The Canadian Space Agency strengthens its long-term partnership with the European Space Agency

Canada is the only non-European cooperating state of the European Space Agency, a partnership that has spanned over 40 years. This infographic summarizes the advantages of this long-standing relationship for Canadians. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)
The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) took part in the Ministerial Council of the European Space Agency (ESA) on –, in Seville, Spain. This high-level meeting is held every two to three years to make important decisions regarding Europe's future space activities. Canada is the only non-European cooperating state of ESA.
Following broad consultations with Canada's space sector, the CSA is investing approximately $90 million (€56.65 million) in the ESA programmes that have been strategically selected as areas most likely to benefit Canadian industry: Earth observation, satellite communications, exploration and technology development. These investments are aligned with the Space Strategy for Canada. Past investments in ESA have resulted in opportunities for Canadian companies worth almost three times the value of the initial contract.
Canada and ESA have been cooperating in space activities for over 40 years in order to provide Canadian organizations with access to European markets, and to foster collaboration in science. The partnership also provides Canada's space sector with access to data from ESA missions and infrastructure. In , Canada renewed its treaty-level agreement with ESA until .