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Sunsets - Questions and answers with David Saint-Jacques live from space


Uploaded on January 31, 2019


Sunsets - Questions and answers with David Saint-Jacques live from space

2019-01-31 - During his first press conference in space, CSA astronaut David Saint-Jacques answers the following question, live from the International Space Station:

“How do you manage your sleep with those many sunsets?” (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)


Sean Costello, SpaceFlight Insider: How do you manage your sleep with those many sunsets? We use things like lighting inside. We make it dimmer and redder in the evening, and then brighter and bluer during the day, to – for our bodies’ ability to adjust to light, to help us.

David Saint-Jacques: And then – yes, it is strange sometimes, when you feel like it’s evening and you want to go to bed, and you have a last look outside and it’s a bright daytime, or it’s a sunrise. You have to kind of decouple the events outside from the events inside the Station, and we end up developing our own sense of time that relates to our life inside the Space Station.


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