Satellite Earth observation: taking full advantage of space to help tackle and adapt to climate change

Satellites help monitor, understand and protect our planet. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)
Satellites provide a unique perspective of our planet. They support cutting-edge science, and enable applications and services in many areas critical to the health and well-being of Canadians. For more than 50 years, Canadian experts have been using satellites to monitor our environment from space. As the effects of climate change in Canada are increasingly clear, satellites can gather essential information more effectively than ever before to help us better understand and protect our planet.
Accordingly, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is investing $8 million in 21 organizations across Canada to advance innovative applications through the use of satellite data. An event was held to announce this funding, delivered through the smartEarth initiative, and to highlight the newly released Resourceful, Resilient, Ready: Canada's Strategy for Satellite Earth Observation.
With the smartEarth initiative, the CSA promotes the development of innovative applications to help meet various needs on Earth, while enhancing the expertise and growth of Canada's space sector. The global satellite Earth observation market is estimated at US$3.3 billion and is expected to grow to US$7.2 billion over the next decade.