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Radi-N2 and You

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) partnered with Let's Talk Science to engage students in a project with Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques during his mission.

About the activity

While David Saint-Jacques measured radiation levels aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the Radi-N2 experiment, classrooms across Canada did the same on Earth as part of the Radi-N2 and You project.

Students and educators:

Who can participate?

The project was open to all Canadian students and educators, but learning resources have been designed for curriculum alignment with Grades 9–12.

How to participate

The Radi-N2 and You project will not be available for the - school year.

For more information and other project ideas, please contact Let's Talk Science.


David Saint-Jacques explains radiation and presents the Radi-N2 and You project. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency.)

About Let's Talk Science

Let's Talk Science is a Canadian national organization with nearly 25 years of experience in developing programs and resources to foster youth engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The CSA and Let's Talk Science are also collaborating on the Living Space initiative.

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