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Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan

Credit: J.D. Mollard and Associates. Landsat 8 image courtesy of the USGS

Saskatchewan's far north evokes a sense of vastness – a vastness that applies to this scene, to our province, and indeed to all of Canada. Vivid colours speak of life and hope. Saskatchewan's rich natural resources, blended with vision, hard work, ingenuity, and a spirit of togetherness, sustained Indigenous people for millennia, held promise for settlers of agricultural lands far to the south, and continue to welcome newcomers from around the world today.

The sharp interface between water and land draws attention to the importance of these fundamental Earth elements that give and support life, compelling us to honour the treasure of resources on which life itself depends. The complex network of jagged lines on expansive lake ice portrays Saskatchewan's hidden beauty and reminds us of the fragile nature of what appears to be solid and unchanging. Shifting white sand dunes, arcuate raised beaches and expanding deltas with interweaving channels tell us that even in nature there is continual change and adjustment. Combined, the elements of this image call us to discover beauty by emulating nature's harmony in our ever-changing world.

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