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Evaluation Summary of the Canadian Space Agency's Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Awareness, Research and Learning in Space Science and Technology

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PDF version (209 KB) of the Evaluation Summary of the Canadian Space Agency's Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Awareness, Research and Learning in Space Science and Technology

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA)'s Class Grant and Contribution Program is a transfer payment program designed to support awareness, research and learning in space science and technology.

It is composed of a Research component and an Awareness and Learning component. The funding is allocated to organizations or individuals through Announcements of Opportunity (AOs) and unsolicited proposals.

About the Evaluation


Summative evaluation which aims to provide a neutral assessment for improvement and decision-making.


Assesses the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the Program between & .

Data collection

Document and literature review, internal data, case studies, internal and external surveys and interviews.

Key Findings

Program Relevance
  • Well aligned with federal priorities and CSA's mandate.
  • Major role in science and technology advancement, development of space sector capacities, and support to national and international collaborations.
  • Could be further aligned with the needs of target groups.
Program Effectiveness
  • Produces expected outputs and achieves expected results.
  • More AOs, funded activities and projects, knowledge, capacities and collaboration.
  • Opportunities for improvement in performance measurement and in operational data management.
Program Efficiency
  • Well-established practices and processes.
  • Opportunity to centralize data and increase collaboration with recipients and coordination between CSA branches.

Overview of Achievements


  1. Establish regular AOs with greater sensitivity to the needs of the client base, while increasing harmonization and coordination between branches and recipients.
  2. Clarify the rules and requirements regarding departmental collaboration with recipients, and inform stakeholders.
  3. Use a single operational database for the Program's administration and management, and monitor data quality, continuity and completeness.
  4. Explore the possibility of using standardized tools to streamline the application process.
  5. Provide systematic feedback for all funding applications.
  6. Communicate the roles and responsibilities of the Centre of Expertise to the CSA's branches.
  7. Ensure that there are CSA logic model indicators for each of the Program's components and client groups, and that specific targets are agreed upon.
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