2014-15 Departmental Performance Report - Supplementary Information Tables
Table of Contents
- Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More
- Status Report on Transformational and Major Crown Projects
- Internal Audits and Evaluations
- Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits
- Status Report on Projects Operating With Specific Treasury Board Approval
- User Fees, Regulatory Charges and External Fees
- Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More
General Information
Name of transfer payment program
Contributions under the Canada / European Space Agency (ESA) Cooperation Agreement
Start date
- March 28, 2012 (ratification of the latest Agreement)
- September 20, 2012 (approval of the revised Terms & Conditions)
End date
December 31, 2019 (end date of the latest Agreement)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions
The revised Terms & Conditions for the contributions, under the 2012–19 Cooperation Agreement, were approved on September 20, 2012.
Strategic Outcome
Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
- Program 1.3 Future Canadian Space Capacity
- Sub-Program 1.3.2 Space Innovation and Market Access
- Sub-Sub-Program International Market Access
Enhance Canadian industry's technological base and provide access to European markets for value-added products and services in the fields of Earth observation (EO), telecommunications and generic technological activities; foster the participation of Canadian academia and make possible the demonstration of Canadian space technologies in European microgravity and space exploration missions and programs. This is achieved through a financial contribution by the CSA to ESA optional programs.
Results achieved
For the period of January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2014, Canada achieved a return coefficient of 99%, which is much higher than the minimum guaranteed to ESA member states (i.e. 96% and very close to the ideal value (i.e. 100%). This result indicates that as a result of the Canada/ESA Agreement, Canada is successful in obtaining its fair share of ESA contracts.
Through Canada's participation in ESA Earth Observation programs, more specifically the Earth Observation Envelope Program (EOEP) and the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Space Component, the CSA has continued to support Canadian companies in their involvement in developing advanced space-borne instruments and subsystems, user-oriented applications, and ensuring access to the data for Canadians. Examples of accomplishments in 2014–15 include:
- The Sentinel-1 satellite was successfully launched on April 3, 2014, carrying a C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Canadian company C-CORE of Newfoundland designed and built the SAR active calibration transponders, which have been deployed and are providing high-quality calibration data during the current satellite commissioning phase. The SAR processor software developed by MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA) to generate images has won a major contract to provide RADARSAT-2 data to ESA as part of Copernicus contributing missions.
- Communications & Power Industries (CPI) Canada continues the development and space qualification of High Power Amplifier for microwave radar based on its world-leading Extended Interaction Klystron (EIK) technology under the EOEP.
The CSA has supported the development and demonstration of innovative space technologies through its participation in ESA's General Support Technology Program (GSTP). For example, two Canadian companies will be providing critical technologies for the formation flying mission Proba-3, to be launched in 2017.
Through its partnership with ESA, the CSA has continued to position Canadian industry and scientists in future scientific and technological developments related to the Aurora planetary exploration programs and the European Program for Life and Physical Sciences (ELIPS). More specifically, Calm Technologies, a Canadian company, was awarded a contract to provide ESA with a full complement of their cell culture system for flight to the International Space Station (ISS), planned for 2017.
Several Canadian companies are also involved in the delivery of key components of the ExoMars missions, scheduled in 2016 and 2018, under the Aurora Program. In addition, Canada's contribution to ELIPS has provided opportunities to Canadians in Europe and on European assets such as bed-rest facilities, sounding rockets and even ISS allocation to advance the priorities of the Life in Space activity sector..
Canada's participation in the European Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) has continued to allow our industry to access forward-looking studies on new telecommunications services, and to develop new satellites, technologies, equipment and applications. At the 2014 Ministerial-level ESA Council meeting, Canada announced new contributions to the ARTES 33 Program element, in order to secure Canadian industry's collaboration with leading European satellite operators in ESA's public–private partnership initiatives.
Comments on variances
The variance of $2.4 million is due to the review of the annual payment schedule by ESA, as well as to the increase in Canada's payments (in accordance with the budgetary feasibility principle governing member states' contributions to ESA), which is inconsistent with Canada's binding multi-year legal obligations with respect to optional programs.
Audits completed or planned
Evaluations completed or planned
Engagement of applicants and recipients
The CSA actively consulted the Canadian space sector (i.e. both industry and academia) and Government of Canada (GoC) organizations as part of the program selection process in preparation for the 2012 ESA Ministerial Council meeting during which ESA member states and Canada announced their position on contributions to the proposed ESA Programs. Similar consultations are planned for future ESA Ministerial Council meetings.
Performance Information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment | 2012–13 Actual spending |
2013–14 Actual spending |
2014–15 Planned spending |
2014–15 Total authorities available for use |
2014–15 Actual spending (authorities used) |
Variance (2014–15 actual minus 2014–15 planned) |
Total contributions | 23,279,404 | 24,620,924 | 27,373,853 | 29,762,875 | 29,762,875 | 2,389,022 |
Total program | 23,279,404 | 24,620,924 | 27,373,853 | 29,762,875 | 29,762,875 | 2,389,022 |
General Information
Name of transfer payment program
Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology
Start date
October 1, 2009
End date
N/A – Ongoing program
Fiscal year for terms and conditions
Strategic Outcome
Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
- Program 1.1 Space Data, Information and Services
- Sub-Program 1.1.1 Earth Orbit Satellite Missions and Technology
- Sub-Sub-Program Scientific Missions
- Sub-Program 1.1.2 Ground Infrastructure
- Sub-Sub-Program Data Handling
- Sub-Program 1.1.3 Space Data, Imagery and Services Utilization Development
- Sub-Sub-Program Earth Observation Data and Imagery Utilization
- Program 1.2 Space Exploration
- Sub-Program 1.2.1 International Space Station
- Sub-Sub-Program International Space Station Utilization
- Sub-Program 1.2.2 Exploration Missions and Technology
- Sub-Sub-Program Space Astronomy Missions
- Sub-Program 1.2.3 Human Space Missions and Support
- Sub-Sub-Program Health and Life Sciences
- Program 1.3 Future Canadian Space Capacity
- Sub-Program 1.3.1 Space Expertise and Proficiency
- Sub-Program 1.3.2 Space Innovation and Market Access
- Sub-Sub-Program Enabling Technology Development
This program supports knowledge development and innovation in the CSA's priority areas while increasing the awareness and participation of Canadians in space-related disciplines and activities. The program has two components:
- Research and
- Awareness and Learning.
The Research component aims to support the development of science and technology; foster the continual development of a critical mass of researchers and highly qualified people in Canada; and support information gathering and space-related studies and research pertaining to Canadian Space Agency priorities.
The Awareness and Learning component aims to provide learning opportunities to Canadian students in various space-related disciplines; to support the operations of organizations dedicated to space research and education; and to increase awareness of Canadian space science and technology among Canadian students and their participation in related activities. It should be noted that the CSA conducted a review of all of its programs. As a result of this review, the CSA no longer financially supports initiatives under the Awareness and Learning component aimed at elementary and secondary school students.
Results achieved
In 2014–15, Canadian universities and for-profit and not-for-profit organizations established and operating in Canada made significant contributions to knowledge creation in space science and technology priority areas through 87 new research projects and five new Announcements of Opportunity (AOs) on the CSA website such as Research & Development (R&D) for C- and X-Band Satellite Data Integration, Bed-Rest and Isolation Studies 2014, Science and Operational Applications Research for RADARSAT-2, Geospace Observatory (GO) Canada – Science and Applications, and Space Technology Development Program (STDP) Industrial Capability-Building Contribution: STDP AO2. For more details, consult the Grants & Contributions (G&C) AO web page.
Results: All projects have resulted in 384 publications and 621 presentations, 66% of which were peer reviewed. 677 research team members were involved in the supported initiatives representing 283 full-time equivalents (FTEs). Of these highly qualified personnel (HQP), 245 were faculty members (79 FTEs), 320 students and post-doctoral fellows (156 FTEs), and 112 technicians and other research personnel (48 FTEs).
A total of 113 research organizations have been involved in the funded projects (i.e. 48% universities, 9% foreign research organizations, 21% from the private sector and 22% other). 57% of research partners are international and 43% are national. A total of 37 projects declared leveraged funds from which eight projects reported international funding.
Comments on variances
Grants: The variance is mainly due to additional budgets in the amount of $500,000 that were allocated to the Automatic Identification System (AIS).
Contributions: The variance is mainly due to delays in reaching contribution agreements under the Space Technology Development Program (STDP), which meant that the recipients could not incur all of the eligible expenditures planned for 2014-15. The balance of these planned expenditures will be incurred in 2015-16.
Audits completed or planned
Evaluations completed or planned
Engagement of applicants and recipients
Since January 2012, an initiative to engage recipients has been undertaken through an automated annual follow-up of projects. The Agency has extended this initiative in order to establish a dialogue with potential applicants and recipients.
Consultations, presentations to, and discussions with the academic and industrial communities, as well as with other potential recipient groups, are ongoing and will continue.
Performance Information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment | 2012–13 Actual spending |
2013–14 Actual spending |
2014–15 Planned spending |
2014–15 Total authorities available for use |
2014–15 Actual spending (authorities used) |
Variance (2014–15 actual minus 2014–15 planned) |
Total grants | 6,223,626 | 6,292,445 | 6,535,000 | 7,009,000 | 6,955,536 | 420,536 |
Total contributions | 1,016,096 | 1,518,812 | 5,398,000 | 5,120,979 | 4,097,804 | (1,300,196) |
Total program | 7,239,722 | 7,811,257 | 11,933,000 | 12,129,979 | 11,053,340 | (867,660) |
Status Report on Transformational and Major Crown Projects
Project name
RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM)
The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) is the next generation of Canadian Earth observation (EO) radar satellites. RADARSAT-1 was launched in 1995 and continued its operation until March 2013. RADARSAT-2, developed by the private sector in partnership with the Government of Canada (GoC), was launched in 2007 for a seven-year mission, but given its current performance, it is expected to remain operational for several more years. Canada has established itself as a leading global supplier of C-band satellite radar data for EO. The successor mission to RADARSAT-2, the RCM will maintain the leadership and position of Canadian industry in space radar technology and value-added product markets.
The RCM is comprised of three identical satellites. The launch of the constellation is planned for 2018. With a constellation, the time between successive imaging of a specific point on Earth is significantly reduced from 24 to four days. The creation of a three-satellite constellation will increase the frequency of available information, as well as the reliability of the system, making it better suited to the requirements of operations of both public and private users.
The scope of the RCM Major Crown Project includes the requirement definition, design, development, manufacturing, integration, testing and launch of the satellites as well as the design, development, manufacturing and installation of the associated ground segment. One year of operation of the three-satellite constellation is also included as well as an applications development program.
The RCM will provide reliable data in all weather and illumination conditions in support of federal departments' operations and mandates in areas such as maritime surveillance, disaster management, environmental monitoring and natural resource management. The satellite constellation will provide average daily coverage capacity of most of Canada and its surrounding waters. In the North, the constellation will provide two to three times daily coverage capacity of the Arctic and the Northwest Passage.
In support of the maritime surveillance requirements of federal departments, the RCM is the principal data source envisaged for wide-area surveillance of Canada's remote areas and marine approaches. Only satellite data can offer regular cost-effective information to task ships and aircraft in order to intercept suspicious vessels.
The daily coverage of marine areas will also support fisheries monitoring, ice and iceberg monitoring, pollution monitoring, and integrated ocean and coastal zone management. The RCM's maritime surveillance capabilities also support Canadian sovereignty and security. The RCM satellites will be able to capture ship-originated Automatic Identification System (AIS) signals from space. The combination of space-based radar images and AIS signals will provide a powerful surveillance capacity over Canada's maritime approaches and elsewhere in the world.
In support of disaster management, both in Canada and around the world, the RCM will provide critical and timely data to support disaster mitigation, warning, and response and recovery activities, while helping Canada meet its obligations with respect to international disaster relief. The types of disasters for which RCM data will be used for monitoring and relief purposes include floods, oil spills, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and hurricanes.
In support of environmental monitoring, the RCM will provide data for wide-area change detection in order to provide support for activities such as water monitoring, wetlands mapping, coastal change monitoring and changes in the permafrost in northern Canada. RCM data will contribute to the production of more accurate weather forecasts and warnings pertaining to marine conditions, winds, severe storms and floods.
In support of natural resource management, RCM data will be a critical source of information to monitor the changing state of Canada's agricultural areas, forests and wildlife habitats. RCM data will also be used in the mining and energy sectors for resource exploration operations to ensure that critical infrastructure is monitored properly for safety and integrity.
In addition, the RCM will sustain the development of Canadian high-technology design and manufacturing capabilities and the integration of satellite data into information products and services. Canada's space and geomatics industries will benefit from better positioning in international markets and privileged access to data deemed essential by many international users.
Project outcomes
This Major Crown Project (MCP) contributes to Program 1.1 Space Data, Information and Services, which includes the provision of space-based solutions and the progression of their utilization. It also serves to install and run ground infrastructure that processes the data and operates satellites. This Program utilizes space-based solutions to assist Government of Canada (GoC) organizations in delivering growing, diversified and cost-effective programs and services within the purview of their respective mandates, each related to key national priorities such as sovereignty, defence, safety and security, resource management, environmental monitoring and the North. It also provides academia with data required to perform its own research. The contribution of the MCP to the program objectives is measured through the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) (i.e. Program Alignment Architecture [PAA], results and performance indicators).
Program 1.1 Space Data, Information and Services
Result: Government of Canada (GoC) organizations offer more diversified or cost-effective programs and services due to their utilization of space-based solutions.
Performance Indicator #1: Number of new GoC programs offering more diversified or efficient services.
Sub-Program 1.1.1 Earth Orbit Satellite Missions and Technology
Result: GoC organizations are using space-based data to deliver their mandate.
Performance Indicator #1: Number of GoC programs using space data or derived information to deliver their mandate.
Performance Indicator #2: Percentage of RADARSAT data used in program delivery.
Industrial benefits
The RCM is expected to generate significant industrial benefits in the space and Earth Observation sectors, such as employment, economic growth and improved productivity. Investments in RCM also support the growth of small- and medium-sized companies as well as Canadian capabilities in terms of infrastructure and services.
The prime contract includes a requirement for 70% Canadian content, excluding launch services and subsystems for which there are no suppliers available in Canada. As of March 31, 2015, this corresponds to a Canadian content requirement of $345.1 million. For the same period, the CSA had provided Canadian industry with funding of more than $406.6 million to carry out work resulting directly from the design of the RCM Major Crown Project, thus surpassing the requirement.
The prime contract also requires that 3.5% of the 70% Canadian content be subcontracted in the Atlantic Canada region. For the same period, the actual Atlantic Canada content was $11.7 million, just below the requirement.
The prime contract includes reporting obligations and performance measurements as well as financial penalties for not meeting the minimum Atlantic Canada content requirement.
Sponsoring department
Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
Contracting authority
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)
Participating departments
- Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Canadian Coast Guard
- Canadian Ice Service
- Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
- Department of National Defence
- Environment Canada
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Industry Canada
- Natural Resources Canada
- Parks Canada
- Public Safety Canada
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Statistics Canada
- Transport Canada
Prime contractor
MDA Systems Ltd. (a division of MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates), Richmond, British Columbia
Major subcontractors
Tier 1 Major Subcontractors:
- MDA Montreal, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec
- Magellan Aerospace, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- MDA, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- SpaceX, Hawthorne, California, USA
- EADS, Astrium, United Kingdom
- COM DEV Europe, United Kingdom
Tier 2 and Tier 3 Canadian Subcontractors:
- EADS, Composites Atlantic, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
- IMP Group, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- DRS, Ottawa, Ontario
- Mecachrome, Mirabel, Quebec
- Maya, Montreal, Quebec
Project phase
Phase D – Implementation
Major milestones
- Phase A: Requirement Definition (March 2008)
- Phase B: Preliminary Design (March 2010)
- Phase C: Detailed Design Review (November 2012)
- Phase D: Launch satellite #1, #2, and #3 (2018)
- Phase E1: Operations (part of MCP) (2020)
- Phase E2: Operations (not part of MCP) (2026)
Progress report and explanation of variances
On December 13, 2004, the Domestic Affairs Committee of Cabinet granted approval-in-principle to a 10-year program to implement a RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) aimed at addressing the operational needs of users from the public and private sectors in relation to Canadian sovereignty and marine surveillance, environmental monitoring and change detection, and disaster management. The RCM would be government owned and operated.
On June 6, 2005, Treasury Board granted Preliminary Project Approval (PPA) for the RCM and expenditure authority for the Project Initial Planning and Identification (i.e. Phase A). During Phase A, feasibility studies were completed, user requirements were defined, and risk mitigation activities and options analysis for the bus and payload were carried out. The initial scope of work for Phase A was completed in December 2006. Phase A was then extended to allow additional technical risk reduction activities to continue during the period prior to the Phase B contract award. This was completed in March 2008.
In March 2007, Treasury Board approved a revised Preliminary Project Submission to proceed to Phases B and C. Following a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) obtained authority to enter into negotiations with MDA, the prime contractor, and awarded the contract for Phase B in November 2008. The Preliminary Design (i.e. Phase B) was completed in March 2010. The contract for Phase B was subsequently amended to include the detailed design (i.e. Phase C).
A second revised PPA was approved by Treasury Board in December 2010. The purpose of this revised PPA was to provide additional expenditure authority to include the procurement of long-lead items during Phase C and also to include a technology demonstration for Automatic Identification System (AIS) payloads, funded by the Department of National Defence.
The final review of the overall mission-level system detailed design, the Mission Critical Design Review (CDR), was conducted in November 2012. A selected set of activities, such as completing the design qualification activities and the procurement of long-lead items, were pursued under Phase C and were completed in March 2015. These selected activities were scheduled to be completed in March 2014 but were delayed due to technical difficulties encountered during the building of the qualification models. The delay has no impact on the project.
Treasury Board granted Effective Project Approval for the RCM in December 2012, which provides expenditure and contracting authorities to complete the project and carry out the first year of RCM operations (Phases D and E1). The contract was awarded on January 9, 2013. Since contract award, planning activities have been completed and major milestones achieved to initiate the implementation phase of the satellites and associated ground system.
In 2013, a Deputy Ministers' Governance Committee (DMGC) was established to provide oversight, coordination and accountability on the RCM MCP. The DMGC reports to the Minister of Industry and provides strategic direction while making timely decisions to address issues and risks that could affect the success of the MCP.
Significant progress continued to be made in the manufacturing of the RCM satellites throughout 2014–15. Most of the satellite units have been completed for the first satellite and in several cases for all three satellites. Assembly, integration and test of the first satellite bus and SAR payload subsystems has started, and the plans for the satellite-level assembly, integration and test have been finalized. Satellite-level assembly, integration and test will commence in the latter half of 2015–16. The preliminary design phase of the RCM ground segment was completed and the detailed design phase is well underway for completion in 2015–16. Preliminary plans for the upgrade of the CSA headquarters at Saint-Hubert, Quebec, to accommodate the RCM ground segment were completed. Detailed drawings and specifications were completed in April 2015, and construction work will commence in 2015–16. A preliminary application for the RCM Operating Licence has been completed and submitted to DFATD, the licencing authority, for consideration.
British Columbia | Prairies | Ontario | Quebec | Atlantic Provinces | Total Canada | |
Targets (%) | 10 | 10 | 35 | 35 | 10 | 100 |
Actual (%) | 25.3 | 15.4 | 13.9 | 42.5 | 2.9 | 100 |
Actual ($ in millions) | 102.9 | 62.8 | 56.4 | 172.8 | 11.7 | 406.6 |
Current Estimated Total Expenditure | Actual at March 31, 2015 | Future Years | |
RADARSAT Constellation Mission | 1,089.5 | 618.7 | 470.8 |
Project name
James Webb Space Telescope (Webb)
The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) is a joint international mission involving NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the CSA. The mission concept is for a large field-aperture telescope to be located 1.5 million km from Earth. Like Hubble, the Webb will be used by the astronomy community to observe targets ranging from objects within our solar system to the most remote galaxies which can be seen during their formation in the early universe. The science mission is centred on the quest to understand our origins:
- Observing the very first generation of stars to illuminate the dark universe when it was less than one billion years old;
- Understanding the physical processes that have controlled the evolution of galaxies over cosmic time and, in particular, identifying the processes that led to the assembly of galaxies within the first four billion years after the Big Bang;
- Understanding the physical processes that control the formation and early evolution of stars in our own and other nearby galaxies; and
- Studying the formation and early evolution of proto-planetary disks, and characterizing the atmospheres of isolated planetary mass objects.
The Webb is scheduled for launch in 2018. Webb instruments will be designed to work primarily in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, with some capability in the visible range. The Webb will have a large mirror, 6.5 metres in diameter, and a sun shield that will be the size of a tennis court once deployed in outer space.
Canada is providing the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) and the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrometer (NIRISS). The FGS is integral to the attitude control system of the Webb, and consists of two fully redundant cameras that will report precise pointing information. Canadian expertise in this area was established previously with the successful fine error sensors for the former Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) mission. Packaged with the FGS but functionally independent, NIRISS covers the 0.7 to 5 micrometer spectral range. NIRISS provides a specialized capability for surveys of objects such as primeval galaxies, for the study of transiting planetary systems and for high-contrast imaging applications such as the detection of extra-solar planets.
With COM DEV Canada as prime contractor, the James Webb Space Telescope-FGS Major Crown Project consists of the design, development, testing and integration into the spacecraft, launching and commissioning of the FGS and NIRISS. By participating in this leading-edge international space exploration mission, the CSA is actively promoting Canadian scientific expertise and innovative, advanced space technologies.
The National Research Council's National Science Infrastructure (NSI), formerly known as Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, is a key Government of Canada (GoC) partner for activities related to the development of science instruments and distribution of telescope data. In return for its overall investment in the Webb Telescope, Canada will obtain a minimum of 5% of the time on this unique space telescope.
Already, the news of Canada's involvement in this international space exploration mission is inspiring youth, educators and amateur astronomers, and rallying members of Canada's world-renowned astrophysics community.
Project outcomes
This MCP contributes to Program 1.2 Space Exploration, which provides valuable Canadian science, signature technologies and qualified astronauts to international space exploration endeavours. It fosters the generation of knowledge as well as technological spinoffs that contribute to a higher quality of life for Canadians. This Program appeals to the science and technology communities. It is targeted mostly towards Canadian academia and international space exploration partnerships. Canadian industry also benefits from the work generated within this Program. The contribution of the MCP to the program objectives is measured through the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) (Program Alignment Architecture [PAA], results and performance indicators).
Program 1.2 Space Exploration
Result #1: Expansion of advanced scientific knowledge acquired through space exploration endeavours.
Performance Indicator #1: Number of peer-reviewed scientific publications, reports and conference proceedings using space exploration data produced by researchers (sciences and technologies) in Canada.
Result #2: Multiple use and applications of knowledge and know-how acquired through space exploration endeavours.
Performance Indicator #1: Number of terrestrial applications of knowledge and know-how acquired through space exploration endeavours.
Performance Indicator #2: Number of space re-utilizations of knowledge and know-how acquired through space exploration endeavours.
Sub-Program 1.2.2 Exploration Missions and Technology
Result #1: Technological know-how acquired through space exploration endeavours (Astronomy and Planetary).
Performance Indicator #1: Proportion of the CSA's missions/solutions/instruments that met their mission performance requirements at acceptance review and/or at commissioning.
Result #2: Canada maintains a strategic positioning which supports its capacity to influence space exploration missions and decision-making processes in key international space exploration forums.
Performance Indicator #1: Number of CSA-sponsored highly qualified personnel (HQP) nominated on the International Space Exploration Decision bodies.
Result #3: The CSA's participation in space exploration missions provides access to scientific data about the solar system and the universe.
Performance Indicator #1: Number of CSA-sponsored space astronomy and planetary missions providing data to the Canadian scientific community.
Industrial benefits
As of March 31, 2015, the CSA had funded close to $121 million of work for Canadian industry from the JWST-FGS Major Crown Project. Most of the direct industrial benefits from the construction of the Webb-FGS and NIRISS system will accrue to Ontario.
Sponsoring department
Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
Contracting authority
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) for the Canadian Space Agency
Participating departments
- NRC's National Science Infrastructure
- Industry Canada (IC)
Prime contractor
- COM DEV Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Major subcontractors
- Teledyne, USA
- Corning NetOptix, USA
- IMP Aerospace Avionics, Canada
- ABB Bomem, Canada
- MDA, Canada
- INO, Canada
- BMV, Canada
- CDA Intercorp, USA
- ESTL, Europe
- Bach Research Corporation, USA
- Materion, USA
- Camcor, Canada
Project phase
Phase D – Implementation
Major milestones
- Phase A: Requirement Definition (2004)
- Phase B: Preliminary Design (May 2005)
- Phase C: Detailed Design (September 2008)
- Phase D: Manufacturing/Assembly, Integration/Testing, Pre-launch preparations, Launch/System Commissioning (March 2019)
- Phase E: Operations (part of MCP) (2024)
Progress report and explanation of variances
In March 2004, Treasury Board granted Preliminary Project Approval for Phases B, C and D. In December 2006, before the completion of Phase C, detailed design of the FGS, the CSA requested increased expenditure authority to complete the project. In February 2007, Treasury Board granted Effective Project Approval, and the project became a Major Crown Project (MCP).
In March 2007, the first Critical Design Review (CDR) for the guidance function of the FGS revealed technical issues. During the preparation of the system-level CDR, new issues became apparent. The technical issues needed to be addressed.
In December 2007, Treasury Board granted a revised Effective Project Approval (EPA) after the project costs had increased significantly due to the technical issues by the end of Phase C, the detailed design phase.
In 2010, NASA discovered that the infrared detectors, extremely sensitive cameras capable of "seeing" light produced by heat, were showing signs of performance degradation due to a design fault. Following investigation, NASA concluded that all detectors, including the four procured by Canada, needed to be replaced. In effect, two years after their acceptance by the project, the detectors started to show the same degradation. NASA initiated an improvement project with Teledyne Scientific & Imaging LLC to address the design issue causing the degradation.
In 2011–12, work continued on hardware and software development. COM DEV Canada worked on the Proto Flight Model (PFM), which successfully completed a very stringent environmental test campaign during which the instrument was subjected to cryogenic temperatures over a period of 80 continuous days. Teledyne Scientific & Imaging LLC completed the detector design improvements and, after testing, successfully addressed the degradation issues. NASA then initiated the procurement process for new detectors for the Webb Mission; the acquisition of the detectors for the FGS/NIRISS was under the responsibility of the CSA.
The FGS Engineering Test Unit (ETU) was integrated into the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) test set-up and underwent system-level testing with the other science instrument engineering units. The integration test onto the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) of the Webb Telescope was successfully conducted. A technical issue surfaced with a component, the Tunable Filter Instrument (TFI), which triggered the need for a change in the design approach and led to the design and development of the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS). This new instrument relied on existing components of the old TFI but used a different approach to cover the light spectrum required for the science mission.
On July 30, 2012, the PFM FGS/NIRISS was delivered to NASA GSFC. On November 15, 2012, the PFM FGS/NIRISS was officially accepted by NASA following the successful completion of post-delivery functional tests. The FGS/NIRISS was the first instrument officially accepted by NASA as part of the James Webb Space Telescope project.
As to the procurement of the four new detectors for the FGS/NIRISS, the CSA and NASA agreed on cost sharing: NASA would manage the procurement with Teledyne Scientific & Imaging LLC until the detectors are completed, at which point they would be procured off-the-shelf by the CSA (through PWGSC).
In August 2013, NASA initiated a cryogenic test campaign with the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM). The test was completed in November 2013, and the FGS/NIRISS performed as expected.
The second cryogenic test campaign was conducted in 2014–15 as the integration and test activities at NASA with ISIM continued. As well, in 2014, the FGS/NIRISS detectors were replaced after the completion of the second cryogenic test campaign.
In 2015–16, NASA will finalize the integration of ISIM with the four science instruments and complete ISIM's environmental testing, which will include the third cryogenic test campaign planned from October 2015 to January 2016. Upon completion of those activities in early 2016, NASA will be undertaking the next phase of integration of the Webb Telescope: the integration of ISIM with the Optical Telescope Element. The Optical Telescope Element consists of the main optical mirror (18 mirror segments) of the telescope and the structure that holds it. This integration will be done first at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, and the environmental test campaign will be completed at the NASA Johnson Space Center facilities in Texas.
The launch date for the Webb is currently planned for October 2018.
In 2007, when the project obtained Treasury Board approval for the revised EPA, the anticipated mission launch date was May 2013. Following a re-planning exercise conducted by NASA, the launch date was put back to October 2018, extending the project life by 5.5 years. There was an associated cost increase in the mission's integration and test phase, due to NASA having originally underestimated the work needed for that phase. The scope of work remaining to be completed for the project is as follows:
- Although the flight instrument has now been delivered, the project is still in the implementation phase where support must be provided for the integration of the FGS/NIRISS into the spacecraft, for the launch activities and for the spacecraft commissioning activities.
- With all the integration and test activities at NASA having been delayed and the duration of those activities revised under the NASA re-plan, the CSA and COM DEV are required to provide direct engineering post-delivery support to NASA for the FGS/NIRISS and to the Webb mission commissioning activities from 2014 up until April 2019.
- Official mission operations will commence after the completion of the telescope's commissioning, six months after its launch. The Webb Telescope operations center will be located in the Space Telescope Institute in Baltimore, Maryland,. Canadian scientists will be on location to directly support the operations of the FGS and NIRISS throughout the mission's operations. The operations will also be supported by engineering staff in order to be able to address technical issues if and when they occur to ensure the functionality of Canada's instruments.
Ultimately this remaining scope of work and the extension of the mission schedule resulted in cost increases that could not be absorbed by the 2007 project authorities. As well, PWGSC needed contractual authorities for acquiring the new detectors under a sole-source contract with a US supplier. As a result, the CSA prepared a new submission to Treasury Board addressing the issues above. The submission was approved in February 2014: Treasury Board granted a revised Effective Project Approval (EPA) of $169.9 million (excluding taxes).
Ontario | Quebec | Atlantic Provinces | Total Canada | |
Actual (%) | 91.1 | 7.4 | 1.5 | 100 |
Actual ($) | 110.2 | 9.0 | 1.8 | 121 |
Current Estimated Total Expenditure | Actual at March 31, 2014 | Future Years | |
JWST-FGS and NIRISS | 171.1 | 162.1 | 9.0 |
Internal Audits and Evaluations
Name of Internal Audit | Internal Audit Type | Completion date |
Governance |
2015-03-26 |
Safety and Mission Assurance |
2015-06-04 |
Earth Observation Mission Program Management Framework – RCM |
2015-09-10 |
Chief Financial Officer Attestation for Cabinet Submissions |
2016-03-31 |
Procurement Processes and Contract Management |
2016-03-31 |
Implementation of the Investment Governance and Monitoring Framework for Infrastructure Projects |
2017-03-31 |
Internal Control Policy Implementation |
2017-03-31 |
Configuration Management |
2017-03-31 |
Space Astronomy Missions and Planetary Missions Programs Management Framework |
2018-03-31 |
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture | Title of the Evaluation | Status | Deputy Head Approval Date |
Qualifying and Testing Services www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/publications/er-1415-0203.asp |
Completed | December 2014 |
International Market Access | In progress | December 2015 |
Class Grant and Contribution Program | In progress | March 2016 |
International Space Station Assembly and Maintenance Operations | In progress | March 2016 |
Enabling Technology Development | Has not been started yet | September 2016 |
Human Space Missions and Support and the International Space Station Utilization | Has not been started yet | March 2017 |
Earth Observation (EO) Missions EO Data and Imagery Utilization Ground Infrastructure |
Has not been started yet | March 2017 |
Communications Missions Communications Services Utilization Ground Infrastructure, including M3MSat |
Has not been started yet | January 2018 |
Space Expertise and Proficiency | Has not been started yet | March 2018 |
Space Astronomy and Planetary Missions | Has not been started yet | March 2018 |
Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits
Response to Parliamentary Committees
No response requested in 2014-15
Response to the Auditor General
No recommendations received in 2014-15
External audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
No external audits in 2014-15
Status Report on Projects Operating With Specific Treasury Board Approval
Project Name and Project Phase | Original estimated total costFootnote 1 (dollars) | Revised estimated total cost Footnote 2 (dollars) |
Actual cost total Footnote 3 (dollars |
2014–15 Main Estimates (dollars) |
2014–15 Planned Spending (dollars) |
2014–15 Total authorities (dollars) |
2014–15 Actual Spending (dollars) |
Expected date of close–out Footnote 4 |
1.1 Space Data, Information and Services | ||||||||
RADARSAT Constellation MCP EPA | 600,000,000 | 1,089,456,532 | 618,682,426 | 200,121,025 | 200,121,025 | 201,489,635 | 131,892,220 | 2018–19 |
Maritime Monitoring and Messaging Micro-Satellite (M3MSat) EPA | 5,404,000 | 16,478,419 | 9,358,138 | 12,815 | 2,760,836 | 4,190,946 | 4,190,946 | 2015–16 |
Surface Water & Ocean Topography (SWOT-C) | 8,496,507 | 8,496,507 | 1,148,937 | 1,723,635 | 1,723,635 | 1,787,937 | 1,148,937 | 2020–21 |
1.2 Space Exploration | ||||||||
OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) – EPA | 26,696,400 | 34,994,564 | 28,808,573 | 6,964,740 | 7,699,740 | 10,904,685 | 8,095,685 | 2016–17 |
Canadian Metrology System (CAMS) on Japan's Astro-H Space Observatory Satellite – EPA | 4,767,320 | 5,520,320 | 5,161,125 | 146,200 | 1,172,200 | 1,549,172 | 1,281,172 | 2015–16 |
James Webb Space Telescope MCP (JWST) – EPA | 67,160,000 | 171,071,953 | 162,125,229 | 5,575,505 | 9,021,505 | 9,902,610 | 9,094,610 | 2019–20 |
Mobile Servicing System Replacement Camera (MSS RCAM) | 15,465,270 | 15,465,270 | 105,762 | 3,582,730 | 3,582,730 | 105,762 | 105,762 | 2017–18 |
1.4 Internal Services | ||||||||
David Florida Laboratory Infrastructure Accelerated Refit (DFL-IAR) | 9,890,000 | 9,890,000 | 70,718 | - | - | 70,718 | 70,718 | 2016-17 |
Total Footnote 5 | 737,879,497 | 1,351,373,565 | 825,460,907 | 218,126,650 | 226,081,671 | 230,001,463 | 155,880,048 | - |
User Fees, Regulatory Charges and External Fees
Fee name
Fees charged for the processing of access to information requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)
Fee type
Other products and services (O)
Fee-setting authority
Access to Information Act
Year introduced
Year last amended
Performance standard
Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to Section 9 of the Access to Information Act. Notices of extension are to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request. The Access to Information Act provides fuller details.
Performance results
The CSA received 17 new requests for access to information and had five that were outstanding from the previous period. Four were reported to be processed in the following year, for a total of 18 processed requests. The response time was within time limits in 82% of the requests. Finally, in accordance with TBS guidelines, the CSA waived fees for one request.
Other information
The CSA collects user fees for information requests in accordance with the Access to Information Act. The total amount of user fees collected in 2014–15 was for application fees; no other fees were charged.
Forecast revenue | Actual revenue | Full cost |
100 | 85 | 95,171 |
Planning year | Forecast revenue | Estimated full cost |
2015–16 | 100 | 100,000 |
2016-17 | 100 | 101,000 |
2017-18 | 100 | 101,000 |
Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
Target 7.2: Green Procurement
As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada (GoC) will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.
Scope and Context [optional]
Not applicable
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture [optional]
1.4 Internal Services
Financial Performance Expectations [optional]
Not applicable
Performance Measurement
Expected result
Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services.
Performance indicator | Performance level achieved |
Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place as of April 1, 2014. |
Number and percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in fiscal year 2014–15. |
Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in fiscal year 2014–15. |
Implementation strategy element or best practice | Performance level achieved |
---|---| Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. | To be achieved |
Best Practice 7.2.3. Train acquisition cardholders on green procurement. |
To be achieved |
Best Practice 7.2.4. Increase awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement among managers. |
To be achieved |
Strategic Environmental Assessment
During the 2014–15 reporting cycle, the Canadian Space Agency considered the environmental effects of initiatives subject to the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals, as part of its decision-making processes. As the Canadian Space Agency did not develop any initiatives that required a strategic environmental assessment, no related public statements were produced.