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- Quarterly Financial Report for the Quarter Ended

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Management Statement
for the Quarter Ended

1. Introduction

This quarterly financial report has been prepared by management as required by section 65.1 of the Financial Administration Act and in the form and manner prescribed by the Treasury Board. This quarterly financial report should be read in conjunction with the - Main EstimateFootnote 1.

1.2 Mandate and Program Activities

The objects of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) are to promote the peaceful use and development of space, to advance the knowledge of space through science and to ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for Canadians.

More information is available on the CSA's mandate and Program Activities in the - Report on Plans and PrioritiesFootnote 1.

1.3 Basis of Presentation

This quarterly financial report (QFR) has been prepared by management using an expenditure basis of accounting. The Statement of Authorities annexed to this report includes the CSA's spending authorities granted by Parliament and those used by the CSA, consistent with the Main Estimates and Supplementary estimates voted as at December 31 for fiscal years - and -. This QFR has been prepared using a special purpose financial reporting framework designed to meet financial information needs with respect to the use of spending authorities.

The authority of Parliament is required before moneys can be spent by the Government. Approvals are given in the form of annually approved limits through appropriation acts or through legislation in the form of statutory spending authority for specific purposes.

The CSA uses the full accrual method of accounting to prepare and present its annual financial statements, which are part of the departmental performance reporting process. However, the spending authorities voted by Parliament remain on an expenditure basis, that is, a partial accrual method of accounting. Expenditure basis accounting thus includes disbursements as well as some accruals for salaries and salary allowances.

This QFR report has not been subject to an external audit. However, it has been reviewed by the members of the CSA Audit Committee, who are satisfied with its presentation and content.

2. Highlights of the Quarterly Financial Results

This section highlights the significant factors that contributed to the changes to the authorities available for the fiscal year, as well as to the quarterly and year-to-date expenditures for the quarter ended .

The following graph provides an overview of variations in available authorities and expenditures. Additional details on these variations are provided in sections 2.1 and 2.2 as well as in the appended annexes.

Authorities available for use and expenditures as at December 31 (in millions of dollars)
Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Authorities available for use and expenditures as at December 31 (in millions of dollars) - Table
Authorities available for use and expenditures as at December 31 (in millions of dollars)
Authorities Quarterly
Year to Date
Fiscal Year - 460.7 71.8 213.1
Fiscal Year - 502.7 105.7 246.9

Totals may not add up due to rounding.

2.1 Significant Changes in Authorities (Total Vote Available for Use) between fiscal - and -.

The total vote available for use as at is $460.7 million, and represents a decrease of $42 million compared to the same period of the previous year.

Significant changes in the authorities
Authorities (in thousands of dollars) - - Variance %
Vote 1 - Operating expenditures 184,498 177,757 6,741 4 %
Vote 5 - Capital expenditures 210,228 269,750 (59,522) - 22 %
Vote 10 - Grants and contributions 55,942 45,356 10,586 23 %
Contributions to employee benefit plans 10,037 9,803 234 2 %
Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 42 56 (14) - 25 %
Total budgetary authorities 460,747 502,722 (41,975) - 8 %

The increase of $6.7 million in Vote 1 - Operating Expenditures is mainly explained by the following items:

  • An increase of $20.6 million resulting in a budget transfer from the Capital Vote to the Operating Vote for the implementation of activities of the International Space Station.
  • A decrease of $8 million between - and - due to additional funding received in - for enhanced space-based Automatic Identification System data services.
  • A decrease of $7.8 million compared to the same period last year due to additional authority received from the operating Vote carry forward from - to -. This year, no requests were made for addition authorization to carry forward operating expenditures vote from - to -.
  • The residual difference consists of multiple variations inherent to the Canadian Space Program (CSP) Resource Management. They result from the fact that budgetary requirements by vote are not linear from one year to the next, requiring vote transfers or fund carry forwards to another fiscal year.

The decrease of $59.3 million in Vote 5 - Capital Expenditures is mainly explained by the following items:

  • A decrease of $43.3 million related to the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM). The variation between the two years is due to different needs for cash flows caused by the delays of the milestones; however, the launch is still planned for .
  • A decrease of $20.6 million resulting in a transfer from the Capital Vote to the Operating Vote for the implementation of activities of the International Space Station.
  • An increase of $10.8 million between - and - since the capital Vote carry forward from - to - was more significant than the carry forward from - to -.
  • The residual difference is composed of multiple variations inherent to the Canadian Space Program (CSP) Resource Management.

The increase of $10.6 million in Vote 10 - Grants and Contributions Expenditures is mainly explained by the following items

  • An increase of $10 million due to funding received through - Supplementary Estimates B for the additional Canadian contributions to the Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) programme of the European Space Agency.

2.2 Significant Changes in Quarterly and Year-to-Date Expenditures (Votes Used) between fiscal - and -

Quarterly and year-to-date expenditures for the quarter ended are of $71.8 and $213.1 million and represent a decrease quarterly and year to date of $33.9 and $33.8 million compared to the same period of the previous year.

Expenditures by Vote

Expenditures and variations by Vote for the quarter ended December 31:

Expenditures by Vote details
Expenditures by Vote
(in thousands of dollars)
- - Variance
Quarterly Year to date Quarterly Year to date Quarterly Year to date
Vote 1 - Operating expenditures 36,729 94,182 45,013 103,629 (8,284) (9,447)
Vote 5 - Capital expenditures 23,521 92,892 49,107 114,742 (25,586) (21,850)
Vote 10 - Grants and contributions 9,019 18,444 9,133 21,135 (114) (2,691)
Contributions to employee benefit plans 2,510 7,528 2,451 7,353 59 175
Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 12 12 2 2 10 10
Total budgetary expenditures by Vote 71,791 213,058 105,706 246,861 (33,915) (33,803)

The decrease of $8.3 and $9.4 million in the use of Vote 1 – Operating expenditures quarterly and year to date is mainly explained by the following:

  • The variations in the payment schedules of the implementation cycle of certain activities, including services related to the assembly and maintenance operations of the International Space Station which are an inherent implementation characteristic of the Canadian Space Program and for the enhanced space-based Automatic Identification System data services to support the Government of Canada activities for safety and security.

The decrease of $25.6 and $21.9 million in the use of Vote 5 - Capital expenditures quarterly and year to date is mainly explained by the following:

  • The variations in the payment schedules for the RCM project.

The decrease of $2.7 million in the use of Vote 10 – Grants and contributions expenditures year to date is mainly explained by the following:

  • The variations in the payment schedules to the European Space Agency (ESA) as well as the Class Contribution and Grant Program to support research, awareness and learning in space science and technology.
Expenditures by Standard Object

Expenditures and variations by Standard object for the quarter ended December 31:

Expenditures by Standard Object details
Expenditures by Standard Object (in thousands of dollars) - - Variance
Quarterly Year to date Quarterly Year to date Quarterly Year to date
Personnel 16,312 50,219 16,518 49,208 (206) 1,011
Transportation and communications 1,049 2,493 997 2,324 52 169
Information 566 1,797 3,028 7,895 (2,462) (6,098)
Professional and special services 21,576 48,864 26,852 50,769 (5,276) (1,905)
Rentals 589 1,206 1,086 1,888 (497) (682)
Repair and maintenance 1,218 2,309 1,751 2,575 (533) (266)
Utilities, materials and supplies 294 1,118 489 1,383 (195) (165)
Acquisition of land, buildings and works - - - - - -
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 21,097 84,443 45,801 107,523 (24,704) (23,080)
Transfer payments 9,019 18,444 9,133 21,135 (114) (2,691)
Other subsidies and payments 71 2,165 51 2,161 20 4
Total budgetary expenditures by Standard Object 71,791 213,058 105,706 246,861 (33,915) (33,803)
  • The $1 million increases in year-to-date expenditures for the Personnel standard object is primarily due to a periodic variation in the recording of payroll transactions compared to the previous year.
  • The $2.5 and $6.1 million decreases in quarterly and year-to-date expenditures for the Information standard object is due to the decrease of the acquisition of the enhanced space-based Automatic Identification System data services, to support the Government of Canada activities for safety and security.
  • The $5.3 and $1.9 million decreases in quarterly and year-to-date expenditures for the Professional and special services standard object is due to the variations in the payment schedules for implementation cycle of certain activities, including services related to the assembly and maintenance operations of the International Space Station which are an inherent implementation characteristic of the Canadian Space Program and for the Government of Canada activities for safety and security.
  • The $24.7 and $23.1 million decreases in quarterly and year-to-date expenditures for the Acquisition of machinery and equipment standard object is mainly explained by the variations in the payment schedules for the RCM project.
  • The $2.7 million decrease in year-to-date expenditures for the Transfer payments standard object is explained by the variations in the payment schedules to the European Space Agency (ESA) as well as the Class Contribution and Grant Program to support research, awareness and learning in space science and technology.

3. Risks and Uncertainties

The specific nature of the Canadian Space Program confronts us with issues related to the advanced technologies used in our space missions and issues related to the international aspect of some of our projects. These specific characteristics of the space sector create a risk of delays in the realization of projects and therefore, risk of deferral of the use of funds.

The year-to-date expenditures for the 3nd quarter of - represent 46% of our authorities whereas 75% of our fiscal year has passed. This situation is similar to that of the previous fiscal years (49% for - and 39% for -) and represents no concerns. The situation concerning the cumulative expenditures will be restored at fiscal year-end when the accruals will be recorded, according to the full accrual method of accounting, combined with the deferral of budgets to the following year.

Government organizations are increasingly using space assets to deliver their mandate. Where there is a large diversity of missions and partnership opportunities to choose from, there is a risk that gaps may emerge between users' needs and services provided. In this context, the CSA has implemented a new interdepartmental governance model that will facilitate the identification and mitigation of potential gaps between supply and demand while ensuring that adequate financial resources will be allocated to space activities.

Risks also arise from the Canada / ESA Cooperation Agreement such as variations in amounts payable caused by changes in the Gross National Product (GNP) statistics, the fluctuation of the Canadian dollar against the euro (exchange rate), inflation and the enforcement of the ESA's industrial policy. These risks have an impact on both costs and cash flow profiles.

To mitigate all of these risks, the CSA regularly reviews its project portfolio, activity plans, schedules and financial management strategies to adjust to changes brought to the space programs of its key partners (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), ESA and other space agencies). In addition, the CSA continued the implementation of its new governance framework and investment monitoring, which will effectively improve the management and control process already in place.

4. Significant Changes in Relation to Operations, Personnel and Programs

There were no major changes in operations, personnel and programs, in the third quarter of -.

Approval by Senior Officials

Approved by,

The original version was signed by Sylvain Laporte, President, in Longueuil, Quebec, on .

The original version was signed by Marie-Claude Guérard, CPA CGA, Chief Financial Officer, in Longueuil, Quebec, on .

Annex 1

Canadian Space Agency
Quarterly Financial Report
For the quarter ended
Statement of Authorities
(in thousands of dollars)
Fiscal Year - Fiscal Year -
Total available for use for the year ending

Footnote 2
Used during the quarter ended

Year to date
used at
Total available for use for the year ending

Footnote 2
Used during the quarter ended

Year to date
used at
Vote 1: Operating expenditures 184,498 36,729 94,182 177,757 45,013 103,629
Vote 5: Capital expenditures 210,228 23,521 92,892 269,750 49,107 114,742
Vote 10: Grants and contributions 55,942 9,019 18,444 45,356 9,133 21,135
Contributions to employee benefit plans 10,037 2,510 7,528 9,803 2,451 7,353
Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 42 12 12 56 2 2
Total budgetary authorities 460,747 71,791 213,058 502,722 105,706 246,861

Annex 2

Canadian Space Agency
Quarterly Financial Report
For the quarter ended
Departmental budgetary expenditures by Standard Object
(in thousands of dollars)
Expenditures: Fiscal Year - Fiscal Year -
Planned expenditures for the year ending

during the
quarter ended

Year to date
used at
Planned expenditures for the year ending

during the
quarter ended
Year to date
used at
Personnel 68,389 16,312 50,219 68,156 16,518 49,208
Transportation and communications 4,249 1,049 2,493 3,568 997 2,324
Information 2,775 566 1,797 848 3,028 7,895
Professional and special services 138,898 21,576 48,864 152,201 26,852 50,769
Rentals 3,361 589 1,206 1,531 1,086 1,888
Repair and maintenance 7,900 1,218 2,309 8,830 1,751 2,575
Utilities, materials and supplies 1,817 294 1,118 2,294 489 1,383
Acquisition of land, buildings and works 595 - - 564 - -
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 172,419 21,097 84,443 215,879 45,801 107,523
Transfer payments 55,942 9,019 18,444 45,356 9,133 21,135
Other subsidies and payments 4,402 71 2,165 3,495 51 2,161
Total budgetary expenditures 460,747 71,791 213,058 502,722 105,706 246,861
Date modified: