfleet and energize the Twitterverse. Captured in this gallery are Hadfield's exchanges with Star Trek alumni, as well as a cameo from one very well-respected, and very real, moon walker. Scroll through the images to see how it all unfolded.
- 1 : William Shatner
- 2 : Chris Hadfield
- 3 : Canadian Space Agency
- 4 : Chris Hadfield
- 5 : George Takei
- 6 : Chris Hadfield
- 7 : Chris Hadfield
- 8 : George Takei
- 9 : Wil Wheaton
- 10 : Chris Hadfield
- 11 : Wil Wheaton
- 12 : Leonard Nimoy
- 13 : Chris Hadfield
- 14 : Buzz Aldrin
- 15 : William Shatner
- 16 : Chris Hadfield

William Shatner : @Cmdr_Hadfield Are you tweeting from space? MBB

Chris Hadfield : Yes, Standard Orbit, Captain. And we're detecting signs of life on the surface.

Canadian Space Agency : @WilliamShatner @cmdr_hadfield Of course he is! And doing a great job at it!

Chris Hadfield : The last time @WilliamShatner and I met was in another dimension - 2D. (From @csa_asc contest - asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/missions/e... ...) pic.twitter.com/Y7tECNL7

George Takei : This actually happened

Chris Hadfield : With @GeorgeTakei posting about our space comms, all we need is @TheRealNimoy to beam in and we'd have an away team! :) facebook.com/photo.php?fbid...

Chris Hadfield : I'm proud of being Canadian, but after yesterday's twitter conversation am starting to question wearing this red shirt. pic.twitter.com/9iss6g0P

George Takei : @Cmdr_Hadfield wrote: I'm fine with beaming down with the away team, as long as I don't have to wear the red shirt.

Wil Wheaton : @Cmdr_Hadfield If you get into trouble with Nanites while you're in orbit, I know a guy who can help you contain them. He has experience.

Chris Hadfield : @wilm Wesley, we've talked about you being on the bridge. I believe you're needed in Engineering. :)

Wil Wheaton : So... I just got a twitter message from an astronaut, who is currently in orbit. No big deal. #ACTUALLYAVERYBIGDEAL

Leonard Nimoy : @Cmdr_Hadfield. LLAP

Chris Hadfield : I am not Spock either, but living and working in this spaceship comes pretty close. Life mirrors art. LLAP, @therealNimoy.

Buzz Aldrin : @Cmdr_Hadfield @WilliamShatner Neil & I would've tweeted from the moon if we could have but I would prefer to tweet from Mars. Maybe by 2040

William Shatner : @TheRealBuzz And I would have lelighted to tweet you back. So we are 40 plus years too late but it's still a pleasure to Tweet with you.

Chris Hadfield : To recap for the newcomers, I've recorded music: soundcloud.com/chrishadfie..., taken pictures: facebook.com/media/set/?set... and tweeted Starfleet.