Farhad Aghili - Inventor

Farhad Aghili
Role at the Canadian Space Agency
- He joined CSA in 1998
- Research Scientist, Robot Dynamics
Academic background
- He received the B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering ('88) and M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering ('91) from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran.
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University, Montreal, in 1998.
CSA contribution
- Dr. Aghili is a research scientist with the Space Exploration of CSA. He worked on various robotics and mechatronics projects such as development of a robot emulation scheme for the SPDM (Dextre) task verification facility, visual guided robotic capturing of a tumbling satellite for on-orbit servicing (OSS), design and development of reconfigurable robots with lockable telescopic links, zero-G satellite emulator, mechatronics testbed for testing joint prototypes of a manipulator, robust vision system for pose estimation of space objects, adaptive control of constrained and unconstrained manipulators, force/moment accommodation control of tele-operated manipulators, time-optimal control of spacecraft, on-orbit calibration of the Dextre force/moment sensor, fault-tolerant control of manipulators and electric motors, robust force control of hydraulic actuators, adaptive and fault-tolerant control of electric motors, optimal design of torque sensor and loadcell, modeling and control of constrained mechanical systems using non-minimal model, robust force/motion control and impedance control of manipulators, control of parallel mechanisms, adaptive cooperative control of manipulators with kinematics uncertainties, control of space manipulators, 3-D simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) of vehicles, and localization of mobile robots using RTK GPS and IMU.
Prior experience
- During -, he was a Research Engineer at MPB Technologies, Montreal, working on development of actuator and sensor systems for ultra precision robots.
- During -, he was a machine tool designer at Pooyandan Eng. Co., Tehran, where he designed various machine tools as i) a special purpose machine with a six-station index table for automatic machining (boring, drilling, and tapping) of gate-values; ii) a steel wire coiler; iii) a wire pointer machine; iv) an hydraulic fixture; v) a hydraulic feeding unit.
- Dr. Aghili won the best paper award in ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and he received the CSA Inventor & Innovator Certificate six times. He was the co-author of the finalist for the Best Student-Paper award in IEEE Int. Conference on Control Applications, . Dr. Aghili received CSA Appreciation award in recognition of his contribution to the STVF project in .