161 results
Students command a lunar rover
Students take part in Rover Academy
Students explain how they control a rover
CSA astronaut Joshua Kutryk helps a student pilot a rover
Canadian lunar rover prototype during tests
Canada's Lunar Rover Mission – infographic
Close-up of the Canadian lunar rover prototype exploring a Moon-like surface
Canadian lunar rover prototype exploring a Moon-like surface
Dr. Gordon Osinski and the Canadian lunar rover prototype
CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen visits lunar rover company Canadensys
CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen operates a lunar rover prototype
A Canadian utility rover on the Moon
The Canadian lunar rover: searching for new soil
Lunar exploration: The Canadian lunar rover and its payloads
Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) wheel prototype
Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) prototype
VIPER rover
Day 4: Junior Astronaut Camp
Martian selfie
The Juno rover, training to recover samples on the surface of other worlds
The surface of Mars, captured by the Spirit rover
Simulated lunar sample return mission
Juno, terrestrial prototype of a lunar rover
Engineers standing with Mars rovers
LRPDP - Lunar Rover Platform and Drivetrain Prototype
SPRP - Small Planetary Rover Platform
Analogue Terrain
Juno, a rugged, all-terrain rover - infographic
JUNO rover
Mars Sample Return Simulation: sample retrieval and transfer
Joshua Kutryk and Jenni Sidey's first visit to the CSA as Canadian astronauts
Curiosity at Okoruso Drill Hole
MESR in Utah Desert
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