Space Strategy for Canada

Vision Statement
Canada recognizes the space sector is a strategic national asset and seeks to ensure Canada remains a spacefaring nation. Looking forward, Canada seeks to create a vibrant and sustainable space sector anchored by a whole-of-government effort that sets a new vision for Canadian space exploration, sees increased partnership with industry to create the jobs of the future, leverages the power of space to inspire youth, and harnesses the potential of space to solve everyday challenges for Canadians while unlocking the secrets of our universe.
Canada's Vision for Space
Our vision is informed by the work of Canada's Space Advisory Board and acknowledges space as a strategic national asset, requiring a whole-of-government effort to ensure that Canada can continue to rely on space to help meet national needs. It also seeks to realize the full potential of the Canadian space sector to be a leader in exploration, science excellence and innovation and deliver socio-economic benefits to improve life for all Canadians.
Space is the most exciting laboratory imaginable in which to inspire a new generation of Canadians in the pursuit of science, discovery and technological advancement. Canada's space sector is innately innovative. With a critical concentration of talent and technology firms that drive our innovation efforts as well as strong industrial capabilities and research strengths in areas such as EO, robotics, remote sensing and satellite communications, this sector, and the women and men who work in it, are key to realizing the Government's new vision for space.
As we stand on the cusp of successive waves of technological disruptions, space capabilities will also play a central role in the new digital economy, and in developing and supporting emerging technologies. That is why space is a key element of the Government's overall Innovation and Skills Plan and efforts to grow the middle class by supporting the creation of the jobs of the future here at home.
Canada's Space Advisory Board
Canada undertook a national public consultation to identify where it should focus future space efforts. The report, Consultations on Canada's Future in Space: What We Heard, suggested:
- Designating the space sector as a national strategic asset that is essential for Canada's sovereignty, security and economic growth;
- Strengthening the capacity of Canada's space sector to compete globally;
- Adopting new policies and regulations to capitalize on the development of new space technologies;
- Maintaining well-balanced government programming to support the space sector;
- Renewing public education and outreach programs to inspire the next generation of Canadians; and
- Revitalizing Canada's space program to ensure it remains responsive and relevant to its international partners.