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Corporate publications

Reports list
Thumbnail Title Description Date of
Accessibility Plan 2023-2025 Accessibility Plan 2023-2025

This three-year plan covers seven areas of focus and lays the groundwork for creating a more inclusive and accessible workplace.

State of the Canadian Space Sector State of the Canadian Space Sector

This report provides factual information and data about the Canadian space sector. It highlights the economic impact of Canadian organizations through revenues, workforce, contribution to gross domestic product, and research and development activities.

Image credit of the State of the Canadian Space Sector report

Canada's Space Sector Industry Snapshot 2023 Canada's Space Sector Industry Snapshot 

This snapshot, developed by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in collaboration with Space Canada, provides information about the space economy in Canada in .

Image credit of the Canada's Space Sector Industry Snapshot 2023

Global Exploration Roadmap Global Exploration Roadmap In the fourth edition of the Global Exploration Roadmap, the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) shares a common vision for space exploration through .
Benefits stemming from space exploration - 2nd edition Benefits stemming from space exploration In a recent report, the ISECG puts the spotlight on the benefits of space exploration.
Canada's Strategy for Satellite Earth Observation Canada's Strategy for Satellite Earth Observation This Strategy outlines the Government of Canada new vision for satellite Earth observation. Over the next decade and beyond, this document will guide our actions to realize the full benefits of space technology for a safer and more prosperous Canada.
Scientific Integrity Policy

Scientific Integrity Policy

The CSA working group on scientific integrity, in collaboration with the CSA Science Advisor to the President, and the CSA Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) Stewards, led the development of the CSA Scientific Integrity Policy, which was adapted from the Government of Canada Model policy on scientific integrity.
Report of the Advisory Council on Deep-Space Healthcare Report of the Advisory Council on Deep-Space Healthcare This report provides recommendations on a potential program in deep-space healthcare, and identifies potential partners that could help position Canada at the forefront of spaceflight and terrestrial healthcare innovation.
2021-2024 Open Science Action Plan - Open Science Action Plan The three-year plan demonstrates the significant opportunities for partnerships and collaboration between federal institutions, academia and industry to advance Open Science principles.
Our Commitment on Diversity and Inclusion Our commitment on diversity and inclusion The three-year plan sets out specific objectives to increase the representativeness of designated groups.
Socio-economic benefits of space utilization Socio-economic benefits of space utilization In 2018, the CSA commissioned Euroconsult, to complete a study on the Socio-Economic Benefits of Space Utilization. The study provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the socio-economic benefits of space-related activities such as imagery (Earth observation), satellite communications and satellite navigation.
Canadian Healthcare in Deep Space Canadian Healthcare in Deep Space This report provides an overview of the Canadian healthcare and biomedical capabilities and describes why Canada should consider a leadership role in healthcare for deep-space human spaceflight.
Canada's Space Policy Framework A New Space Strategy for Canada The Strategy describes how the Government will position Canada's space industry to take full advantage of the growing global space economy while ensuring that Canada keeps pace.
Patents in Space Patents in Space

This report highlights the vital role of small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of innovation in the Canadian space sector, where patents have become increasingly important. The highly innovative space sector generates products and services that benefit Canadians every day.

Global Exploration Roadmap Global Exploration Roadmap In the 2018 Global Exploration Roadmap, the ISECG shares its long-term vision of space exploration, including the development of a deep-space gateway in the lunar vicinity and future missions to the Moon and Mars.
Comprehensive Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of the Canadian Space Sector Comprehensive Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of the Canadian Space Sector In 2014-15, the CSA contracted with the firm Euroconsult, to complete a Comprehensive Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of the Canadian Space Sector. The study provides a detailed assessment of the global and Canadian space sectors, as well as the economic footprint and strategic and social value of Canadian space activities.
Canada's Space Policy Framework Canada's Space Policy Framework Canada's Space Policy Framework is focused on delivering results. Building on Canada's strengths and historic achievements, Canada's Space Policy Framework will lay the groundwork to inspire the next generation to pursue studies and careers in science and engineering. It will provide a comprehensive approach to Canada's future in space to ensure our continued commitment to exploration, commercialization and development.
50th Anniversary of Canada in Space 50th Anniversary of Canada in Space (PDF, 2.7 MB) Take a trip back in time to discover 50 outstanding facts about Canada's history in space. Delve into the work and achievements of passionate visionaries, scientists and engineers who pushed past the boundaries of knowledge to learn more about the Earth and the mysteries of the Universe.

Earth observation and satellites

Earth observation reports list
Thumbnail Sector Brochures Date of publication
The RADARSAT Constellation Program

RADARSAT Constellation Mission

The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Space Utilization Earth Observation


Space Utilization Earth Observation (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Space Applications Linked to Government Priorities / Departments
RADARSAT Systems: Satellite Characteristics


RADARSAT Systems: Satellite Characteristics (PDF, 1.3 MB)
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