Info Source
Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information
On this page
General Information
In this section
Introduction to Info Source
Info Source describes the programs and activities, and the information holdings related to programs and activities, of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act to facilitate the right of access. It also provides individuals, including current and former employees of the Government of Canada, with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.
An index of institutions that are subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act is available centrally.
The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.
Established in , the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is an independent federal agency responsible for managing all of Canada's civil space-related activities. The objects and functions of the CSA are set out in the Canadian Space Agency Act, S.C. , c. 13. The CSA was created from divisions of the former Ministry of State for Science and Technology (MOSST), the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), the Department of Communications (DOC) and Energy Mines and Resources (EMR). The CSA reports to Parliament through the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic development Canada.
More information about CSA's history can be found on the web site.
The mandate of the Canadian Space Agency is to promote the peaceful use and development of space, to advance the knowledge of space through science and to ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for Canadians. The CSA is achieving this mandate in collaboration with Canadian industry, academia, Government of Canada (GoC) organizations, and other international space agencies or organizations. Such partnering maximizes the economic, scientific, and technological benefits and enhances synergies between institutions across the country and with other nations. The founding legislation voted in attributed four main functions to the CSA: Assisting the Minister in the coordination of the space policies and programs; Planning and implementing programs and projects related to scientific or industrial space research and development, and application of space technology; Promoting the transfer and diffusion of space technology to and throughout Canadian industry; and, Encouraging commercial exploitation of space capabilities, technology, facilities and systems.
The CSA's Space Strategy for Canada highlights the role that science and research play in our space pursuits. Canada's space scientists are world-renowned and experts in many disciplines, including astronomy, atmospheric, Earth systems, planetary, solar-terrestrial, and space life sciences. Canadian scientists are helping further humanity's understanding of the causes of climate change, the effects of pollution on our environment, and the origins of the universe. Canada's participation in national and international missions has afforded our space scientists the chance to share in discovery opportunities and to deepen our understanding of our world and our universe.
Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities
In this section
- Canada in Space
- Space Capacity Development
- Outreach
- Space Utilization Program
- Space Data, Imagery and Services Utilization Development
- Space Exploration Program
- Maintaining Qualified Canadian Astronaut Corps
- Supporting Scientific Research
- Instruments and Infrastructure
- Space Exploration Planning
- Internal Services
Canada in Space
The Canadian Space Agency coordinates the space policies and programs of the government of Canada; ensures that other government departments and agencies have access to space data, information, and services to deliver on their mandate; plans, directs and manages projects relating to scientific or industrial space research and the development of space science and technology; promotes the transfer and diffusion of space technology to and throughout the Canadian industry; and encourages the commercial exploitation of the space capabilities, technology, facilities and systems. The Canadian Space Agency also aims to build Canada's capacity and engage the next generation of space scientists and engineers and provide opportunities to inspire young people to develop the required skills and to pursue studies and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Space Capacity Development
The Space Capacity Development Program carries out activities that range from pre-mission research and development to timely flight demonstrations, with the aim of positioning the Canadian space sector for global opportunities. It offers an end-to-end approach—from idea to space—with activities that are targeted to increase space and market readiness for both science and technologies to be flight-ready for space missions whether they are commercial or government driven. It also develops the space workforce of tomorrow by encouraging youth K-12 to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, supporting hands-on experience for post-secondary students and early-career professionals, with a focus on diversity and inclusion at all levels.
Youth Learning
Description: This program describes records designed to encourage young Canadians to pursue learning and careers in STEM-related fields, which are critical areas for an innovation economy. More specifically, records relate to promotional activities to inspire Canadian youth (K-12) with space-related content and activities to sustain their interest and engagement in STEM fields and positions the CSA as a partner for stakeholders (in industry, academia and non-profit organizations) working to promote youth engagement in STEM-related studies and careers. Activities are implemented through a partnership model that fosters participation and involvement of underrepresented groups, including girls, Indigenous, youth from socio-economically disadvantaged communities, and members from visible minorities.
Document Types: Correspondence, marketing plans, presentations, procedures and reports, applications, briefing materials.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SCD 105
Science, Technology and Expertise Development in Academia (STEDiA)
Description: Records relate to the CSA supporting colleges and universities in contributing to the growth of the Canadian space sector and its capacity to capture global opportunities by developing space science, technology and the expertise that will be required in the future for both commercial and government-driven space missions. Records relate to CSA activities designed to ensure the development of innovative space science and technologies and attract post-secondary students and early-career professionals in space-STEM-related fields. In support of this initiative, the CSA, retains lists of researchers and technical experts in Canada, supports industry-academia collaborations, and encourages new science and technology ideas to mature into the innovations of tomorrow. This initiative supports, mainly with grants, Canadian post-secondary institution research projects that offer hands-on experience in space-like missions to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as early-career professionals. It also supports student participation in several events, such as conferences and training opportunities provided by other space agencies, and national and international organizations. All activities supported under this initiative promote diversity and inclusion, by putting in place measures to encourage the participation of students and early-career professionals from all over the country and from underrepresented groups, such as Indigenous students and women.
Document Types: grants, applications, correspondence, contracts, presentations, briefing materials, research materials, conference materials, procedures, attendance lists.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SCD 110
Space Technology Development
Description: Records relate to the CSA objective to support innovation for the growth of the Canadian space sector, and to reduce technological unknowns of future space missions, while developing the expertise required for the future. This initiate supports industry through contracts and contribution agreements to entities that are selected based on their capacity to advance the development of specific space technologies. Contracts are issued to Canadian organizations, mainly industry, for the development of technologies to support the needs of the Canadian Space Program, while contributions are issued to Canadian organizations to support the development of innovative technologies with commercial potential, and know-how.
Document Types: contracts, contribution agreements, applications for funding, correspondence, project evaluations, progress reports, technical reports, invoices.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SCD 115
Application Development
Description: Records relate to the CSA objective of helping Canadian industry develop novel applications (products and services) using space-based data and information. Contribution agreements issued through this initiative provide financial support that helps the Canadian downstream industry have access to and take full advantage of space-based data and information, in order to develop novel applications or improve existing applications and as such, position themselves in the Canadian and global market. This initiative includes information related to the Enabler track of the smartEarth Initiative.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, briefing materials, concept documents, contracts, correspondence, description documents, grants and contributions documents, procedures, project approval documents, presentations, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SCD 120
Capability Demonstration/Small Innovative Missions
Description: Records relate to the CSA objective to provide industry and academia with frequent and responsive opportunities to test and fly new technologies, scientific experiments and operational approaches on various pre-space and space platforms to gain flight heritage and develop the expertise required to position the Canadian space sector for global opportunities. Includes information about the CSA objectives to continue to explore space for the benefit of Canadians and humankind, to sustain and grow the Canadian space industry, and to capture emerging space opportunities and markets. This initiative includes information about emerging space sciences, technologies and services, through science and technology development and innovation.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, briefing materials, concept documents, contracts, correspondence, description documents, grants and contributions documents, procedures, project approval documents, presentations proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SCD 125
Canada-European Space Agency (ESA) Cooperation
Description: Records relate to the CSA objective to facilitate access to the European and global market for the Canadian space industry, particularly through the European Space Agency (ESA) – Canada contribution agreement. Records include information about the Canadian organizations that are allowed to bid on tenders for ESA contracts related to programs and activities in which Canada participates. This includes activities that enable space qualification or flight opportunities for third party technologies and products. Records may also relate to cooperation in satellite communications, Earth observation, space exploration, navigation and technology development.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, briefing materials, concept documents, contracts, correspondence, description documents, grants and contributions documents, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, prototypes, reports, science data, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SCD 130
Provision of Expertise and Facilities
Description: This program activity describes CSA initiatives related to specialized support to the space sector; supports initiatives led by third parties, such as colleges, universities, other federal departments, or industry. Records related to this activity may also include scientific investigations to resolve spacecraft anomalies or insight related to unplanned technical issues. Records include documentation related to Canada's representation on international space committees; presentations at conferences; and includes information about professional development opportunities for post-secondary students and early-career professionals. The Space Capacity Development Program holds information with respect to spacecraft system qualification activities for both space-related and terrestrial applications. The information is related to the assembly, integration and testing services that were provided by the David Florida Laboratory.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, briefing materials, concept documents, contracts, correspondence, description documents, grants and contributions documents, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, science data, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SCD 135
Space Expertise and Proficiency – Development and Enhancement
Description: Information about the development and enhancement of Canada's space capacity through people. Files on the support to research in private or public organizations and on learning activities. Information on the support to graduate university students and working professionals for missions that allow frequent flight opportunities and through the upgrade of world-class space research and training facilities.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, concept documents, contracts, correspondence, description documents, grants and contributions documents, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA FCS 015
Grants and Contributions – Awareness & Learning (A&L) Component
Description: This bank describes information about the A&L Component of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Class Grant and Contribution (G&C) Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology. Contains information about organizations and/or individuals who apply for a grant, individuals who are sponsored by an organization who applied for a grant or a contribution or individuals involved (as leader or collaborator) in projects for which an organization applies to CSA for grant or contribution funding. The Bank also contains information on committee membership and the names, affiliation and disciplines of individuals appointed. The personal information received under the A&L component of the G&C Program may include name, contact information, financial information, official language, views and opinions of or about individuals, affiliation and disciplines of individuals appointed to review the projects submitted, biographical information, citizenship status, educational information, signature and other personal information. The A&L Component of the G&C Program provides financial support to individuals and organizations involved in initiatives targeting Canadian youth, students, physicians and educators focusing on increasing their awareness, knowledge, development and participation in space-related disciplines/activities, and advanced educational programs. This component is comprised of two key elements: Space Awareness and Space Learning. Eligible recipients will include Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, Canadian elementary, secondary and postsecondary institutions, not-for-profit organizations established- and operating in Canada, and international organizations dedicated to space relevant education.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the program title: Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Class Grant and Contribution (G&C) Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology.
Class of Individuals: Individuals, leader or collaborators of the projects financially supported could be, but is not limited to, students, medical students or residents, teachers, supervisors, academic or industrial researchers, experts, engineers or technicians.
Purpose: Personal information is used to assess requests for funding and to administer the Grants and Contributions Program (including the assessment of individuals to be members of the Review Committee). Selected information is also disclosed on the Canadian Space Agency's website in accordance with the federal government's Proactive Disclosure practices. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canadian Space Agency Act.
Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with a Grants and Contributions Review Committee, comprised of academic, private sector, organizations or international experts, for assessment purposes and/or evaluation of the applicant's file for selection. There may be different review committees for different initiatives. The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: reporting to senior management evaluation, and performance measurement. Selected Information on funding recipients may be disclosed in the Public Accounts of Canada and to the Canada Revenue Agency (Information Returns (Infodec), CRA PPU 150) and to the province of Quebec (if applicable) for income tax purposes. Information related to selected applicants could be shared with NASA and/or with the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). Selected information (e.g. name of successful candidates and the title of the research undertaken during the program) is published on the Canadian Space Agency's Internet website. The SIN and other information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and the Province of Quebec (where applicable) and is used for data matching purposes, including income verification - refer to CRA's institution-specific personal information bank Information.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Information about Review Committee Members is retained for as long as members are active and then is destroyed. Information about unsuccessful proposals and/or applicants is retained for five years for evaluation purposes and then is destroyed. Information about successful projects and/or applicants is retained for five years and then is archived for historical purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/003
Related Class of Record Number: CSA FCS 015; FCS 030; SDI 040
TBS Registration: 20110508
Bank Number: CSA PPU 040
Grants and Contributions – Research Component
Description: This bank describes information about the Research Component of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Class Grant and Contribution (G&C) Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology. It contains information about individuals involved (as leader or collaborator) in projects for which an organization applies to CSA for grant or contribution funding and also about organizations. The Banks also contain information on committee membership and the names, affiliation and disciplines of individuals appointed. The personal information received under the G&C Program may include name, contact information, financial information, official language, views and opinions of or about individuals, affiliation and disciplines of individuals appointed to review the projects submitted, biographical information, citizenship status, educational information and signature. The Research Component of the G&C Program provides financial support to academia and organizations to conduct space-related research and development in priority areas. It will support targeted knowledge development and innovation to sustain and enhance the Canadian capacity to use space to address national needs and priorities in the future. Eligible recipients will include Canadian universities and post-secondary institutions, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations established and operating in Canada, and not-for-profit international research organizations or a cluster formed by a combination of the above.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the program title: Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Class Grant and Contribution (G&C) Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology.
Class of Individuals: Individuals, leader or collaborators of the projects financially supported could be, but are not limited to, academic or industrial researchers, experts, engineers or technicians.
Purpose: Personal information is used to assess requests for funding and to administer the Grants and Contributions Program (including the assessment of individuals to be members of the Review Committee). Selected information is also disclosed on the Canadian Space Agency's website in accordance with the federal government's Proactive Disclosure practices. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canadian Space Agency Act.
Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with a Grants and Contributions Review Committee, comprised of academic, private sector, organizations or international experts, for assessment purposes. There may be different review committee for different initiatives. The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: reporting to senior management evaluation, and performance measurement. Selected Information on funding recipients may be disclosed in the Public Accounts of Canada and to the Canada Revenue Agency (Information Returns (Infodec), CRA PPU 150) and to the province of Quebec (if applicable) for income tax purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Information about Review Committee Members is retained for as long as members are active and then is destroyed. Information about unsuccessful proposals is retained for five years for evaluation purposes and then is destroyed. Information about successful projects is retained for five years and then is archived for historical purposes.
RDA Number: 2002/003
Related Class of Record Number: CSA FCS 015; FCS 030; SDI 040; SEC 005; SEC 025
TBS Registration: 20110509
Bank Number: CSA PPU 045
This activity involves outreach related to public engagement and is generally focused on advancing knowledge of the space sector.
Engagement, Outreach and Educational Activities
Description: Includes records related to the management of the CSA's educational and outreach activities related to the science, technology, engineering and math mandate. Engagement includes functions such as recruitment for participation in contests advancing the knowledge of space science in the general public; outreach includes functions such as communications to the educational community to provide information, activities and tools for their use; and educational activities includes a series of initiatives including contests, camps, awards and access to general educational tools for use with kids interested in the science of space.
Document Types: Media analyses and media lines, communications plans, announcements, communiqués, newsletters, news releases, backgrounders, fact sheets, contest terms and conditions, Qs and As for parents of children involved in educational activities, speeches, speaking notes, briefing notes, calendar of planned events, news-clippings, biographies, protocols, PowerPoint presentations, mailing and distribution lists, toolkits, guidelines, standards and procedures, notices, pamphlets, crisis and emergency communications plans and policies, brochures, print and electronic publishing documentation, website content, and copies of institutional publications in all formats.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA EOE 060
Engagement, Outreach, and Educational Activities
Description: This bank describes information collected in order to deliver education and outreach activities targeted to youth to inspire skills development, studies and careers in science, technology, engineering and math. The personal information may include name, contact information, date of birth, citizenship status, education, medical information (limited to accommodation requirements for special needs), language, personal correspondence and signature.
Note: Personal information collected by CSA for engagement, outreach and education activities may be stored in various databases. Individuals requesting information described in this bank must provide the name of the event to which they applied to, and the date of their application. This activity is delivered under the name Junior Astronaut Program but the CSA may, from time to time, launch engagement, outreach, and other educational initiatives. This includes camps, workshops, and other youth orientation programs.
Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to individuals who have applied for a CSA sponsored engagement, outreach or education activity, and/or their legal guardian or chaperone and emergency contact.
Purpose: Information described in this bank is used to determine an applicant's eligibility for a CSA sponsored engagement, outreach or education activity, and to administer camps, workshops and other youth orientation programs at the CSA. Information about legal guardians and emergency contacts will be used to contact those individuals in the case of an emergency. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Canadian Space Agency Act.
Consistent Uses: Personal information from applications will not be shared outside the CSA, except as provided for under subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act. Applicant and registrant information may be used internally by the CSA for program management purposes, and for purposes of program research, planning and evaluation. The information may also be used for policy purposes and for internal audits. Where required, medical information about activity participants may be shared with activity delivery partners such as the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services as well as medical professionals. Name and contact information of guardians or participants may be shared, with a registrant's express consent, with the Prime Minister's Office and/or respective Members of Parliament, for the purpose of facilitating the drafting and distribution of congratulatory letters.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information described in this bank is retained as follows: 2 years for successful applicants and their legal guardians or emergency contacts, following the date of program registration; 2 years for unsuccessful applicants and their legal guardians or emergency contacts, following the submission of an application for a CSA-sponsored activity. Records are retained in the format in which they were received during the application process. Following the application process, records may be digitalized and retained only electronically. At the end of the retention period all applications are securely destroyed. Electronic records of enduring historical or business value may be transferred to the Library and Archives of Canada.
RDA Number: 2002/003
Related Record Number: CSA EOE 060
TBS Registration: 20230042
Bank Number: CSA PPU 060
Space Innovation and Market Access - Development
Description: Information on leading-edge technology and facilities and on international arrangements to improve Canadian industrial competitiveness. Information on the fostering of entrepreneurship that enhances Canadian industry's international positioning on commercial and government markets.
Document Types: Agendas, agreements, contracts, correspondence, deliverables, grants or contributions documents, minutes, presentations, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations and reports.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA FCS 030
Space Utilization Program
The Space Utilization Program leverages earth observation and other near Earth activities to ensure that Canada takes full advantage of the potential offered by space for the benefit of its citizens. The CSA supports the collection of and access to space data and space-enabled information and services by the Canadian public sector, industry and academic organizations. In turn, the data and information is used to inform policy and decision-making; connect Canada and Canadians; and, better understand Earth. SUP also provides the scientific community with the necessary input required to perform research in areas related to the Sun-Earth System.
Space-based solutions have large potential to assist the Government of Canada and overall public sector in the delivery of services related to key national priorities such as climate change; sovereignty; safety and security; resource management; environmental monitoring; and, the North. Moreover, these solutions enable the growth and competitiveness of the Canadian space sector while creating and sustaining jobs for highly qualified personnel.
Solutions could be provided in the area of Satellite Communications (SatCom), Satellite Navigation (SatNav), Earth Observation (EO) with EO covering the observation of the Earth's surface, its atmosphere as well as the near-Earth environment, and the study of the Space Environment (which includes, for instance, Space Debris and Space Weather) to support the proper functioning of space-based infrastructure. Activities include (parts of) the complete end-to-end data value-chain from space and ground infrastructure development, launch and operations, and through down-stream service provision to the end-user (including support for the development of applications).
Satellite Communications (SatCom)
Description: Records are related to the CSA objective to promote advances in science, technology and applications related to satellite communications to promote industry stakeholders to grow (revenue, partnerships, number of employees, market shares, etc.) and generate new investments in R&D, resulting in a stronger space sector and benefits to the Canadian economy. The utilization of spatial data/signals provides opportunities to the academic sector to advance knowledge of Earth and its space environment (OC6) allowing Canada to demonstrate its leadership as a space-faring nation. Data/signal utilization also enable the government to be a driving force in the utilization of space data, using it to improved lives of Canadians with services. Files include information the Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) of Canadian satellites or of foreign satellites when such services are required from Canadian stations. The operations of Canadian Space Agency (CSA) satellites are mostly conducted with CSA equipment located in its ground facilities. This initiative includes information regarding the development of the utilization of space communications, including Navigation, Positioning and Timing (NPT) services available through Canadian and foreign satellites.
Document Types: Agendas, agreements, announcements of opportunity, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, minutes, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, space data, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Format: Space data is in the form of imagery
Record Number: CSA SU 050
Satellite Navigation (SatNav)
Description: Records related to satellite navigation, specific to advances in science, technology and applications related to satellite navigation to promote industry stakeholders to grow (revenue, partnerships, number of employees, market shares, etc.) and generate new investments in R&D, resulting in a stronger space sector and benefits to the Canadian economy. The utilization of spatial data/signals provides opportunities to the academic sector to advance knowledge of Earth and its space environment (OC6) allowing Canada to demonstrate its leadership as a space-faring nation. Data/signal utilization also enable the government to be a driving force in the utilization of space data, using it to improved lives of Canadians with services. Files on the Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) of Canadian satellites or of foreign satellites when such services are required from Canadian stations. The operations of Canadian Space Agency (CSA) satellites are mostly conducted with CSA equipment located in its ground facilities. In some instances, formal arrangements can be concluded between CSA, Canadian industry, Other Government Departments (OGDs) or international partners to operate one party's satellites using another party's equipment. Those arrangements can also provide for the location of one party's equipment in another party's facilities. Information regarding the development of the utilization and the validation of the quality of Canadian and foreign space-based scientific data and derived information that address science questions, such as those related to our understanding of the Earth's climate system and magnetic field (magnetosphere).
Document Types: Agendas, agreements, announcements of opportunity, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, minutes, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, space data, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Format: Space data is in the form of imagery
Record Number: CSA SU 055
Earth Observation
Description: Records relate to information on the definition, design, technology development, implementation and operational use of Earth orbit satellites dedicated to producing data, information or imagery of Earth and its atmosphere, ranging from its sub-surface to its upper atmospheric layers, including space surveillance for asteroids, Earth orbiting objects and space debris. Records relate to the CSA objective to support a unified approach to sustainable development within the Government of Canada and shows Canadians how the strategy's targets, milestones and actions contribute to the Canada's international objectives, particularly the objective of collecting, monitoring and disseminating space-based data and information to protect the environment through its numerous partnerships in the field of Earth observation. Agreements in R&D allows the CSA to support projects with a diversified workforce that will advance sciences, technologies and applications. Initiative planning and development gives the Canadian space sector the opportunity to demonstrate its know-how through its participation in flying missions from here and abroad. Once missions are operational, space data/signals are made accessible and usable by the public, private and academic sectors. Records relate to funding to support federal ocean science and monitoring programs. Information regarding the development of the utilization of Earth observation imagery and atmospheric data acquired from Canadian and foreign space assets, ranging from its sub-surface to its upper atmospheric layers. This also applies to weather and climate imagery.
Document Types: Agendas, agreements, announcements of opportunity, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, minutes, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SU 060
Participation in International Forums
Description: Records relate to the CSA's objective to enhance Canada's international impact by improving the coordination between federal departments in support of international forums, in particular with the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), the Group on Earth Observation (GEO), and the Remote Sensing community. SUP's scientific and satellite missions contribute to the achievement of the UN SDGs in multiple ways. SEO missions such as SCISAT, SWOT, WildFireSat, OSIRIS on Odin and projects under the smartEarth initiative will strengthen resiliency and adaptability to climate-related hazards and natural disasters (SDG 13.1). While RCM's Earth observation data will help to ensure sustainable food production systems and strengthen capacity for adapting to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding, and other disasters (SDG 2.4). Furthermore, through its bilateral and multilateral engagements, SUP enhances international cooperation and knowledge sharing in science, technology, and innovation domains).
Document Types: Agendas, agreements, announcements of opportunity, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, minutes, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SU 065
Space Data, Imagery and Services Utilization Development
Develops the utilization of space-based data, imagery and information, and of communications services available on space assets for the benefit of the user community, primarily Other Government Departments (OGDs) and academia.
Space Data, Imagery and Services Utilization Development – Space Assets
Description: Information regarding the development of the utilization of space-based data, imagery and information, and of communications services available on space assets for the benefit of the user community, primarily Other Government Departments (OGDs) and academia.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, grants or contributions documents, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, space data, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Format: Space data is in the form of imagery
Record Number: CSA SDI 040
Space Exploration Program
The Space Exploration Program (SEP) enables Canada's participation in space exploration missions for the benefit of Canadians. The program focuses on three types of exploration missions which include space astronomy, planetary exploration and human spaceflight. Space astronomy involves the development, operations and use of space telescopes to study the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere. Planetary exploration involves the development and operation of uncrewed remote systems such as surface vehicles and orbiters to perform scientific observations of distant planetary bodies and to collect and return samples to Earth. Human spaceflight involves the assembly, operation, maintenance and utilization of crewed spacecrafts, including transport vehicles, orbital destinations and surface outposts, to low Earth orbit, the Moon and beyond.
The program enables Canada's participation in space exploration missions through the following activities: maintaining a qualified Canadian astronaut corps; supporting scientific research and technology development related to space astronomy, planetary sciences, health and life sciences, and exploration-enabling technologies; developing and operating space infrastructure and instruments; fostering international and cross-sectoral collaboration to leverage the capabilities of other space actors to enable missions; and planning and preparing for future space exploration missions. These outputs are achieved primarily through financial support, including contracts, grants and contributions.
Maintaining Qualified Canadian Astronaut Corps
Human Space Missions and Support – Canadian Astronauts
Description: Files on all activities required to recruit, develop, train and maintain a healthy and highly qualified Canadian astronaut corps capable of participating in space exploration missions. Files on activities aimed at mitigating health risks associated with those missions, such as developing advanced technologies to support human space missions.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, grants or contributions documents, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 025
Recruitment of Astronauts
Description: This bank describes personal information that is required for the administration of the Canadian Space Agency astronaut recruitment campaigns. Personal information may include name, address, contact information, biographical information, medical information, academic information, and information related to test and evaluation results.
Class of Individuals: Astronauts candidates and Canadian astronauts
Purpose: Personal information is collected under the Canadian Space Agency Act and its sections 16. (2), (3) and (4), which constitute the legal basis that enables the Agency to undertake this recruitment campaign.
Consistent Uses: Information may be used or disclosed for safety, communication and Canadian astronaut selection purposes. Personal information may also be shared with the Department of National Defence (DND PPE 810 and DND PPE 811) and the Public Service Commission (CFP PCU 025).
Retention and Disposal Standards: Documents will be retained for two years following the last administrative modification.
RDA Number: 2017/003
Related Record Number: CSA SEC 025, CSA SEC 030
TBS Registration: 20170148
Bank Number: CSA PPU 040
Astronaut Training and Missions
Description: Files on the activities associated with all phases of an astronaut career from recruitment to retirement, including space missions. Files on the management of National Astronaut Recruitment Campaigns; the implementation of individualized astronaut career management plan; the implementation of basic, advanced and mission-specific training; collateral duties assignment; space mission negotiations and assignment; as well as all the logistical, administrative and operational support activities in the pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight periods.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Record Number: CSA SEC 030
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Biographies of Canadian Astronauts
Description: This bank describes information that is about individuals that are Canada's astronauts or former astronauts. The personal information may include name, biographical information, date of birth, educational information and place of birth.
Class of Individuals: Canadian Astronauts, past and present, as well as their family members.
Purpose: Personal information is used for public communications.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: Archival. This information is shared with the public with the consent of the astronauts. The information is published on the Internet.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for 1 year after they are no longer accurate or they are modified and then, records are transferred to the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) as archival records.
RDA Number: 2002/003
Related Record Number: CSA SEC 030
TBS Registration: 20090967
Bank Number: CSA PPU 035
Registration to Attend Space Missions Launches
Description: This bank describes information about individuals invited to attend the launch of a space mission. The personal information may include citizenship status, contact information, date of birth, name, place of birth and other information contained in passport; occupation and affiliation (employer). If United States (US) permanent resident, resident card number and expiry date. If US visa holder: number, expiry date and type of visa. Type of accommodation required if handicapped.
Class of Individuals: Guests for the space missions launches.
Purpose: The personal information is used to obtain the necessary authorizations from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), US, to allow guests to attend the launch of space mission. All the information requested in the application form is transmitted to NASA. They will then be kept and handled at NASA's discretion. A notice to this effect is available in the terms and conditions section of the form.
Consistent Uses: There are no consistent uses.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will be retained for 2 years after the mission launch it concerned and then will be destroyed.
RDA Number: 2002/003
Related Record Number: CSA SEC 030
TBS Registration: 20090965
Bank Number: CSA PPU 020
Operational Space Medicine
Description: Files on the delivery of operational and clinical healthcare activities during all phases of basic, advanced and mission-specific training as well as during the pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight periods.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 040
Supporting Scientific Research
Space Astronomy, Planetary Science and Health and Life Sciences
Description: Records on scientific research and development activities funded by the space exploration program to advance Canadian science priorities in space astronomy, planetary science and space health and life sciences.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, concept documents, correspondence, grants or contributions documents, procedures, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 005
Interviews with Scientists, Engineers and Researchers
Description: This bank describes information about individuals that are scientists, engineers and researchers and that are passionate about their work in science fields such as Astronomy, Aurora Borealis, Biology and Chemistry, Ozone Layer and Earth's Atmosphere, Mars and Planetary Exploration or Medicine and Health. The personal information may include biographical information, educational information, name and place of birth.
Class of Individuals: Community of scientific individuals.
Purpose: The personal information is used for communication to the public.
Consistent Uses: Information is shared with the public with the consent of the individuals. Information is published on the Internet.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records will not be retained after they are no longer up to date or obsolete and then, the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 2002/003
Related Record Number: CSA SEC 005
TBS Registration: 20090966
Bank Number: CSA PPU 015
Recruitment and Staffing
Description: Includes records related to the assessment, selection and appointment of people to fill full-time or part-time positions within the CSA. Records may include information related to screening, examining, testing, interviewing, assessing, selecting, hiring, assigning, and/or promoting candidates for employment. May also include records related to classification (e.g., factors, elements, and other job criteria used to establish the relative value of work for an occupational group), to terms and conditions of employment (including conflict of interest), TBS and PSC policies (deployments, assignments, and secondments, student, professional, and occupational recruitment, post-employment appeals, and area of selection), as well as information received from or shared with central agencies responsible for recruitment and staffing, other employment agencies, or both.
Document Types: Employment opportunity advertisements, application forms and questionnaires, résumés and curricula vitae, procedures standardized or in-house exam and interview questions and answers, reference check tools, recorded interviews/tests, information within automated or Web-based application tools rating guides, board member assessment, ratings and results , board report and selection decisions, procedures, checklists and staffing letters (incl. copies of letters of offer), inventories and pools of qualified or partially qualified candidates, inquiries and responses, second language evaluation results, performance assessments, security screening information, etc.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA HR 010
Recruitment and Staffing Activities Using Virtual Tools
Description: This bank describes information about recruitment and staffing activities, initiated through the Public Service Commission, and involving a third-party application service provider to optimize assessment through virtual staffing tools, such as video / audio recording, where chosen by the candidate. Personal information may include name, contact information, video/audio interviews or tests against the merit criteria/test results, biographical information, citizenship status, date and place of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personal information, financial information, security clearance status, official language proficiency, IP address, opinions and views of, or about, individuals, and signatures.
Note: Individuals requesting information described by this bank should provide a selection process number if applicable.
Class of Individuals: Individuals who participate in a staffing process with the Canadian Space Agency, including through recruitment initiatives, as well as individuals who provide references or are supervisors of candidates.
Purpose: Personal information used to administer recruitment and staffing activities for the CSA. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act, the Employment Equity Act, the Canadian Human Rights Act (section 16), and the Canadian Space Agency Act (s.16(1)).
Consistent Uses: Information may be disclosed to the Public Service Commission, Treasury Board Secretariat and other government institutions for auditing, recruitment, employment equity, and staffing purposes, including complaints (refer to Institution-Specific Personnel Information Banks: for the Public Service Commission of Canada: Candidate Inventories and Referrals - PSC PPU 015; Assessment by the Personnel Psychology Centre - PSC PCU 025, Executive Resourcing - PSC PCE 746, Analytical Environment - PSC PCE 761, and Investigations, Mediation and Conciliation - PSC PPU 010; for Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat: Employment Equity Data Bank - TBS PCE 739 and Workforce Adjustment Monitoring (WFAM) System - TBS PCE 804). Information relating to staffing complaints may be shared with the Public Service Commission (refer to Institution-Specific Personnel Information Bank Investigations, Mediation and Conciliation - PSC PPU 010) and the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board, when required. At times, VidCruiter information may be related to astronaut recruitment campaigns (Recruitment of Astronaut - CSA PPU 040). On request, selected information may be disclosed to a participant in a staffing process. Information may also be shared with third-party service providers to manage recruitment activities. Information may also be used or disclosed for human resources planning and studies (refer to Standard Personal Information Bank Human Resources Planning - PSU 935) and staffing decisions may also be described in Standard Personal Information Bank Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901, Applications for Employment – PSU 911, Staffing PSE 902 and PSU 917 Security Screening. Voluntary self-identification information relating to employment equity programs and services is also described in Standard Personal Information Bank Employment Equity and Diversity - PSE 918. The information may be used to create staffing pools of qualified candidates available for similar positions, at the CSA or other federal government organizations. Information may also be used or disclosed for program evaluation, reporting purposes and statistical analysis.
Retention and Disposal Standards: The personal information obtained as part of the staffing process is held for five years past the last administrative action, then destroyed. Letter of offer to the qualified candidate who is appointed is transferred to their personnel file (standard Personal Information Bank, Employee Personnel File).
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Class of Record Number: CSA HR 010
TBS Registration: 20210006
Bank Number: CSA PIB 015
Space Science
Description: This bank contains information on committee membership and the names, affiliations and primary disciplines of all individuals appointed to the Advisory Committee.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution and members of the Advisory Committee.
Purpose: This bank is for general information on individuals who are not employed by the institution but who serve on the Advisory Committee.
Consistent Uses: None
Retention and Disposal Standards: Five years and are then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related Record Number: CSA SEC 005
TBS Registration: 003060
Bank-Number: CSA PPU 010
Instruments and Infrastructure
Planetary Exploration Missions and Technology Development
Description: Files on the definition, design, technology development, implementation and use of Canadian exploration technologies and scientific instruments made available to international planetary exploration missions.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 015
Space Astronomy Missions and Technology Development
Description: Files on the definition, design, technology development, implementation and use of Canadian space telescope systems and for the provision of Canadian instruments, sensors and sub-systems to international space telescopes.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 020
International Space Station (ISS)
This activity uses the ISS – a unique Earth orbiting laboratory – to learn, to live and work in space while conducting scientific, medical and engineering studies. It includes the assembly and maintenance of the ISS through the use of the Canadian Mobile Servicing System (MSS) and the design, development and operations of payloads and technological demonstrations aboard the ISS.
ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations
Description: Files on the provision and operation of the Canadian MSS, composed of three Canadian robots – Canadarm2, Dextre and the Mobile Base System. MSS operations and maintenance services are conducted by Canadian or foreign astronauts on board the ISS and by ground controllers and engineers located in established facilities at the CSA and NASA – Johnson Space Center. Information on the provision of specialized MSS training, systems engineering and software services, flight procedures development.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 050
ISS Utilization
Description: Files on the implementation of scientific, operational, medical and technological studies in specific areas, such as health and life sciences, radiation, material or fluid sciences, to be conducted aboard the ISS by other government departments, academia or the private sector.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 055
Description: Files on the design, development and provision of Canadarm3, Canada's contribution to the US-led Gateway, a lunar outpost that will enable sustainable human exploration of the Moon. This robotic system will use cutting-edge software to perform some tasks around the Moon autonomously and without human intervention.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 020
Lunar Exploration
Description: Files on the design, development and provision of Canada's commitments to the lunar exploration architecture. This includes files on the Lunar Utility Vehicle, building on Canada's international robotic leadership.
Document Types: Agreements, announcements of opportunity, arrangements, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 045
Space Exploration Planning
Space Exploration Planning, Coordination and Advanced Concepts
Description: Files related to planning, coordinating, and advancing technology concepts for future space exploration missions. Includes preparatory studies conducted to identify and analyze options and initiate business cases to assess the feasibility of Canadian investments and contributions to space exploration missions. Information on the CSA's participation in international space exploration coordination groups. Files on program governance and reporting.
Document Types: Agendas, agreements, announcements of opportunity, contracts, concept documents, correspondence, invitations to tender, minutes, procedures, project approval documents, proposals, proposal evaluations, reports, studies and timetables.
Disclosure Summary: Not applicable
Record Number: CSA SEC 050
Internal Services
Internal services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Acquisitions; Communications Services; Financial Management; Human Resources Management; Information Management; Information Technology; Legal Services; Management and Oversight Services; Material; Real Property; Travel and Other Administrative Services.
Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.
Acquisition Services
Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfil a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.
Communications Services
Communications Services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public—internal or external—receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.
Financial Management Services
Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.
Human Resources Management Services
Human Resources Management Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.
- Awards (Pride and Recognition) Class of Record
- Classification of Positions Class of Record
- Compensation and Benefits Class of Record
- Employment Equity and Diversity Class of Record
- Hospitality Class of Record
- Human Resources Planning Class of Record
- Labour Relations Class of Record
- Canadian Human Rights Act – Complaints Personal Information Bank
- Discipline Personal Information Bank
- Grievances Personal Information Bank
- Harassment Personal Information Bank
- Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace Personal Information Bank
- Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector and Organizational Code(s) of Conduct Personal Information Bank
- Occupational Health and Safety Class of Record
- Official Languages Class of Record
- Performance Management Reviews Class of Record
- Recruitment and Staffing Class of Record
- Applications for Employment Personal Information Bank
- Employee Personnel Record Personal Information Bank
- EX Talent Management Personal Information Bank
- Personnel Security Screening Personal Information Bank
- Staffing Personal Information Bank
- Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector and Organizational Code(s) of Conduct Personal Information Bank
- Relocation Class of Record
- Training and Development Class of Record
Information Management
Information Management Services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.
Information Technology
Information Technology Services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.
Legal Services
Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.
Management and Oversight Services
Management and Oversight Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and/or plans.
Materiel Services
Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.
Real Property Services
Real property services involve activities undertaken to ensure that real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.
Travel and Other Administrative Services
Travel and Other Administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.
Classes of Personal Information
General Correspondence
In the course of conducting the programs and activities of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), categories of personal information may be accumulated which are not contained in specific information banks described in this entry. This information is part of the general correspondence stored as part of the general subject file and not retrievable by any personal identifier. This form of personal information is normally retrievable by means of specific information such as subject and/or date of the communication. The retention period associated with this information are consistent with those associated with the general files wherein they are stored.
- Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology, Research Component – One step – Guide for the writing of an Announcement of opportunity.
- Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology, Research Component – Two steps – Guide for the writing of an Announcement of opportunity.
- Terms and Conditions of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology
- CSA Technologies available for transfer
Additional information
For general information about making a request for access to information or personal information, see Make an access to information or personal information request.
To make a request for information online, access the Access to Information and Personal Information Online Request Service.
To make a request for information under the Access to Information Act or Privacy Act by mail, mail your letter or completed Access to Information Request Form (Access to Information Act) or Personal Information Request (Privacy Act), along with any necessary documents (such as consent or the $5 application fee for a request under the Access to Information Act), to the following address:
Canadian Space Agency
Natalina Mariani
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Longueuil (borough of Saint-Hubert), Quebec J3Y 8Y9
Telephone: 514-378-6174
Email :
In accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, an area on the premises will be made available to review original materials on site if that is the applicant's preference (and it is practical to do so), or if it is not practical to create copies of the material.
Please note: Each request made to the Canadian Space Agency under the Access to Information Act must be accompanied by an application fee of $5. For requests made online, this is paid at the time of application via credit card. For requests made by mail, this should be paid by enclosing cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.
The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through requests outside of the formal request processes. To make an informal request, contact:
Canadian Space Agency - Contact Us
John H. Chapman Space Centre
6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Longueuil (borough of Saint-Hubert), Quebec J3Y 8Y9
Telephone: 450-926-4800
Email :
You may also wish to search summaries of completed access to information requests for which the Canadian Space Agency has already provided responses, as this information may be more easily obtained. You may also wish to review available open data regarding the Canadian Space Agency Open Government Portal or CSA Open Data and Information Portal.