Living Space

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is partnering with Let's Talk Science to bring David Saint-Jacques' mission into schools across Canada.
About the activity
Participating students will explore how environmental conditions influence mental and physical health, and identify the best conditions for healthy and effective living. This knowledge is important not only on Earth, but also on the International Space Station and someday maybe even on the Moon or Mars!
Students and educators across Canada will:
- Investigate environmental conditions, like temperature and air quality, in their classroom, and how these relate to health and well-being;
- Study some of the key environmental conditions that are carefully monitored and adjusted to keep astronauts physically and mentally healthy on the International Space Station;
- Collect data using programmed sensors and compare it with information from other participating classrooms as well as other locations – even the International Space Station during David Saint-Jacques' mission;
- Learn analytical thinking, as well as digital and coding skills!
David Saint-Jacques introduces the project to educators
David Saint-Jacques invites Canadian students to participate in educational project. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)
Who can participate?
The project is open to all Canadian students and educators, but the learning resources have been designed for curriculum alignment with Grades 6 to 12.
How to participate
Sign up for the Living Space email list to be notified when registration for the / school year becomes available.
You can read more about the project on Let's Talk Science's website to get a feel for the project.
For more information, contact Let's Talk Science.
About Let's Talk Science
Let's Talk Science is a Canadian national organization with nearly 25 years of experience in developing programs and resources to foster youth engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
The CSA and Let's Talk Science are also collaborating on the Radi-N2 and You initiative.