State of the Canadian Space Sector Report
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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, .
ISSN: 2369-6338
About this Report
In this section
The State of the Canadian Space Sector Report provides factual information about the Canadian space sector. The report, which is now in its 26th edition, is based on a questionnaire sent to companies, not-for-profit organizations, research centres and universities with space-related activities in Canada.
To align with international practices, the publication is identified by the year in which the survey took place () but reports on data covering the year . All of the information in the report represents data from , with the exception of the work done in collaboration with Statistics Canada, where data covers up to .
The organization-specific information used to compile this report remains strictly confidential and will not be released in any manner other than aggregate form. Consequently, in certain circumstances, a detailed explanation or in-depth reporting of the results cannot be provided in order to protect the confidentiality of the respondents.
Of note, the numbers presented throughout the report may not add up precisely to the totals provided due to rounding. Additionally, the findings presented throughout this report are provided at current prices (i.e. unadjusted for inflation).
Policy Branch
This report is produced by the Economic Analysis and Research Team, Policy Branch, at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).
- Shazmin Kanji, Chief Economist
- Aaron Parsons, Economist
Please send media inquiries to CSA Communications, 450-926-4370,
For more information about the Canadian space sector, or for an electronic copy of this report, please go to
The CSA wishes to acknowledge all those in the Canadian space sector who responded to the questionnaire. Without them, this report would not have been possible.
President's Message and Executive Summary

Lisa Campbell, President of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) (Credit: CSA)
I am pleased to present the State of the Canadian Space Sector Report . The report, which has been published since , contributes to our understanding of the sector by providing comprehensive data and trend analysis on the economic activity generated by the Canadian space sector.
The report is based on information gathered from almost 200 organizations involved in space activities from across Canada, including small businesses, multinational space companies, not-for-profit organizations, research centres and universities. Each of these organizations contributes to the Canadian space economy, with large organizations generating the highest revenues (58%), SMEs reporting the majority of exports (58%), and universities and research centres supporting a substantial workforce of over 2,500 employees.
Notably, the Canadian space sector experienced modest growth in and is still recovering from the lows experienced during the pandemic.
Revenues are recovering and our GDP impact is growing. Overall revenues grew 3.1% from last year, reaching $5.0B. Exports were the primary area of growth, increasing 12% from to reach $2.0B in . Domestic revenues declined slightly to $3.0B (−2%) but have mostly re-emerged from the impacts of the pandemic. The space sector is estimated to have contributed $3.2B to Canada's GDP in , a significant rise over and continuing a trend of growth in this area (+19% from to ).
The workforce continues to grow at a rapid pace. The Canadian space workforce expanded by 8.6% in to 12,624 space-related jobs. Workforce multiplier impacts indicate that activities in the space sector supported an additional 12,612 jobs in the wider Canadian economy. Organizations have increasingly highlighted that competition for experts in the sector is high, leading to labour shortages.
Research and Development (R&D) activity reached new peak levels. R&D expenditures continued to increase in , reaching a new all-time high of $593M (+8%). As in previous years, the increased R&D activity is primarily led by the private sector, supporting a growing downstream market in Canada.
CSA funding programs are making a big difference. An ongoing analysis of return on investment (ROI) for CSA space development programs revealed that for every dollar invested, three dollars are returned through follow-on revenues five years after a project has completed.
Space is often characterized as hard, expensive, and risky. It also supports all aspects of our daily lives. Space investments drive innovation, create high-quality jobs and fuel economic growth – as demonstrated in this report. Whether it's launching satellites, exploring our universe, developing cutting-edge technologies, or making novel scientific discoveries, these investments directly contribute to improving the lives of Canadians right here on Earth. As we continue to invest in the space sector, the economic benefits will continue to grow, positioning Canada as a key player in the global space industry for the long term.
I would like to convey my gratitude to all those who contributed to the survey. This publication would not be possible without the generous collaboration of members of the Canadian space industry and academia.
1 The Canadian Space Sector: Types of Organizations
In this section
- Canada's top 30 space organizations (by revenues) accounted for 95% of total revenues and 67% of the total workforce in , similar to previous years.
- In , 93% of Canadian space companies were SMEs; they accounted for 39% of Canadian space sector revenues and 30% of all employees.
- University and research centre revenues amounted to $129M, representing 2.6% of total revenue. They contributed 20% of the total space sector workforce with 2,517 full-time equivalents.
The survey included almost 200 organizations involved in space activities from across Canada. This ranges from large companies (5%); small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (73%) as well as universities and research centres (22%). Each and every one of these organizations plays an important role in the Canadian space ecosystem, as demonstrated below:
Total Revenues | Total Workforce | Total STEM &
total HQP |
Total BERD | Total Exports | |
Large Companies | $2.9B (58%) | 5,403 (43%) | (32%) & (40%) | $188M (32%) | $835M (42%) |
SMEs | $2.0B (39%) | 3,809 (30%) | (34%) & (29%) | $405M (68%) | $1.2B (58%) |
Universities & Research Centres |
$129M (2.6%) | 2,517 (20%) | (29%) & (25%) | N/A | $9M (<1%) |
Note *The remaining percentage of the workforce, STEM, and HQP can be attributed to Canadian Space Agency employees. For definitions of STEM, HQP, and BERD refer to Annex C.
Only 5% of organizations in the space sector were large companies in (defined as employing >500 workers). These organizations represent the foundational infrastructure of the Canadian space sector, generating the majority of revenues, the largest portion of workforce and HQP, while also significantly contributing to STEM, BERD, and exports.
In , 73% of Canadian space organizations were SMEs (defined as employing 1 to 499 workers). Despite the smaller workforce, SMEs contribute significantly to the Canadian space sector by providing the largest amount of STEM jobs, BERD, and exports.
Over 40 universities and research centres across the country participate in the Canadian space sector. Universities and research centres' funding is primarily domestic, amounting to $121M in , and mostly from government: $92M from the federal government, and $12M from provincial governments. The remainder of domestic revenues ($16M) came from private foundations and companies, with international sources supporting the final $9M in funding. Contributions to overall revenues are small, but these organizations employed 20% of the total space sector workforce in , of whom 86% are HQP and 95% are STEM employees.
In , Canada's top 30 space organizations (i.e. based on revenues) were comprised of 26 companies and 4 universities. The majority of these organizations are SMEs, displaying the diversity of organizations contributing to the Canadian space sector.
Workforce | Inventions & Patents |
Revenues | BERD | Exports |
67% | 50% & 41% | 95% | 81% | 94% |
2 Revenues and Economic Impact
In this section
- Total revenues in the Canadian space sector increased 3.1% to $5.0B – and the sector contributed $3.2B to Canada's GDP.
- Domestic revenues declined slightly to $3.0B (−2%), but export revenues grew to $2.0B (+12%), recovering from pandemic lows.
- The upstream segment generated roughly $1.07B in revenues, while the downstream segment generated $3.98B in revenues.
In , total revenues in the Canadian space sector reached , $5.0B, a +3.1% ($153M) increase year-over-year. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the space sector between and was −2.86%.Footnote 1 Despite the negative CAGR, revenues in the Canadian space sector appear to be trending upward.
Revenues | 5,671 | 5,489 | 4,898 | 4,896 | 5,049 |
The space sector contributed $3.2B to Canada's GDP in . This represents the unduplicated value of goods and services produced in Canada by the space sector, and by other industries as a result of the Canadian space sector's supply chain purchases and of associated employees' consumer spending. Total GDP contribution was broken down into the following:
- $1.63B in space sector impacts;
- $0.70B in supply industry impacts; and
- $0.83B in impacts related to consumer spending by associated employees.
The space sector therefore creates benefits in the larger economy with a GDP multiplier of 1.93. In other words, every dollar that the space sector contributed to GDP resulted in an additional $0.93 in GDP contributions for the broader economy.
From to , the GDP impact of the Canadian space sector increased by 19% ($506M), translating into a 4.5% CAGR. In part, growth in GDP has been supported by an increasing workforce over the past five years.
Direct | 1,392 | 1,495 | 1,343 | 1,411 | 1,633 |
Indirect | 640 | 675 | 601 | 616 | 695 |
Induced | 621 | 665 | 720 | 784 | 830 |
*Note: The GDP Impact data has been backdated to fully incorporate changes to methodologies over the last five years.
Domestic vs. Export Revenues
In , Canadian space revenues totalled $5.0B, of which 60% ($3.0B) were from domestic sources and 40% ($2.0B) were from exports. Domestic revenues decreased by 2.0%, or $65M, in ; exports increased significantly, rising 12%, or $218M.
The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between and was −2.86% for the entire space sector, −2.62% for domestic revenues, and −3.23% for exports.
Domestic Revenues | Export Revenues | |
3,394 | 2,277 | |
3,180 | 2,309 | |
2,996 | 1,901 | |
3,117 | 1,779 | |
3,052 | 1,997 |
YEAR | Domestic | Exports |
$3,393,663,363 | $2,276,926,547 | |
$3,180,456,544 | $2,308,782,280 | |
$2,996,238,114 | $1,901,345,715 | |
$3,116,936,798 | $1,778,880,183 | |
$3,051,649,665 | $1,996,986,675 |
Domestic vs. Broadcasting Revenues
Broadcasting is a large contributor to the space economy but is in continual decline as reflected in the divergence in numbers when broadcasting is excluded vs. included in the analysis. When excluding broadcasting, total revenues generated by the Canadian space sector declined slightly, moving from $3.5B in to $3.2B in .
Total Revenues | Total Revenues (excluding broadcasting) |
5,671 | 3,456 | |
5,489 | 3,441 | |
4,898 | 2,895 | |
4,895 | 2,941 | |
5,049 | 3,210 |
Export Regions
Export revenues began to recover in , rising 12% and generating $2.0B in revenues. Increases were notable in every major trade region, with the exception of Africa in .
The U.S. remained the main destination for Canadian space exports, totalling 59% of total exports. Revenues derived from exports to the U.S. expanded by 18%, or $177M, from $1.01B in to $1.18B in .
Europe remained Canada's second largest market for space exports. Canadian exports to Europe increased by 8%, or $32M, from $397M in to $429M in . Europe accounted for 21% of total exports.
Exports to Asia increased by 7%, or $14M, from $195M in to $209M in . Asia accounted for 11% of total exports.
Exports to South America increased by 7%, or $6.3M, from $97M in to $103M in . The region accounted for 5% of total exports.
Exports to Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico declined by 25%, or $4.4M, from $18M in to $13M in . This region accounted for less than 1% of total export revenues.
Exports to Oceania increased by 47%, or $5.1M, from $11M in to $16M in . Oceania accounted for 1% of total export revenues.
Export revenues from Africa decreased by 44%, or $5.3M, from $12M in to $7M in . Generally speaking, export growth to this region has been uneven; years of strong growth have been followed by declines and vice versa. Africa accounted for less than 1% of total Canadian space export revenues.
Finally, in , 2% of total exports, or $51M, were not allocated to a specific region of the world.
Europe | 21% |
Asia | 11% |
South America | 5% |
Oceania | 1% |
C. America, Caribbean, Mexico | 1% |
Other | 2% |
Africa | 0% |
United States | 59% |
United States | 1,299 | 1,289 | 1,141 | 1,008 | 1,184 |
Europe | 451 | 437 | 394 | 397 | 429 |
Asia | 282 | 363 | 198 | 195 | 209 |
South America | 118 | 117 | 101 | 97 | 103 |
Oceania | 24 | 16 | 14 | 11 | 16 |
Africa | 25 | 21 | 17 | 12 | 7 |
C. America, Caribbean, Mexico | 39 | 30 | 12 | 18 | 13 |
Other | 38 | 35 | 24 | 42 | 35 |
Customers are categorized as either government or non-government. Government customers include domestic governments (municipal, provincial, federal) and foreign governments. Non-government customers include businesses, individual consumers and non-profit organizations or foundations (both domestic and foreign).
Overall, 14% of the space revenues in derived from government customers and 86% from non-government customers.
Both upstream and downstream segment organizations derived revenues from non-government clients in . The upstream segment derived 59% of revenues from non-government clients, whereas the downstream segment derived 93% of revenues from non-government clients.
Space sector revenues can be broken down into value-chain segments and sub-segments based on the type of work that the organization is carrying out. The two main segments this analysis has been split into are upstream and downstream activities. The upstream segment – comprised of the research, engineering and consulting as well as the space segment manufacturing and ground segment manufacturing sub-segments – generated $1.07B in revenues and grew +30% in . The downstream segment – comprised of the satellite operations, manufacturing of products (e.g. terminals), development of software applications, and the provision of services (e.g. broadcasting) sub-segments – generated $3.98B in revenues, declining by −2% in .
A detailed description of the value-chain categorization is provided in Annex C. Revenues in each sub-segment can be broken down as follows:
- Research, Engineering and Consulting amounted to $431M in , a 32% increase ($105M) from . This sub-segment accounted for 9% of total revenues in .
- Space Segment Manufacturing amounted to $465M in , an increase of 48% ($150M) from . It accounted for 9% of total revenues.
- Ground Segment Manufacturing amounted to $175M in , a 7% decline ($13M) from . It accounted for 4% of total revenues.
- Satellite Operations amounted to $830M in , a 2% increase ($18M) from . It accounted for 16% of total revenues.
- Products and Applications totalled $664M in , an increase of 8% ($50M) from . It accounted for 13% of total revenues.
- Services amounted to $2.5B in , a 6% decline ($157M) from . It accounted for 49% of total revenues in .
Services | 49% |
Research, Engineering and Consulting | 9% |
Space Systems Manufacturing | 9% |
Ground Systems Manufacturing | 4% |
Satellite Operations | 16% |
Products and Applications | 13% |
Space sector revenues can be further divided into sectors of activity based on the type of work that the organization is carrying out. In , revenues returned to growth in most Canadian space sectors of activity from the impacts of the pandemic.
A detailed description of the sectors of activity categorization is provided in Annex C. Revenues for each sector of activity are as follows:
- Satellite Communication generated $3.8B in revenues, decreasing by $112M (−3%) from , and accounting for 75% of total space revenues.
- Earth Observation (EO) revenues totalled $349M, growing by $79M (+29%), and accounting for 7% of total space revenues.
- Space Exploration revenues totalled $231M in , increasing by $67M (+41%), and accounting for 4% of total space revenues.
- Navigation revenues grew to $550M in , an increase of 25% or $110M, which represented 11% of total space revenues.
- Space Science revenues totalled $101M in , increasing by $8M (+8%), which represents 2% of total space revenues.
- Other revenues increased by 2%, rising to $38M, and accounting for 1% of total space revenues. Activities that fall into the "Other" sector are by nature variable and subject to re-categorization; therefore, changes in this sector are less statistically relevant than for the previously noted sectors.
Satellite Communication | 75% |
Navigation (GPS) | 11% |
Space Exploration | 4% |
Earth Observation | 7% |
Space Science | 2% |
Other | 1% |

. Investment of $1.012 billion over the next 15 years in RADARSAT+, an initiative aimed at ensuring continuous, efficient, and sustainable access to critical and high-quality Earth observation (EO) data for Canada. (Credit: CSA)
3 Workforce
In this section
- The Canadian space workforce increased by 8.6% in to 12,624 space-related jobs – 67% of which were STEM-related jobs. The total workforce has increased significantly over the past five years.
- In , the space sector supported a total of 25,236 jobs through direct, indirect, and induced impacts on the Canadian economy.
- Occupational categories have seen robust growth over the last five years: engineers and scientists (+1,432), students/interns (+592), other (+389). Remaining categories had slight growth/declines.
In , the space sector workforce totalled 12,624 jobs, an 8.6% increase, or 994 jobs. Over the past five years there has been significant growth in employment across the Canadian space sector.
The space sector workforce consists of 52% of jobs in the upstream segment, 41% of jobs in the downstream segment, and the remaining 7% of jobs at the CSA.
Industry | 7,658 | 8,171 | 8,253 | 8,588 | 9,212 |
University | 1,909 | 2,370 | 1,885 | 2,240 | 2,517 |
CSA | 693 | 695 | 730 | 801 | 895 |
The space sector supported a total of 25,236 jobs in Canada. The total workforce contribution was broken down into the following:
- 12,624 space sector jobs; and
- 12,612 indirect and induced jobs:
- 6,691 supply industry jobs; and
- 5,921 jobs created and supported as a result of consumer spending by associated employees.
The space sector creates jobs in the broader economy with a workforce multiplier of 2.0. In other words, every job in the space sector supports an additional 1.0 job in the broader economy.
From to , the workforce impact of the Canadian space sector increased by 12% (2,635 jobs), translating into a 2.8% CAGR. Workforce impacts have been influenced most significantly by increases in direct jobs in the space sector, as the indirect and induced impacts have been more modest.
Direct | 10,260 | 10,541 | 10,868 | 11,629 | 12,624 |
Indirect | 6,423 | 6,901 | 6,170 | 6,367 | 6,691 |
Induced | 5,756 | 6,313 | 5,808 | 6,194 | 5,921 |
The CSA divides the space workforce into eight main occupation categories: Engineers and Scientists, Technicians, Management, Administration, Marketing and Sales, Students, Health Professionals, and Other Employees. There were minimal shifts in the composition of the workforce in with a variability of +/−3%, as results were similar to previous years.
Management | 7% |
Engineers & Scientists |
38% |
Technicians | 8% |
Marketing and Sales |
4% |
Administration | 20% |
Students/ Interns |
13% |
Other (incl. Health Professionnals) |
10% |
However, in reviewing the changes in employment across occupations over five years (–), there is significant growth in total employees amongst engineers and scientists (+1,432), students/interns (+592), other (+389), and management (+200). The remaining categories were relatively flat, with the exception of a decline in administration.
Management | Engineers & Scientists |
Technicians | Marketing and Sales |
Administration | Students/ Interns |
Other (includes health professionals) |
Total | |
722 | 3,406 | 1,026 | 487 | 2,790 | 1,006 | 829 | 10,260 | |
749 | 3,772 | 1,178 | 544 | 2,838 | 1,294 | 884 | 11,236 | |
674 | 3,669 | 1,022 | 560 | 2,719 | 1,146 | 1,101 | 10,868 | |
747 | 4,132 | 915 | 634 | 2,653 | 1,423 | 1,148 | 11,629 | |
922 | 4,838 | 1,031 | 505 | 2,531 | 1,598 | 1,218 | 12,624 |

. The Canadian Space Agency awarded nine grants representing $3.15 million under the CubeSats Initiative in Canada for STEM (CUBICS) to Canadian post-secondary institutions to advance space science and technology while training the next generation of space experts. (Credit: CSA)
The STEM indicator tracks the number of engineers, scientists, technicians, management, health professionals and students working in the space sector. STEM employees grew +16% and totalled 8,408 jobs in , which represented 67% of the total Canadian space workforce.
Definition of STEM Employees
STEM = Engineers, scientists, technicians, management, health professionals, and students
There are significant differences between the upstream and the downstream segments. In , 86% of the workforce in the upstream segment were STEM, while only 44% of the workforce in the downstream segment were STEM.

From to , the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs and the Canadian Space Agency co-hosted the 4th edition of the Space4Women Expert Meeting. Experts from the global space community gathered in Montreal, Quebec, to discuss efforts to build capacity to promote and advance gender equality in the space sector. (Credit: CSA)
The HQP indicator identifies the number of space sector employees with at minimum a bachelor's degree. HQP employees grew +10% and accounted for 8,593 jobs in , which represented 68% of Canada's space workforce.
Definition of HQP Employees
HQP = Employees having completed at least a bachelor's degree
The differences between HQP jobs in the upstream and the downstream segments are less pronounced than for STEM employees, but are still significant. While 76% of the upstream workforce were HQP in , only 60% of the downstream workforce were HQP.
In , 65% of Canadian space companies faced difficulties hiring personnel to the extent that positions went unfilled.
The professions for which companies had the most difficulty finding employees were unchanged in , and included engineers, scientists, technicians, and management, which is similar to the types of jobs that have been difficult to hire for since .
The main reasons highlighted for hiring difficulties were applicants lacking the skills required for the position, followed by competition from other industrial sectors for the same talent, and a lack of relevant experience.
In , companies dealing with employee shortages used three main strategies to deal with the problem: they provided internal training to their employees, offered overtime for existing employees, and/or outsourced some of the work.
Over the next five years, Canadian space companies will be looking for employees with sought-after skills related to software development, electrical engineering systems, mechanical engineering systems, as well as business development.
In total, 140 organizations responded to the workforce section on gender in the survey, representing 72% of organizations surveyed.
Results indicated that the Canadian space sector workforce is primarily made up of people who identify as men (69%) and people who identify as women (31%), while those who identify as non-binary people represented 0.2% of employees in the Canadian space sector.
Men | Non-binary people |
Women | |
Gender distribution in | 69% | 0.2% | 31% |
Based on our collaboration with Statistics Canada, we were able to determine that in , most of the primary owners of space sector companies were male (82%) while a much smaller percentage were female (18%). These results have been relatively stable since – and the percentage of female primary owners in the space sector remains lower than organizations in the broader Canadian economy (26%).
Space | Canadian Average |
Male | 82% | 74% |
Female | 18% | 26% |
4 Regional Distribution and Trends
- The proportional share of revenues did not fluctuate much in , but revenue growth occurred across most regions of the Canadian space economy, led by the Prairies +18% ($70M), B.C & North +5% ($9M), as well as Quebec +4% ($50M).
- Revenue trends indicate that all regions declined between and – with the exception of the Prairies, which grew by +50% over this time period.
- Employment is concentrated in Ontario (36%) and Quebec (38%). Employment growth is also occurring across the space sector: led by the Atlantic region (+20%), Prairies (+18%), Ontario (+9%), and Quebec (+7%).
In , the proportional share of total revenues and employment by province remained relatively stable (±1%) from year to year.
B.C. & North Footnote 2 | 4% |
Prairies | 9% |
Ontario | 55% |
Quebec | 26% |
Atlantic | 6% |
British Columbia & North (Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon)
- Revenues: $193M (4%) of total space revenues, an increase of 5% ($9M) from .
- Workforce: 6% (733 jobs) of Canada's space workforce, a decrease of 9% (76 jobs) from .
Upstream segment organizations generated 40% of the province's space revenues, and downstream segment organizations generated 60% of the province's space revenues. Between and , B.C.'s total revenues decreased by 10%, which was driven by a 19% decline in export revenues. Over the same period, domestic revenues remained flat.
Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba)
- Revenues: $466M (9%) of total space revenues, an increase of 18% ($70M) from .
- Workforce: 12% (1,566 jobs) of Canada's space workforce, an increase of 18% (243 jobs) from .
Revenues in the upstream segment accounted for 24%, while 76% came from the downstream segment. Between and , total revenues grew by 50%, primarily driven by a rise in domestic revenues by 131%. Exports grew a significant 38% in the same period.
- Revenues: $2.76B (55%) of total space revenues, an increase of 2% ($57M) from .
- Workforce: 36% (4,594 jobs) of Canada's space workforce, an increase of 9% (379 jobs) from .
Upstream segment organizations accounted for 17% of revenues in Ontario, while downstream segment organizations accounted for 83% of revenues in the province. Total revenues in Ontario decreased by 16% between and . Domestic and export revenues declined 11% and 23% over the same period, respectively. Ontario appears to still be dealing with the impacts of the pandemic.
- Revenues: $1.30B (26%) of total space revenues, an increase of 4% ($50M) from .
- Workforce: 38% (4,812 jobs) of Canada's space workforce, an increase of 7% (298 jobs) from .
Revenues were concentrated in the downstream segment (69%) rather than in the upstream (31%). Between and , Quebec's total revenues decreased by 10%, which has largely been driven by a 20% decline in domestic revenues as export revenues increased by 28% over the same period.
Atlantic (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island)
- Revenues: $328M (6%) of total space revenues, a decrease of 9% ($33M) from .
- Workforce: 7% (919 jobs) of Canada's space workforce, an increase of 20% (151 jobs) from .
Downstream segment organizations accounted for 97% of revenues in , and upstream segment organizations accounted for the remaining 3%. Between and , total revenues in the Atlantic region declined by 21%. This is explained by a decline in exports of 59%, while the smaller upstream segment saw 17% growth.
Note: Further regional workforce composition details on Gender, STEM, and HQP can be found in Annex A.
B.C. | Prairies | Ontario | Quebec | Atlantic | |
Percentage | -10% | 50% | -16% | -10% | -21% |
Domestic | Exports | Domestic | Exports | |
B.C. & North | $102,732,646 | $112,182,033 | $102,775,661 | $90,704,673 |
Prairies | $39,533,957 | $271,349,257 | $91,127,545 | $375,186,045 |
Ontario | $1,878,149,963 | $1,397,948,230 | $1,680,544,413 | $1,079,154,863 |
Quebec | $1,165,090,910 | $288,150,452 | $933,742,958 | $367,526,669 |
Atlantic | $208,155,888 | $207,296,576 | $243,436,532 | $84,436,982 |
Total | $5,670,589,911 | $5,048,636,340 |
5 Innovation
In this section
- Business Expenditures on R&D (BERD) continued to increase in , rising from $547M in to $593M in , an 8% increase.
- R&D intensity for space manufacturing was 13 times higher than the average for manufacturing in Canada.
- Return on Investment (ROI) for CSA space development programs after five years is 3.0.
Meaning, for every $1.00 invested, companies generated $3.00 in additional follow-on revenues five years after a project finished. - Space sector organizations reported a total of 256 inventions and 63 registered patents, similar to results in previous years.
In , there were 83 companies engaged in R&D activities, with BERD reaching $593M. This represents an 8% increase from the $547M spent in BERD in . SMEs accounted for approximately two-thirds of BERD in , while large firms made up the remaining one-third. Upstream organizations were responsible for 26% of total space sector BERD, while downstream organizations represented the bulk of investments at 74% of total space sector BERD.
R&D spending in was financed through internal sources (e.g. company profits reinvested in R&D) at 79% ($469M), while the remaining 21% ($124M) was financed through external funding sources (e.g. government grants and contributions).
Large Firms | 33% |
SMEs | 67% |
Upstream BERD | 26% |
Downstream BERD | 74% |
The industrial R&D intensity indicator reflects the ratio of BERD spending relative to the GDP contribution of the space sector. It serves as an indicator of the level of effort and investment by a company (or by an industry as a whole) in innovative activities such as the creation of new products, services and technologies, or the improvement of business functions such as production techniques. Industrial R&D intensity for companies operating in the space sector was 50% in . The upstream segment is less R&D intensive than the downstream: upstream R&D intensity is 29%, while downstream R&D intensity is 66%.
The R&D intensity for the manufacturing sub-segment (in the upstream) is 37%, which is 13 times higher than the average for manufacturing in Canada.
Organizations report on the level of commercialization of projects that were initially funded by government (externally funded R&D). Organizations derived $213M (from 30 organizations in ) in revenues through the commercialization of externally funded R&D projects. This represents a 25% decline from the $283M in commercialization revenues. The upstream segment accounted for 74% of commercialization revenues, while the downstream segment accounted for the remaining 26%. Almost all commercialization takes place through companies.
For the past six years the CSA has been surveying companies to determine the return on investment (ROI) from CSA space development programs.
The response rate for the ROI section of the survey was slightly lower this year, declining from 76% in to 65% of respondents answering the ROI questions in . While this result is lower, it is worth noting that a significant number of new projects were included in the analysis this year, impacting the overall response rate for ROI.
Overall, 70% of respondent companies indicated that CSA-financed projects generated positive reputation benefits, 76% have attempted to generate follow-on revenues, and 83% intend to generate follow-on revenues.
Previous interpretations of ROI at the CSA used the entire data set given a small sample size. Now that more data is available, a new methodology has been put in place that looks at the impact after a five-year period specifically:
The total ROI for CSA space development program projects after five years is 3.0 : 1.
(For every $1.00 invested, companies generated $3.00 in additional follow-on revenues – a multiplier of 3.0 times.)
Therefore, on average, CSA space development program investments see an ROI of 3.0 : 1.0, five years after the completion of the project.
A total of 42% of projects that finished in – generated an ROI. Of the projects that generated an ROI:
- 58 had an ROI >1
- 21 had an ROI >5
- 8 had an ROI >10
The analysis is conservative in nature, as the projects for which companies did not provide responses are counted as generating an ROI of zero.
To date, these measures have shown that CSA space development programs demonstrated success in generating follow-on revenues for companies. The intent is to continue to follow CSA-funded projects that have ended, in order to determine the cumulative total ROI for each space development project.
In , 51 organizations reported having made an invention and 21 registered a patent. Between and , the number of organizations with inventions and registered patents increased by 6% (from 48 organizations in ) and decreased by 9% (from 23 organizations in ), respectively. Between and , the number of organizations with inventions increased by 19% (from 43 to 51), while the number of organizations registering patents decreased by 5% (from 22 to 21).
A total of 256 inventions and 63 registered patents were reported in .
The number of inventions increased by 13%, from 226 in to 256 in .
The number of registered patents decreased by 17%, from 76 in to 63 in .

. NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission: Asteroid Bennu sample successfully lands on Earth. The Canadian OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) instrument played a key role in the mission. It was used to scan and measure the shape of the entire surface of the asteroid and to help select the best site to collect the specimen. (Credit: NASA/Keegan Barber)
6 Conclusion
The Canadian space economy experienced modest growth in and is still recovering from the effects of the pandemic. Revenues grew 3.1% to reach $5.0B in , led by growth in exports of 12%, while domestic revenues remained flat. Declining broadcasting revenues are a contributing factor to limited growth in the domestic space sector. Despite this, the space workforce continues to grow at a robust rate, increasing 9% in to reach over 12,600 jobs, a new peak.
BERD has continued to grow, again reaching a new high of $593M in , an 8% increase over the previous high in . The R&D intensity for space manufacturing was 13 times higher than the average for manufacturing in Canada – demonstrating the innovative nature of space activities.
The CSA will continue to monitor the health and dynamics of the Canadian space economy.

. The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announces that CSA astronaut Joshua Kutryk is selected as crewmember for the Starliner-1 mission, and that CSA astronaut Jenni Gibbons is selected as the Canadian backup crewmember for the Artemis II mission. (Credit: CSA)
Annex A Economic Trends: –
$5,670,589,911 | |
$5,489,238,824 | |
$4,897,583,829 | |
$4,895,816,981 | |
$5,048,636,340 |
Year | Domestic | Domestic % | Exports | Exports % | Total |
$3,393,663,363 | 59.8% | $2,276,926,547 | 40.2% | $5,670,589,911 | |
$3,180,456,544 | 57.9% | $2,308,782,280 | 42.1% | $5,489,238,824 | |
$2,996,238,114 | 61.2% | $1,901,345,715 | 38.8% | $4,897,583,829 | |
$3,116,936,798 | 63.7% | $1,778,880,183 | 36.3% | $4,895,816,981 | |
2022 | $3,051,649,665 | 60.4% | $1,996,986,675 | 39.6% | $5,048,636,340 |
YEAR | Public Revenues | Private Revenues |
$334,463,454 | $3,059,199,909 | |
$341,561,639 | $2,838,894,905 | |
$317,814,912 | $2,678,291,861 | |
$391,644,769 | $2,725,292,029 | |
$428,167,309 | $2,623,482,355 |
United States | $1,299,441,910 | $1,289,465,682 | $1,140,660,531 | $1,007,647,615 | $1,184,431,048 |
Europe | $450,898,448 | $437,331,709 | $394,361,393 | $396,668,524 | $428,887,232 |
Asia | $282,266,077 | $362,963,708 | $197,876,444 | $194,814,435 | $209,247,380 |
South America | $117,568,822 | $117,005,504 | $101,220,609 | $96,698,504 | $103,020,501 |
Oceania | $24,221,719 | $15,666,472 | $14,230,483 | $10,950,191 | $16,057,563 |
Africa | $25,378,752 | $21,278,947 | $16,730,868 | $11,983,525 | $6,658,106 |
C. America, Caribbean, Mexico |
$38,795,654 | $30,029,638 | $12,390,313 | $17,936,913 | $13,497,579 |
Other | $38,355,166 | $35,040,622 | $23,875,072 | $42,180,476 | $35,187,266 |
Satellite Commmunication |
Navigation (GPS) | Space Exploration | Earth Observation | Space Science | Other | |
$4,615,929,082 | $559,109,223 | $122,957,630 | $277,547,875 | $66,058,595 | $28,987,504 | |
$4,562,739,085 | $418,054,090 | $118,684,514 | $247,689,131 | $111,020,253 | $31,051,651 | |
$3,998,194,805 | $420,879,915 | $132,214,066 | $226,193,564 | $89,558,926 | $30,542,552 | |
$3,891,182,123 | $439,781,649 | $164,153,878 | $269,778,700 | $94,097,657 | $36,822,973 | |
$3,779,333,298 | $550,156,895 | $231,301,890 | $349,072,210 | $101,240,650 | $37,531,397 |
Total Workforce | STEM | HQP | |
10,260 | 6,166 | 6,601 | |
11,236 | 7,014 | 7,392 | |
10,868 | 6,532 | 6,902 | |
11,629 | 7,238 | 7,784 | |
12,624 | 8,408 | 8,593 |
B.C. & North | 638 | 739 | 746 | 809 | 733 |
Prairies | 966 | 1,116 | 1,109 | 1,324 | 1,566 |
Ontario | 4,047 | 4,497 | 3,984 | 4,215 | 4,594 |
Quebec | 3,875 | 4,089 | 4,287 | 4,514 | 4,812 |
Atlantic | 734 | 795 | 742 | 768 | 919 |
B.C. & North | $214,914,678 | $162,646,505 | $165,436,391 | $184,313,574 | $193,480,334 |
Prairies | $310,883,213 | $368,163,142 | $385,869,507 | $396,398,755 | $466,313,589 |
Ontario | $3,276,098,193 | $3,224,599,935 | $2,784,964,016 | $2,703,135,966 | $2,759,699,276 |
Quebec | $1,453,241,361 | $1,302,444,860 | $1,188,485,809 | $1,251,287,427 | $1,301,269,627 |
Atlantic | $415,452,464 | $431,384,383 | $372,828,105 | $360,681,259 | $327,873,514 |
Management | Engineers & Scientists | Technicians | Marketing and Sales | Administration | Students/ Interns |
Other (includes health professionals) | Total | % of Total Workforce | |
B.C. & North | 63 | 368 | 49 | 33 | 38 | 125 | 57 | 733 | 6% |
Prairies | 117 | 672 | 113 | 24 | 59 | 543 | 38 | 1,566 | 12% |
Ontario | 385 | 1,957 | 301 | 256 | 632 | 497 | 566 | 4,594 | 36% |
Quebec | 257 | 1,699 | 527 | 148 | 1,731 | 340 | 110 | 4,812 | 38% |
Atlantic | 100 | 142 | 41 | 44 | 71 | 93 | 428 | 919 | 7% |
Total | 922 | 4,838 | 1,031 | 505 | 2,531 | 1,598 | 1,199 | 12,624 | 100% |
Men | Women | Non-binary people |
Total | |
B.C. & North | 70.5% | 29.4% | 0.1% | 100.0% |
Prairies | 74.2% | 25.7% | 0.1% | 100.0% |
Ontario | 72.1% | 27.7% | 0.2% | 100.0% |
Quebec | 64.2% | 35.8% | 0.0% | 100.0% |
Atlantic | 63.9% | 34.7% | 1.5% | 100.0% |
Total Workforce | Total STEM | % of STEM Relative to Total Regional Workforce |
% of STEM Relative to Total Number of STEM in Canada's Space Workforce |
B.C. & North | 733 | 606 | 83% | 7% |
Prairies | 1,566 | 1,455 | 93% | 17% |
Ontario | 4,594 | 3,146 | 68% | 37% |
Quebec | 4,812 | 2,825 | 59% | 34% |
Atlantic | 919 | 376 | 41% | 4% |
Total | 12,624 | 8,408 | - | 100% |
Total Workforce | Total HQP | % of HQP Relative to Total Regional Workforce | % of HQP Relative to Total Number of HQP in Canada's Space Workforce | |
B.C. & North | 733 | 604 | 82% | 7% |
Prairies | 1,566 | 1,203 | 77% | 14% |
Ontario | 4,594 | 3,252 | 71% | 38% |
Quebec | 4,812 | 3,044 | 63% | 35% |
Atlantic | 919 | 490 | 53% | 6% |
Total | 12,624 | 8,593 | - | 100% |
Research, Engineering and Consulting Services | Space Systems Manufacturing | Ground Systems Manufacturing | Total Upstream | |
Satellite Commmunication | $88,520,624 | $299,642,342 | $130,055,016 | $518,217,982 |
Navigation (GPS) | $7,380,394 | $514,231 | $543,023 | $8,437,648 |
Space Exploration | $170,561,557 | $51,723,522 | $1,987,655 | $224,272,733 |
Earth Observation | $72,662,363 | $82,657,506 | $40,719,402 | $196,039,272 |
Space Science | $84,485,514 | $8,735,222 | $1,451,058 | $94,671,794 |
Other | $7,413,807 | $21,708,629 | $561,123 | $29,683,559 |
Total | $431,024,259 | $464,981,452 | $175,317,277 | $1,071,322,988 |
Satellite Operations | Value-Added Products and Applications |
Services | Total Downstream | |
Satellite Commmunication | $758,248,857 | $286,096,278 | $2,216,770,181 | $3,261,115,316 |
Navigation (GPS) | $131,815 | $321,327,961 | $220,259,471 | $541,719,248 |
Space Exploration | $255,410 | $5,785,022 | $988,725 | $7,029,157 |
Earth Observation | $70,582,410 | $38,762,386 | $43,688,141 | $153,032,937 |
Space Science | $1,204,089 | $4,838,108 | $526,660 | $6,568,856 |
Other | $0 | $7,572,489 | $275,349 | $7,847,838 |
Total | $830,422,581 | $664,382,244 | $2,482,508,526 | $3,977,313,351 |
Total Upstream | Total Downstream | Total | |
Satellite Commmunication | $518,217,982 | $3,261,115,316 | $3,779,333,298 |
Navigation (GPS) | $8,437,648 | $541,719,248 | $550,156,895 |
Space Exploration | $224,272,733 | $7,029,157 | $231,301,890 |
Earth Observation | $196,039,272 | $153,032,937 | $349,072,210 |
Space Science | $94,671,794 | $6,568,856 | $101,240,650 |
Other | $29,683,559 | $7,847,838 | $37,531,397 |
Total | $1,071,322,988 | $3,977,313,351 | $5,048,636,340 |
Annex B Methodology
In this section
In order to measure the changes taking place in Canada's space sector each year, the CSA uses a questionnaire to collect baseline data. Questionnaires are sent to private sector enterprises, not-for-profit organizations, research centres and universities in Canada that engage in space activities. The questionnaire follows a census model and therefore aims to be as inclusive and exhaustive as possible.
Most organizations that responded to the questionnaire reported on a fiscal year (generally ending ), with the remainder reporting on a calendar year, from to . As in previous years, the questionnaire had a high response rate covering 194 organizations, including all major space players.
Additionally, the CSA performs quality control measures on the survey data to ensure the accuracy of the findings.
Data are also supplemented based on CSA transfer payments (Contracts, Grants, and Contributions) in cases where this information has not been included as part of the survey responses to more fully capture revenues.
In addition, there is a limited number of cases where data are compiled from publicly disclosed reports (e.g. for publicly traded companies) and verified through consultation with company officials.
The economic trend analysis for this report assesses the past five years (–). For information on the economic trends prior to , readers are invited to consult previous editions of this report.
Through a linkage process, the Linkable File Environment (LFE) leverages the single-subject ability of existing surveys and administrative data to inform on business and economic issues. It positions these surveys and administrative data to support longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis and offers opportunities to use additional variables to assess entrepreneurship, employment, productivity and competitiveness.
It is important to note that there are limitations in this information, as a portion of the data is characterized as unknown and/or not available. As a result, the data presented in this report does not include the unknown/not available data and excludes broadcasting companies.
As described in the OECD's Handbook on Measuring the Space Economy, measuring economic impacts in the space sector is a challenging task, as there is no single industrial classification for space activities. In order to overcome this difficulty, a model was developed jointly by the CSA and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to calculate the space sector's contribution to GDP (gross domestic product or value added). This process involved taking into account the various industrial classifications, weighing them and categorizing them using a value-chain approach, in order to develop a set of multipliers based on Statistics Canada's Input-Output tables. These multipliers are used to determine the impacts on GDP and employment of the space sector, the suppliers to the space sector, and the consumer spending by employees associated with both the space sector and its supply industry.
A detailed explanation of the Economic Impact Model follows:
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes were retrieved for each space company through Statistics Canada's Business Register. This exercise generated a list of 11 separate industrial classifications that covered all active Canadian space sector companies.
- Canadian space companies were categorized into a value-chain model based on the goods and services they provide: Research, Engineering and Consulting; Manufacturing; Satellite Operations; Service Providers; and Broadcasting Services.
- Universities, research centres and associations were grouped together under Research, Engineering and Consulting, as in most cases their space sector activities are related to R&D.
- The grouping of NAICS codes in each of the value-chain categories were then weighted for their relative importance within that particular category. Weighting was established on the basis of workforce tied to each NAICS code. The more workforce associated with organizations in a particular NAICS code, the heavier that NAICS code was weighted relative to the grouping of NAICS codes in that value-chain category.
- Customized economic multipliers were then built for each value-chain category based on Statistics Canada's input-output accounts for existing NAICS codes. These multipliers are at three levels: space sector, supply industry and consumer spending by associated employees.
- Employment levels for each value-chain segment of the space sector (collected directly from companies through the questionnaire) are entered in the Economic Impact Model. The customized economic multipliers are then applied to generate the space sector's total GDP and workforce impact numbers.
The "multiplier effect" refers to the total impacts (space sector, supply industry and consumer spending by associated employees) divided by the initial space sector impact. This gives the reader an idea of the impact that one job or one dollar in the space sector has on the wider economy.
Note: Two types of primary inputs can be used in an input-output model: revenues or employment. Employment has been chosen here, as it provides a more accurate portrait of the true level of economic activity being performed within Canada's borders. The results of this analysis can be considered a conservative estimate of Canada's space sector impact, particularly when compared to third-party studies or comparative international reports, which may use different methodologies.
Annex C Definitions
In this section
The Canadian space sector is defined as organizations (private, public and academic) whose activities include the development and use of space assets and/or space data.
This report uses a methodology developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Space Forum, of which the CSA is a Steering Committee member, to characterize Canadian space activities on the basis of a value-chain approach. The definitions of space sector categories were updated in the edition of this report as per the value-chain approach, with findings presented on the basis of upstream and downstream segment activities. This re-categorization is intended to improve the measurement of the space sector and enable international comparisons.
Under this value-chain approach, data have been organized into categories that align with the stages of producing space goods and services: Research, Engineering and Consulting; Space Segment Manufacturing; Ground Segment Manufacturing; Satellite Operations; Products and Applications; and Services. This approach replaces the space categories used in the annual State of the Canadian Space Sector Reports from to .
Upstream Segment
The upstream segment refers to the effort required to design, test, build, integrate, and launchFootnote 3 assets into space.
- Research, Engineering and Consulting: Research and development (R&D) related to non-commercial or pre-commercial activities; applied science; design and testing of spacecraft, satellites and payloads or components thereof; support services directed at enabling other space sector actors throughout the value chain, including outreach activities, legal services, insurance provision, market research, policy and management services.
- Space Segment Manufacturing: Building and integration of spacecraft, satellites, payloads or any component thereof.
- Ground Segment Manufacturing: Building and integration of facilities and equipment on Earth for satellite operations, often known as "ground stations."
Downstream Segment
The downstream segment refers to the effort required for the day-to-day operation of space assets, manufacturing of products and software applications that transform space data and signals into useful end products, and services provided to end-users.
- Satellite Operations: Day-to-day management of satellites and spacecraft once they are in space, e.g. telemetry, tracking and command; monitoring, recovery operations and collision avoidance; mission planning for satellite passes; uplinks and downlinks for signal processing to reception facility; lease or sale of satellite capacity.
- Products and Applications: Manufacturing/development of software or hardware that enable the transformation of space-derived resources into a usable/useful format, e.g. computer software applications, chipsets, Very Small Aperture Terminals and other terminals, antennas, satellite phones, video and audio receivers-decoders, and GPS devices. This category also includes publishing digital or print books, atlases and maps using space-based data.
- Services: Provision of services which are dependent on space-based signals or data to various end-users (individual consumers, government departments, or businesses), e.g. subscriptions to satellite radio, phone, television or Internet services; engineering, architectural and environmental consulting based on the processing and analysis of Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) or Earth Observation (EO) data; support services provided to users of space-based products and applications, such as provision of computer consulting and facilities management, data processing, Web hosting and portals, and streaming services.
The activities of space organizations can also be broken down, as has been done in previous reports, according to the ultimate use or purpose of the research carried out or the goods and services produced. Space sector activities can serve commercial, civil or military purposes, and refer to activities across the value chain:
- Navigation: The development and use of satellites for localization, positioning and timing services. Navigation is used for air, maritime and land transport, or the localization of individuals and vehicles. It also provides a universal referential time and location standard for a number of systems.
- Satellite Communication: The development and use of satellites to send signals to Earth for the purpose of fixed or mobile telecommunications services (voice, data, Internet, and multimedia) and broadcasting (TV and radio services, video services, Internet content).
- Earth Observation (EO): The development and use of satellites to measure and monitor Earth (including its climate, environment and people) for a number of purposes such as resource management, mineral exploration, disaster assessment, security and defence.
- Space Exploration: The development and use of crewed and uncrewed spacecraft (space stations, rovers and probes) to investigate the reaches of the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere (e.g. the Moon, other planets, asteroids). The International Space Station and astronaut-related activities are considered in this sector.
- Space Science: The various science fields that relate to space flight or any phenomena occurring in space or on other planets (e.g. astrophysics, planetary science, space-related life science).
- Other: Generic technologies or components that are not destined for use on a specific space system or for a specific space application. This could be the case for early-phase research, small off-the-shelf components used in various systems, or services based on integrated applications.
ROI is defined as the ratio rate of return between net income and investment.
For the past five years the CSA has been surveying companies to determine the return on investment (ROI) from CSA space development programs. The process involved asking a series of questions related to reputation effects, intent to generate revenues, and revenues generated for each project supported by space development programs.
Jobs impact is reported on an annual average basis and measured in terms of full-time equivalent (FTE) employment.
HQP is defined as space-related employees who have at least a bachelor's degree. This definition aligns with Statistics Canada's definition of HQP, enabling comparisons with other sectors of the economy.
STEM are space-related employees involved in science, technology, engineering or mathematics activities. For the purpose of this survey, STEM employees include engineers, scientists, technicians, management, health professionals and students working in the space sector. Management employees are included in the STEM indicator because the vast majority of employees in this category are managing STEM-related activities. Similarly, students were included in this indicator, because the vast majority of students employed by space companies are directly involved in STEM activities. This approach aligns more closely with Statistics Canada's and the OECD's definitions of STEM employees.
The report now includes data on CSA employees as members of the space sector, and will look to incorporate other government departments in the future. Data related to CSA employees have also been backdated in order to be consistent with trend analyses throughout the report.
BERD measures the spending towards R&D activities in a company. The source of funds could include their own internal private investment (cash on hand; debt; private injection) or external funding sources (government funding, other).
Canadian Space Agency
John H. Chapman Space Centre
6767 Route de l'Aéroport
Borough of Saint-Hubert
Longueuil, Quebec J3Y 8Y9