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Consulting Canadians on a framework for future space exploration activities

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is working with national and international partners to write the next chapter of space exploration—sending humans to more distant destinations like the Moon and Mars.

These daring missions and emerging space activities pose new challenges. Canada and other countries are working to define the "rules of the road," a shared framework that will guide the safe and sustainable use of space beyond Earth's orbit.

Canada will continue its leadership in space by pushing the boundaries of science and technology. Our future space exploration activities will increase our knowledge of our planet and universe and advance research and discoveries that lead to breakthrough science in areas that benefit people on Earth.

From to , Canadians were invited to share their vision for our future in space.

The consultation period closed on . An overview of the key themes of the responses received is compiled in What We Heard report: Consultation on a framework for future space exploration activities.

Artemis Accords

As part of NASA's Artemis campaign to land the next man and the first woman on the Moon, NASA introduced the Artemis Accords. The CSA has worked closely with NASA and other space agencies on the Artemis Accords, a set of principles designed to guide safe and sustainable exploration, science, and commercial activities in deep space, including on the Moon and other celestial bodies. The Accords align with existing obligations under the Outer Space Treaty.

In , Canada signed the Artemis Accords, an important first step towards establishing a framework for future space exploration activities, which complements our existing efforts in Moon exploration. Consultations with Canadians will help the Government further solidify this framework and shape the future of international space exploration.

"The Artemis Accords are an important achievement for safe and sustainable space exploration, but more work is needed to further solidify the framework for deep-space exploration activities, both nationally and internationally."

CSA President Lisa Campbell

The Government of Canada will continue working with international partners and within the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to further develop the international framework. Canada recognizes the exciting opportunities presented by emerging exploration, science, and commercial space activities. The Government of Canada also wanted to hear from you. Canadians were invited to share their ideas, experiences, and comments throughout a consultation process, from to .

Consulting with Canadians

From to , the Government of Canada sought views from industry, academia, non-governmental groups, and the general public to expand, refine, and solidify this framework to help ensure safe and sustainable space exploration for decades to come.

The consultation process was open to all Canadians; everyone was invited to share their perspectives. In particular, stakeholders with an interest in space exploration, space law, traditional mining, and/or space resource utilization were invited to provide their feedback.

Interested parties may include:

Canadians had until 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time) on , to submit their perspectives.

Consultation process

You may consult background information and frequently asked questions for details about the process.

An overview of the key themes of the responses received is compiled in What We Heard report: Consultation on a framework for future space exploration activities.

In partnership with Global Affairs Canada and Natural Resources Canada, the CSA held two webinars: one in English and one in French. A recording of the webinar and a list of frequently asked questions are now available.

Webinar event
Date Event Description Location

1:00 to 2:30 pm ET

A French version of this webinar took place on .

Consulting Canadians on a Framework for Future Space Exploration Activities: Guiding the Safe and Sustainable Use of Space Beyond Earth's Orbit

The CSA will provide context on the framework for future space exploration activities and more information on the consultation process. Online

Webinar video

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