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Book 2 – Corporate Reporting and Governance

Table of Contents

  1. Corporate Reporting and Governance

1. Corporate Reporting and Governance

1.1 Core Responsibility

The CSA coordinates the space policies and programs of the government of Canada; ensures that other government departments and agencies have access to space data, information, and services to deliver on their mandate; plans, directs and manages projects relating to scientific or industrial space research and the development of space science and technology; promotes the transfer and diffusion of space technology to and throughout the Canadian industry; and encourages the commercial exploitation of space capabilities, technology, facilities and systems. The CSA also aims to build Canada's capacity and engage the next generation of space scientists and engineers, and provide opportunities to inspire young people to develop the required skills and to pursue studies and careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

1.1.1 Departmental Results

Departmental Results Framework. Text version below:
Departmental Results - Text version
  • Departmental Results Framework
    • Core Responsibility: Canada in space
      • Departmental Result: Space research and development advances science and technology
        • Indicator: Business Expenditures in Research and Development in the space sector
        • Indicator: Canada's rank among OECD nations on the citation score of space-related publications
      • Departmental Result: Canadians engage with space
        • Indicator: Number of new people and organizations entering space related fields as a result of CSA funding
        • Indicator: Number of engagements on social media related to the CSA
      • Departmental Result: Space information and technologies improve the lives of Canadians
        • Indicator: Number of services offered to Canadians dependent on CSA information
        • Indicator: Number of Canadian space technologies adapted for use on earth or re-use in space
      • Departmental Result: Canada's investments in space benefit the Canadian economy
        • Indicator: Number of highly qualified people in the Canadian space sector
        • Indicator: Value of export of the Canadian space sector
    • Internal Services
  • Program Inventory
    • Program: Space Capacity Development
    • Program: Space Exploration
    • Program: Space Utilization

1.1.2 Program Inventory

The Program inventory description of the CSA's programs provides a high-level overview of their purpose for mandated public reporting purposes. Further information on the core work of each program and their major files and initiatives is found in Book 3 – Programs and Activities. Space Capacity Development

The Space Capacity Development Program (SCDP) carries out activities that range from pre-mission R&D to timely flight demonstration, with the aim of positioning the Canadian space sector for global opportunities. It offers an end-to-end approach - from idea to space - with activities that are targeted to increase space and market readiness for both science and technologies to be flight-ready for space missions whether they are commercial or government driven. It also develops the space workforce of tomorrow by supporting hands-on experience for post-secondary students and young professionals and by encouraging youth K-12 to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Space Exploration

This Program provides innovative technologies and qualified Canadian astronauts to enable scientific discoveries stemming from space exploration endeavours. It contributes to the Government of Canada's Innovation and Skills Plan and to a culture of innovative solutions for space astronomy, planetary science and human exploration. It inspires the Canadian population and contributes to nation-building and to a higher quality of life through technology spinoffs. It is also necessary to perform science investigations, to generate new knowledge about planetary science, space-based astronomy and the capacity of humans to live in space. The program is necessary to enable the associated technological advances to prepare for the challenges of space exploration. The Program supports all aspects related to scientific, engineering and medical studies. Missions conducted in the program include the development, assembly, operation, maintenance and utilization of space assets, either using spacecraft or human presence in space. It provides unique opportunities for Canada's academia and industry to participate in international space exploration initiatives and, through Canadian astronauts, it enables Canadians to recognize themselves as participants in inspiring space missions. Space Utilization

The Space Utilization Program ensures that Canada takes full advantage of the potential offered by space for the benefit of its citizens. It supports access to space data and space-enabled information and services for the Canadian public sector, industry and academic organizations in order to inform policy and decision making, connect Canada and Canadians, and understand the Earth.

Space-based solutions have large potential to assist the Government of Canada (GC) and overall public sector in the delivery of services within their mandates, which are related to key national priorities, such as climate change, sovereignty, safety and security, resource management, environmental monitoring and the North. It also provides the scientific community with the necessary input required to perform research in areas related to atmospheric sciences, Sun-Earth systems, and Solar-Terrestrial science. These solutions enable the growth and competitiveness of the Canadian industry while producing jobs for highly qualified personnel.

The Space Utilization program supports solutions in the following areas: Satellite Communications (SatCom), Satellite Navigation (SatNav), Earth Observation (EO) with EO covering the observation of the Earth surface, its atmosphere as well as the near-Earth environment, and the study of the Space Environment (which includes, for instance, Space Debris and Space Weather) to support the proper functioning of space-based infrastructure. Class Grant and Contribution Program overview

The CSA Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology (Class G&C Program) supports knowledge development and innovation in the CSA's priority areas while increasing the awareness and participation of Canadians in space-related disciplines and activities. The program has two components:

  1. Research and
  2. Awareness and Learning.

The Research Component aims to support the development of science and technology; foster the continual development of a critical mass of researchers and highly qualified people in Canada; and support information gathering and space-related studies and research pertaining to Canadian Space Agency priorities.

The Awareness and Learning Component aims to provide learning opportunities to Canadian students in various space-related disciplines; to support the operations of organizations dedicated to space research and education; and to increase awareness of Canadian space science and technology among Canadian students and their participation in related activities.

The Class G&C Program is an ongoing transfer payment program which enables the CSA to undertake a broad range of recurring and ad hoc G&C initiatives. These are managed by Program Sectors and supported by the CSA G&C Centre of Expertise (G&C CoE).

1.2 Governance

There are various executive level committees that compose the CSA Governance structure. There are both internal and external committees. Internal committees focus on strategic decision making to ensure that the Agency is working towards achieving its objectives, as set out in the Canadian Space Strategy. External committees ensure that the CSA and its partners are properly aligned, so that interdepartmental investments are developed and coordinated jointly and collaboratively.

1.2.1 Internal Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) is the official decision making body of the Agency. As such, it is responsible for the governance of programs and activities, as well as for the delegation of spending authority within the CSA. Under the provisions of its mandate, the EC is responsible for the overall management, monitoring, and control of CSA activities.


The EC is made up of the President, chair of the Committee, the Vice-Presidents, Chief Financial Officer/DG Corporate Services, Executive Director, Programs and Integrated Planning, Director General Space Exploration, Director General Space Utilization, Director General Space Science and Technology, the Executive Director, Communication and Public Affairs, Director General Policy, Executive Director Legal Services/General Counsel and the Chief of Staff. Other senior officials attend the Committee meetings as observers. Strategic Space Investment Board

The Strategic Investment Planning Framework, under development, will enable long-term strategic planning to optimize the utilization of the CSA's budget. The Framework's governance mechanism will be the Space Strategy Integration Board (SSIB), where senior executives meet quarterly to discuss and agree on priorities. The mandate of the SSIB will be to identify and prioritize investments, initiatives and ideas, as well as allocate financial resources accordingly. It will also analyze the progress of the CSA's future Strategic Plan, and will have the authority to make timely course correction to maximize the likelihood of achieving strategic objectives.


The SSIB will be chaired by the President. Members will include both Vice Presidents, the Director General of Space Exploration, the Director General of Space Utilization, the Director General of Space Science and Technology, the Director General of Policy, the Executive Director of Programs and Integrated Planning, the Executive Director of Communications, the Chief Financial Officer, the Scientific Advisor to the President and the Chief of Staff as members. The secretariat role will be held by the Director of the Strategic Integration Team, at least for the time being. Strategic Integration Team


The Strategic Integration Team (SIT) was created in for the implementation of a corporate management, planning and strategic integration function to support investment decision making by the Agency in line with the Canada's Space Strategy. The current mandate of the SIT is from , to . A decision will need to be made if the team is to be made permanent.

Strategic Priorities

A strategic retreat was held in June to approve the Strategic Priorities , the CSA Missions Portfolio , strategic investments and an update to the CSA Multi-year Financial Plan (Budgetary Review ).

A second retreat was to be held in early September to discuss the CSA's salary envelope for next ARLU and the high-level plan for the SIT for /, but was postponed given unforeseen events.

The results of the June retreat will be made available at a later briefing. Integrated Investment Review Board

The CSA's Integrated Investment Review Board (IIRB) is the central component for investment decisions. Its mandate is to provide the sound stewardship necessary to ensure that all of CSA's investments are made and monitored to achieve value for money and generate the expected program results. The IIRB also applies an integrated portfolio management approach and takes into consideration the full spectrum of proposed and existing investments in its investment selection, prioritization and decision-making. The members of the IIRB also provide oversight on investments throughout their life cycle, notably through a monthly review of corporate and investment risks, technical feasibility, internal capacity, added value of investments, and the needs of governmental, external and internal stakeholders.


The IIRB is chaired by the President, with the Vice-Presidents, the Chief Financial Officer/DG Corporate Services, the Executive Director of Programs and Integrated Planning, the Director General of Space Exploration, the Director General of Space Utilization, the Director General of Space Science and Technology, and the Director General of Policy as members. Other senior officials attend the Committee meetings as observers. Steering Committees

Program Investment Steering Committees (PISC) have been established to support and advise the Directors General and Executive Directors and provide strategic direction and policy guidance on investments. As such, they provide these executives with advice on sound management and inform decision-making. They are responsible for monitoring investments to determine the status and progress made in achieving expected outcomes and to ensure completion in time, budget and scope. PISCs are also the vehicles used to ensure that stakeholders have input into the overall management of investments. Issues are given due consideration at the appropriate level, so investments stay in line with Business Cases, and that the views of key stakeholders are consolidated into a common vision. It is the preferred entity to ensure that all horizontal aspects and stakeholders are integrated.


Membership is determined based on the nature of a specific investment. Usually, members are at the director level or equivalent. Project managers and business managers are participating members for their respective investments on the agenda. The minimum PISC membership to have a quorum includes: the Chair, the program advisor, the sponsoring director/manager, a representative from Finance, a representative from the Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO) and IM-IT. For space investments, the quorum should also include Policy and Safety and Mission Assurance. Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee

The Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee (PMEC) serves as an advisory body to the President. As outlined in the Directive on Results (), the PMEC's roles and responsibilities are, among others, to review and advise the deputy head on the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the Departmental Results Framework and Program Inventory with its related Performance Information Profiles and to review and advise the deputy head on departmental evaluation activities. The PMEC usually meets four times a year.


The PMEC is composed of 12 members, which are the same as the Executive Committee members. CSA Investment Governance and Management Framework and Organizational Project Management Capacity Assessment
Investment Governance and Management Framework

The CSA's Investment Governance and Monitoring Framework (IGMF) is the Agency‑wide directive for investment management and oversight. This directive is consistent with, and supports compliance to the various applicable Treasury Board policies and directives. In this case, the word Investment encompasses all funding mechanisms including projects, contracts, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), and grants and contributions (Gs&Cs)Footnote 1.

The purpose of this directive is to ensure that CSA investment managementFootnote 2 and oversight is disciplined by setting high‑level governance processes, requirements, as well as roles and responsibilities. It has the following objectives:

  1. Maximize investment performance and benefit realization;
  2. Align investments with the Canadian government priorities;
  3. Enable transparent decision-making and accountability at all levels;
  4. Maintain strong and exemplary project management capacity aligned with CSA's needs; and,
  5. Maintain delegated project authority through maintaining an Organizational Project Management Capacity Class of 3.
Organizational Project Management Capacity Assessment

TBS's Directive on the Management of Projects and Programmes aims to ensure that government projects and programmes are effectively planned, implemented, monitored and controlled, and closed to enable the realization of the expected benefits and results for Canadians. The Organizational Project Management Capacity Assessment (OPMCA) assesses the capacity of a department to successfully deliver a defined volume of work over a fixed period of time. It gives departments a score on a scale of 1 to 4. The CSA has been given an Organizational Project Management Capacity Class of 3. This means that it only has to complete a Project Complexity and Risk Assessment (PCRA) for a given project, when its value exceeds $10M. It can deliver these projects without a TB submission if the result of the PCRA is equal or lower than the OPMCA. The CSA has therefore the authority to deliver projects that have a PCRA score of 1, 2, and 3. There are less than ten federal departments and agencies that have an OPMCC of 3. TBS has not yet granted an OPMCC of 4 to a department. Delegation Authorities Summary
Financial Authority

The CSA's financial authorities are outlined in the delegation chart signed by the Minister of Industry Canada on . This chart is still valid despite the change of minister in . After the election, in , a new delegation chart was submitted to the Minister by the CSA and by all organizations in the portfolio. A briefing note explaining the details of the financial authorities will be submitted later.

Human Resources Authorities

The CSA President is granted human resources authorities under subsection 12(2) of the Canadian Space Agency Act. The President may delegate his or her human resources authorities under subsection 12(2) of the Financial Administration Act and delegate or sub-delegate certain appointment and staffing authorities under section 24 of the Public Service Employment Act.

The instrument of human resources authorities and the staffing sub‑delegation instrument currently in force are under review. A new instrument will be proposed to the President for approval.

1.2.2 External DG and ADM Interdepartmental Space Governance Committees

The CSA's Governance framework includes both internal and interdepartmental bodies. CSA-specific projects are carried out within its financial and project authorities as detailed above. Planning and investment governance for large civilian multi-department projects also involve decision-making or oversight of inter-departmental governance committees such as the Deputy Minister Governance Committee on Space (DMGCS), the Assistant Deputy Minister Space Program Integration Board (ADM-SPIB) and DG Space Committee (DGSpC). As CSA President, you and Simon Kennedy, Deputy Minister of ISED, serve as co-chair for the DMGCS. The Committee was created by Cabinet to advise the Minister of ISED, provide oversight, accountability and decision making for significant space-related projects involving multiple departments, including the Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM), as well as address issues and risks that could affect the success of those projects.

Further to the commencement of operations for RCM satellites in orbit (), the mandates of ADM-SPIB and DGSpC are being revised to include a forward planning role for future interdepartmental space initiatives of a civilian nature and consideration of policy/regulatory issues not entrusted by law to specific Ministers. Current planning efforts are focussed on future Space-Based Earth Observation (SBEO) initiatives. Policy/regulatory activities are yet to be defined but could include the framework for the launch of rockets on Canadian soil, consideration of emerging issues such as space debris and space tourism. The CSA's Policy Branch provides secretarial duties to the DG and ADM level Space Committee, and supports ISED in managing the DMGCS activities


The DGSpC and ADM-SPIB (soon to be renamed the ADM Space Committee (ADMSpC)) serve to inform, advise and provide recommendations as required, to the DMGCS. The ADM-SPIB is co-chaired by Mitch Davies (Sr ADM of the Industry Sector at ISED) and Mary Preville, as A/VP Space Program Policy. The DGSpC is normally co-chaired by Mary Preville, Director General, Policy Branch of the CSA; David Harper of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and a DG Space representative of National Defence (DND). In light of recent turnover within DND, we are reconsidering maintaining three co-chairs. DM Science Committee: Science Data Management Initiative

In , Science-based Department and Agencies (SBDAs) members of the Deputy Minister Science Committee identified a need for a common approach to science data management. A DM "Ad Hoc" Committee was subsequently formed under CSA (former) President Laporte's leadership, which set the grounds for proper science data management collaboration to support the Federal Data Strategy Roadmap and the Open Science Roadmap. This group of DMs agreed to develop overarching principles in science data management and to pursue two data management streams of initiatives:

  1. Deploying iterative prototype pilot projects to resolve actual science data management issues; and,
  2. Development of a strategic science data integration framework.

The first prototype project was determined in , it focuses on Northern Right Whale tracking data by means of integrating departmental datasets to support whale protection and management and is led by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) with involvement from over a dozen federal organizations. Due to the COVID-19, a working group has yet to be established to focus on developing a strategic federal framework for science data integration; it is anticipated that the working group and the identification of a second prototype project should resume in the Fall.


The Ad Hoc DM Committee is led by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and included members of the DMSC (Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), National Research Council (NRC), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Shared Services Canada (SSC) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)) and the Chief Science Advisor. Position, Navigation and Timing Board

The Canadian Position Navigation and Timing Board (PNTB) coordinates and manages federal inter-departmental issues and activities related to positioning, navigation and timing (PNT), e.g., Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The PNTB advises and makes recommendations in support of PNT related policy, security, social, economic, public safety, emergency preparedness and science interests. The PNTB is also the formal Canadian interface to US agencies/departments on GNSS, industry stakeholders and to the International Committee on GNSS. The PNTB was established in under a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) involving 7 sponsors, including the CSA. The PNTB reports to the interdepartmental ADM Space Program Integration Board (ADM SPIB). Issues do not usually reach the President's level.


CSA is a signatory sponsor to the 5-year MoU (-) that also includes: Department of National Defence, Defence Research Development Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Natural Resources Canada, Public Safety, Transport Canada. CSA's annual contribution is $60,000. Departmental Audit Committee

The key areas of responsibility that fall within the scope of concern of the Departmental Audit Committee are Values and ethics, Risk management and Management control framework.

The role of the Departmental Audit Committee is to independently provide objective advice and recommendations to the deputy head on the sufficiency, quality and results of internal audit engagements related to the adequacy and functioning of the department's frameworks and processes for risk management, control and governance.

The Departmental Audit Committee usually meets four times a year.


The Departmental Audit Committee is composed of four members including the deputy head. The external three members are jointly selected by the deputy head and the Comptroller General, and are approved by the Treasury Board. An external member chairs the Audit Committee.

The Chief Audit Executive, the CSA's vice-presidents and the Chief Financial Officer also attend Audit Committee meetings as non-members.

1.3 Internal Services

1.3.1 Overview and Responsibilities Programs and Integrated Planning

Programs and Integrated Planning (PIP) is responsible for leading and maintaining the overall governance, performance measurement, project management, safety and mission assurance and corporate reporting for the CSA. PIP plays two distinct roles in the pursuit of its mandate. Firstly, PIP plays a facilitating role to help the agency meet best practices and comply with project management, governance, as well as planning and performance measurement requirements (i.e., provision of expert advice, development and coordination of directives, templates, tools and training). Secondly, PIP also has a challenge function, providing independent advice directly to the President in the areas of performance measurement, project management and safety and mission assurance. In particular, it is responsible for ensuring the proper application of the Treasury Board Policy on Results and the Treasury Board Policy on the Planning and Management of Investments, the CSA's Investment Governance and Monitoring Framework, the agency-wide standard on project governance and the CSA's Directives and Projects for Safety and Mission Assurance. As a result, PIP is structured in three separate groups, that each have their area of expertise: the Governance and Performance team, the Enterprise Project Management Office and the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance. Head of Performance Measurement

Head of performance measurement (HoPM) is responsible for establishing, implementing and maintaining the Program Inventory and overseeing Performance Information Profiles. HoPM provides advice on performance measurement to Program managers and reports annually to the Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee on the availability, quality, utility and use of performance measurement data related to the Program Inventory and the Departmental Results Framework.

Under the HoPM is the Governance and Performance (G&P) team who is responsible for the Departmental Results Framework and for the update and coordination of its related performance indicators. G&P also provides leadership and guidance in the development and implementation of a wide range of planning and reporting documents. G&P is responsible, among others, for the production of the Departmental Plan, the Departmental Results Report and the Business Plan. G&P leads the CSA input into the Management Accountability Framework exercise in addition to preparing the Corporate Risk Profile and the Investment Plan. Finally, the G&P team provides the secretarial support for the Executive Committee and the Integrated Investment Review Board. Senior Designated Official, Project Management

As set out by TBS's Directive on the Management of Projects and Programmes the Senior Designated Official (SDO) for the management of projects and programmes is responsible for establishing, documenting, and maintaining a department-wide project and program management framework, consisting of processes, systems and controls, anchored in professional best practices. As stated in section of the present document, at the CSA, that Framework is the IGMF.

Under the SDO is the Enterprise Project Management Office which ensures that all projects are managed in accordance with the IGMF, develops tools to do so and provides advice on project management and governance to the rest of the Agency. Safety and Mission Assurance

The Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) function is a standard risk mitigation instrument for aerospace-related investments found in all major international space agencies (e.g. NASA, ESA, JAXA, etc.), which ensures that:

  • Human life, space products and services, Government of Canada and the environment are protected.
  • Products and services meet or exceed requirements for safety, performance and quality.
  • Applicable projects and investments achieve their intended outcomes.

The Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) provides independent advice and assessments to the CSA President through the Executive Director, Program and Integrated Planning, on aforementioned Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) matters. The CSA documents "Directive on the S&MA Program" and the "S&MA Practice" are applicable to all aerospace investments at CSA and are the high level policies which govern the S&MA function. The S&MA policies and practices are integrated with the IGMF to provide appropriate, consistent and predictable S&MA requirements and processes commensurate with a project risk. The S&MA organization provides professional technical expertise and disciplines to establish the S&MA requirements and standards in safety, and the mission assurance elements reliability, mechanical and electronic parts, materials and processes, quality and consultation to the project and executive management on the S&MA risks. Chief Results and Delivery Officer

The Chief Results and Delivery Officer (CRDO) has been appointed to be the key contact for the Results and Delivery Unit of the Privy Council Office. The CRDO plays an important role with regards to how results are measured, tracked and delivered, and upholds the goals of the Policy on Results by working with the Head of Performance Measurement to identify top departmental priorities in support of the government-wide Results Agenda. The CRDO also ensures that departmental structures are in place to enable achievement of these priorities. Furthermore, the CRDO encourages collaboration with other governmental departments and participates in the inter-departmental Chief Results and Delivery Officer committee (chaired by Privy Council Office). The position is currently held by the Vice President, Space Program Policy. The CRDO is supported by the Head of Evaluation and the Head of Performance Measurement. Finance
Accounting, Financial Policies and Financial System

The division's mandate is to ensure a range of accounting activities, such as accounts payable and receivable, internal audits, and the production of financial statements and other accountability reports. The Finance team is responsible for interpreting financial policies, such as the travel directive, hospitality expenses and financial authorities. Lastly, Finance maintains a reliable financial system for recording financial transactions.

Procurement, Contract Administration and Materiel Management

The mandate of the Procurement, Contract Administration and Materiel Management Service is to provide expertise, advice, support, guidance and to exercise oversight, review and reporting on procurement, contracting and materiel management activities for all of CSA. The procurement function also supports the activities of the IIRB. The materiel management function includes customs activities, shipping, receiving, warehousing and fleet management.

Planning and Financial Resources Management

Planning and Financial Resources Management consists of two groups: Departmental and Strategic Planning, and Financial Resource Management.

The Departmental and Strategic Planning group is in charge of:

  • Treasury Board Submissions
  • Project Costing, Risk and Cost Monitoring
  • Submission of CSA documents within Government expenditure Cycle (Annual Reference Level Update (ARLU), Main Estimates (ME), Supplementary Budgets)
  • Operating (OBCF) and Capital Budget Carry Forward (CBCF)
  • Consolidate budget reviews, reallocation, ad-hoc exercises, etc.
  • costing and support for investment governance

The Financial Resource Management group provides:

  • support to clients for exercises within Government expenditure Cycle (ARLU, ME, Supplementary Budgets)
  • support to clients for budget reviews, reallocation, ad-hoc exercises, etc.
  • Monthly Financial Management Reports (FMR)
  • Operating (OBCF) and Capital Budget Carry Forward (CBCF)
Grants and Contributions (G&C) Centre of Expertise

In line with other federal departments that use transfer payments to address government priorities and achieve results for Canadians, the CSA has a dedicated Centre of Expertise for grants and contributions (G&C CoE). The G&C CoE's mandate is to provide the CSA with transfer payment expertise, build the CSA's G&C framework and infrastructure, and finally liaise and collaborate with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) for all aspects related to G&C. The CoE also ensures that payment transfers are managed in compliance with the TBS Policy on Transfer Payments, the associated directive, and related policies. It offers advice, guidance and direction throughout the grants and contributions life cycle to all CSA sectors, performs oversight, and has a review and reporting function. The G&C CoE is also responsible for supporting the activities of the CSA G&C Steering Committee, the IIRB and other internal committees. Security and Facilities

The Security Services are located at the John H. Chapman Space Centre (JHCSC) and support the security operations of all three primary work locations of the CSA. The CSA adopted a new Departmental Security Policy (DSP) last fall, following the new Policy on Government Security (PGS), and addressing the eight security controls in the policy.

In addition to the more routine in-house security functions such as security screening, business continuity management and physical security, the Security Services also provide more specialized support for some of the Agency's high visibility programs with strategic considerations which involve frequent liaison and coordination with other Federal Departments, such as RCM for example. With the increased strategic implication of the security team, a revised workforce structure is being examined to provide both long term support for flagship projects as well meeting all PGS obligations.


The Facilities service is responsible for property management, at both the planning and operational levels. Its responsibility is to ensure that all infrastructure, assets and facilities are managed effectively and efficiently, in compliance with current building codes, occupational health and safety standards, and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development as set out in the Government of Canada's Greening Government commitments. The service's mandate is to support the management of day‑to‑day operations and the implementation of the Canadian Space Program in the CSA's various offices and facilities, whether as custodian or tenant. The service is divided between two sectors: Longueuil Property Management, responsible for the John H. Chapman Space Centre in Longueuil and the CSA offices in Gatineau, and the David Florida Laboratory sector, which focuses on the laboratory's real property operations. Human Resources

The Human Resources Directorate is responsible for supporting the organization and advising the Deputy Head, senior management and managers in the exercise of their people management responsibilities, in accordance with the principles of the Management Accountability Framework (MAF) and applicable laws, policies and regulations. At the CSA, the Directorate is currently organized into two sectors: Human Resources Policy and Programs (HRPP) and Human Resources Operations (HR OPS).

The HRPP sector encompasses four of the five main Human Resources programs: HR Planning, Staffing, Learning and Labour Relations, as well as several other related programs, including Compensation and Benefits, Performance and Talent Management, Employment Equity and Diversity, Occupational Health and Safety, Recognition, Administration of Foreign Service Directives, Values and Ethics, political activities, and Official Languages. The roles and responsibilities of this sector are to develop the CSA's HR management policies and programs and to provide expert and strategic advice to the CSA's senior management and its HR community.

The HR OPS sector is based on the model of providing HR management consulting services through HR generalist advisors assigned to various sectors of the organization. At CSA, the classification program (both at the functional and operational levels) also falls under the HR OPS sector as a centre of expertise. The roles and responsibilities of this sector are to provide generalist advisory services to managers in the organization's sectors, to coordinate HR modernization initiatives, and to provide functional and operational expertise in classification. Information Management – Information Technology

Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) supports effective and efficient management of information, data and infrastructure. Seven different groups contribute to this customer-centric sector that is a key enabler in the transformation of digital government operations and services.

  • Information Technology: ensures the development and integration of applications, the integration and maintenance of commercial applications, the management of all IT equipment and solutions, and a one-stop shop for employees requesting IT assistance.
  • Cyber Security: ensures that all information technologies meet high security standards to certify confidentiality, integrity, and availability of CSA's electronic data.
  • Records Management: Organizes and manages all forms of information, both electronic and paper, held by the CSA according to its life cycle and offers support for CSA's document management system Livelink (GcDocs).
  • Configuration Management Library: Ensures that the management of technical information of the Canadian Space Program projects and from contractors and international partners is carried out for effective and efficient decision making.
  • Larkin Kerwin Library : Provides professional and indispensable expertise in information retrieval with a unique collection and extensive access to reliable and credible sources of information.
  • Access to information, Privacy and Open Data: Ensures CSA's compliance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act and implementation of activities linked to the Government of Canada Open Government and Open Science engagements.
  • Data Expertise Centre: provides horizontal support across all sectors in delivering the CSA mission through the effective collection, use, storage and dissemination of data. The Centre enables users to convert data to information and information to actionable knowledge Audit and Evaluation

The internal audit function provides independent and objective assurance services designed to improve the CSA's operations. The scope of work of the internal audit function is to determine whether the department's network of risk management, control, and governance processes, as designed and implemented by management, is adequate and functioning.

The CSA's Compliance Attributes of Internal Audit and Audit Plan are available on the CSA's website entitled Performance results for the internal audit function – here

The evaluation function provides objective, timely and evidence-based findings and recommendations on the relevance and performance of direct program spending and ongoing grants and contributions.

The CSA's Departmental Evaluation Plan for - to - is available on the CSA's website. Senior Officer for disclosure of Wrongdoing

The Chief Executive, Audit and Evaluation has been assigned to be the CSA's Senior Officer under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA). Under the PSDPA, all CSA employees may disclose information on alleged wrongdoing to their immediate superior, their senior officer or the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner. Legal Services

Pursuant to the Department of Justice Act, the Departmental Legal Services Unit (DLSU) ensures that the CSA respects the laws in the administration of its public affairs and, more holistically, advises CSA on all the legal questions it receives. The Department of Justice has the exclusive mandate to provide legal advice to the CSA. The DLSU provides help and legal advice pertinent to all of CSA's activities:

  • Most notably in commercial, public and international law (for example: contracts, grants and contributions, official languages, access to information, international public and private law, space law).
  • The DLSU also works in close collaboration with Centres of expertise of Justice, such as Public Services and Procurement, Access to Information, Official Languages, but also with colleagues from other departments such as Global Affairs Canada.
  • The DLSU is also consulted concerning any other aspect, such as human resources management, the development of programs through Memorandum to Cabinet or Treasury Board Submissions, and legal risk management.
  • The DLSU drafts templates for contracts, loan agreements, non-disclosure agreements, etc.
  • The DLSU protects the Crown's interests in cases of disputes.
  • It gives advise and guidance on policies, programs, and internal guidelines.
  • The DLSU represents CSA in court.
  • It can also develop and offer training.

1.3.2 Major Files and Initiatives Public Service Employee Survey

Survey results are analysed each year and compared to those of the rest of the federal public service. Presentations on survey highlights are made to the Executive committee. The human resources branch analyses results by CSA sectors and demographic characteristics such as occupational groups and equity groups. In , four areas for improvement were identified by the executive committee :

  1. workload
  2. harassment and discrimination
  3. career progression and development
  4. organizational performance.

Globally, the CSA results are better than the Public Service average.

Survey results are also used to track progress in our people management practices, such as the Strategic Workforce Management Plan, the Employment Equity and Diversity Plan and the Organizational Health and Safety Plan. Mental Health & Wellness

The CSA's main objective in the area of mental health and wellness is defined in the context of the implementation of the Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy. The CSA therefore aims to continue its efforts to develop and maintain a healthy, safe and inclusive workplace where everyone is safe to express themselves. In this spirit, the CSA also aims to expand its partnerships and remove barriers to collaboration and joint development by bringing different perspectives together. The Mental Health and Wellness Program is a significant part of the CSA's Occupational Health and Safety Program that has been completely revised over the past three years and is part of the organization's priorities to ensure a healthy, safe and inclusive environment.


The objectives of the program, as well as the anticipated results and the proposed performance measures, are found in the - Health and Wellness Plan. This three‑year plan was developed in close collaboration with CSA Occupational Health and Safety Policy Committee members as well as members of local Occupational Health and Safety committees and the CSA's Mental Health and Wellness Volunteer Committee. The distinctive feature of the - program will be to emphasize the importance of appreciating the richness of diversity and fostering inclusion to ensure a healthy, safe and inclusive environment. The CSA has been very active in health and wellness for many years. The new - three-year program captures the organization's directions and objectives, while the various activities tailored to meet them are deployed in an ongoing and iterative manner to allow flexibility and promote agility to meet mental health and wellness needs in a timely and relevant manner. Ombudsman of Mental Health and Well-being

In , the CSA created an Ombudsman's Office for Mental Health and Wellness in the Workplace. This service aims to provide an independent, impartial and accessible space for all to speak in confidentiality and without fear of reprisal about issues impacting them and the workplace. The ombudsman's role is to listen to, support, and help employees navigate existing systems and resources. This initiative is also following the recommendations of the Clerk of the Privy Council in his report on safe workspaces. It also addresses issues identified in the Public Service Employee Survey (PSES). Employee Recognition

The CSA's Recognition Program includes a variety of activities to recognize, formally or informally, the significant contribution of employees to the delivery of the organization's mandate as well as their professional excellence. This helps to promote a stimulating work environment that fosters professional and personal growth. The CSA's Recognition Program is constantly evolving to remain relevant and responsive to feedback received, to reflect organizational priorities and values, and to ensure an appropriate balance between recognition of diverse contributions and recognition of excellence. A steering‑level committee was set up in spring  to review activities in light of certain emerging issues and to propose solutions in order to maintain the high level of employee ownership, commitment and pride.


Based on the proposed enhancements, an update of program activities will be integrated and communicated at the launch of the Award of Excellence in fall to ensure effective and contemporary change management with employees in order to ensure employee buy-in and meet organizational needs. Digital Transformation

The Government of Canada Digital Operations Strategic Plan (DOSP) establishes an integrated direction for departments on digital transformation, service delivery, security, IM and IT. It aims at ensuring that departments become open and service-oriented organizations that operate and deliver programs and services to people and businesses in simple, modern and effective ways.

To that end, CIOs responsibilities have recently been redefined so that they play a more strategic role within their organizations. These new responsibilities will guarantee that cybersecurity, data management and digital services take on growing importance.


The CSA is now implementing the - DOSP wish focuses on six outcomes and enablers:

  1. A service-oriented government with a user-centred approach that puts people and their needs in focus.
  2. An open, collaborative and accessible government that is accountable, shares accessible information and engages Canadians in policy development and service co-design.
  3. A digital-first and digitally enabled government that is available anytime, anywhere, through any service window.
  4. Modern technology and modern information practices, that is integrated and that embrace innovative and responsible use of new technologies, manage security and privacy, and is data-driven.
  5. A digitally enabled public service with the skills, the tools, the values and the mindset public servants need.
  6. A Good digital governance that ensures proper project oversight and strategic prioritization.

A new DOSP is expected this fall and should set priorities that are aligned with the directions of the new Minister of Digital Government and the new legislative and strategic requirements such as the new Policy on Service and Digital, Access to Information Act and Accessible Canada Act, involving additional accountability and requirements for institutions such as the CSA.

In -, IM-IT intends to implement the CSA digital strategy, set the foundation for a more digital-centric culture within the organization and also issue a CSA Cybersecurity Framework in order to properly support the DOSP and the transition to a situation where data is considered as a strategic asset.

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