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Supplementary Information Tables - Departmental Plan

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Details on transfer payment programs

In this section

Contributions under the Canada–European Space Agency (ESA) Cooperation Agreement

Start date: The renewed Agreement was signed on , and ratified on . The revised Terms and Conditions were approved in , and became effective on .

End date: (end date of the Agreement)

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: The revised Terms and Conditions for the contributions, under the Cooperation Agreement, were approved, and became effective in .

Link to departmental result(s): Canada's investments in space benefit the Canadian economy.

Link to the department's Program Inventory: Space Capacity Development Program (SCDP)

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program:

  • Enhance Canadian industry's technological base and provide access to European markets for value-added products and services in the fields of Earth observation (EO), telecommunications, navigation, space exploration, space situational awareness and general technology development.
  • Foster the participation of Canadian academia in missions and make possible the demonstration of Canadian space technologies in:
    • European microgravity, and
    • Space exploration missions and programs.

Expected results:

Result #1: Science, research, and development opportunities

In :

  • 70 scientific investigations, research and development or demonstration projects will be funded through the ESA program.
  • The overall industrial return coefficient for Canada is expected to reach 0.93 by , which corresponds to the ESA's guarantee to its Member States.

Result #2: Space research and development advances science, technologies, applications and expertise

In :

  • 20 technologies and applications are expected to have advanced their TRL or ARL through the ESA program.
  • 35 students will be involved in projects supported through the ESA program.
  • 35 early-career professionals will be involved in projects supported through the ESA program.
  • 225 highly qualified personnel will be involved in projects funded through the ESA program.

Result #3: The Canadian space sector is know-how is demonstrated

  • 5 space missions with Canadian astronauts and/or Canadian content will be enabled through the ESA program.
  • 20 technologies supported by the ESA program will be contenders for future missions.
  • 5 technologies will be tested/validated and scientific experiments will be performed in an analogue deployment or in a suborbital environment through the ESA program.

Result #4: Canadian space sector is developed and well positioned

  • In , 33 Canadian organizations will be involved in projects funded through the ESA program.

Result #5: Canadian space sector is innovative

  • A minimum of 8 technologies are expected to fly or to be space-qualified as a result of Canada's participation in ESA programs for the period.
  • Value of follow-on contracts obtained by Canadian organizations on European and global markets will reach $45,000,000 by .

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation:

Decision following the results of last evaluation: Continuation.

The Canada–European Space Agency (ESA) Cooperation Agreement is currently undergoing an evaluation that will be completed in .

Fiscal year of next planned evaluation: (estimated)

General targeted recipient groups:

  • International (non-government) 
  • For-profit organizations
  • Academia and public institutions

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients: The CSA continues to actively consult the Canadian space sector (industry and academia) and the other Government of Canada organizations as part of its activities and in the project selection process.

Financial information (dollars) for the Contributions under the Canada/European Space Agency (ESA) Cooperation Agreement
Type of
transfer payment

forecast spending

planned spending

planned spending

planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 36,436,000 38,969,000 32,057,000 30,378,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 36,436,000 38,969,000 32,057,000 30,378,000

Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology

Start date:

End date: N/A — Ongoing program

Type of transfer payment: Grant and Contribution

Type of appropriation: Annually through Estimates.

Fiscal year for terms and conditions:

Link to departmental result(s):

  • Space research and development advances science and technology
  • Space information and technologies improve the lives of Canadians
  • Canada's investments in space benefit the Canadian economy

Link to the department's Program Inventory:

  • Space Capacity Development
  • Space Utilization
  • Space Exploration
  • Internal Services (Communications Services, Management and Oversight Services)

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The Class Grant and Contribution (G&C) Program supports knowledge development and innovation in the CSA's priority areas while increasing the awareness and participation of Canadians in space-related disciplines and activities. The program has two components:

  1. Research
  2. Awareness and Learning.

The Research Component aims to support the development of science and technology foster the continual development of a critical mass of researchers and highly qualified personnel (HQP) in Canada and support information gathering and space-related studies and research pertaining to the CSA priorities.

The Awareness and Learning Component aims to provide learning opportunities to Canadian students in various space-related disciplines to support the operations of organizations dedicated to space research and education and to increase awareness of Canadian space science and technology (S&T) among Canadian students and their participation in related activities.

This transfer payment program is composed of grants and non-repayable contributions.

Expected results:

Research Component

Result #1: Sciences, Research and Development (R&D) opportunities

  • 275 scientific investigations, R&D or demonstration projects are expected to be funded by the Class G&C program in .

Result #2: Space R&D advances science, technologies, applications and expertise

  • 45 technologies and applications funded by the Class G&C Program are expected to advance their technology readiness level (TRL) or application readiness level (ARL) in .
  • 976 students are expected to be involved in projects supported by the Class G&C program in .
  • 2019 HQP are expected to be involved in projects funded by the Class G&C program in .

Result #3: Canadian space sector is developed and well-positioned

  • 270 Canadian organizations are expected to be involved in projects funded by the Class G&C program in .

Result #4: Knowledge of space is advanced through science

  • 99 scientific peer-reviewed publications acknowledging the CSA funding in .

Awareness and Learning Component

There are no activities planned under the Class G&C awareness and learning component in .

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation:

Decision following the results of last evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal year of next planned evaluation:

General targeted recipient groups:

  • For-profit organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations and charities
  • Academia and public institutions
  • International (non-government)
  • Individual or sole proprietorships

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients: Since , an initiative to engage recipients has been undertaken through various surveys. The CSA has extended the reach of this initiative via its web page to establish a dialogue with recipients and potential applicants.

Consultations, presentations, and discussions with the academic community, industrial stakeholders and other potential recipient groups are ongoing and will continue.

Financial information (dollars) for the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology
Type of
transfer payment

forecast spending

planned spending

planned spending

planned spending
Total grants 15,831,000 14,135,000 12,118,000 11,426,000
Total contributions 25,645,538 26,364,000 23,456,000 19,464,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 41,476,538 40,499,000 35,574,000 30,890,000

Gender-based analysis plus

In this section


In , Parliament passed the Canadian Gender Budgeting Act. The departmental plans and departmental results reports are being used to fulfill the President of the Treasury Board's obligations to make public, every year, analysis on the impacts of expenditure programs on gender and diversity.

Each organization is responsible for conducting their own Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus)

General information: Institutional GBA Plus capacity


GBA Plus is a shared responsibility across the CSA. Institutional capacity includes:

  • The GBA Plus Champion (ADM-level) leads the promotion of GBA Plus.
  • The GBA Plus Focal Point supports the implementation of GBA Plus and provides a challenge function on Budget Proposals, Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board Submission, Grants and Contributions, and projects and contracts.
  • GBA Plus Advisors: 17 advisors represent 13 distinct functional areas that provide guidance and support on GBA Plus assessments in collaboration with the GBA Plus Focal Point.
  • The Economic Research and Analysis Team maintains the CSA's GBA Plus Data Inventory and explores and retrieves potential disaggregated data through ongoing collaborations with Statistics Canada while balancing response burden and data validity.
  • The Governance and Results Team assists programmatic sectors in ensuring a GBA Plus lens is applied to program outcomes, indicators, and targets and in ensuring the availability, quality, utility and use of GBA Plus data in alignment with the Treasury Board Policy on Results. 
  • All CSA employees apply the GBA plus lens to all CSA decisions and activities. 

In , the advisory capacity of GBA Plus Advisors will continue to be strengthened through the CSA's GBA Plus Community of Practice where members can exchange promising practices and receive the latest updates from Women and Gender Equality Canada on strengthening GBA Plus with a focus on intersectionality.


The CSA is committed to applying GBA Plus to all its activities (i.e. policies, grants and contributions, projects and contracts) throughout their life cycle – from design and planning, to delivery and implementation, to monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.

In , the GBA Plus Responsibility Centre will continue to respond to the Evaluation of the implementation of GBA Plus at the CSA. The CSA will renew and implement its GBA Plus Policy, and three-year action plan () to implement the policy and strengthen GBA Plus practices in the short to medium term. This modernizing effort will encourage greater fairness and inclusion in all CSA activities and decision making.

In , the availability, close monitoring and timely reporting of relevant GBA Plus data will be maintained through the tracking of at least eight indicators contained in the CSA's Program Information Profiles (PIPs), thereby informing decision making through more robust analysis.

In , the CSA's will strengthen its GBA Plus capacity with a three-year recruitment strategy to ensure active measures are implemented to close gaps in representation for women, Indigenous Peoples, racialized populations/visible minorities, and persons with disabilities across all sectors, levels, and classifications at the Agency. This strategy was co-developed with the Women in Science and Technology Management (WSTM) Committee, Indigenous Community of Practice, the Visible Minority Network, and the Accessibility Network. In addition, the CSA will renew its Employment Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan.

Highlights of GBA Plus results reporting by program

Highlights list of GBA Plus results reporting by program
Space Exploration This program collects sufficient data to enable it to monitor and report program impacts by gender and diversity. In , under Space Exploration, at least seven performance indicators will have disaggregated GBA Plus data and will include several variables such as gender, region, and education level.
Space Capacity Development This program collects sufficient data to enable it to monitor and report program impacts by gender and diversity. In , under Space Capacity Development, at least four performance indicators will have disaggregated GBA Plus data available. They will include several variables pertaining to gender, region, education level, Indigenous Peoples, youth from socio-economically disadvantaged communities, and visible minorities, among others.
Space Utilization This program collects sufficient data to enable it to monitor and report program impacts by gender and diversity. In , under Space Utilization, at least four performance indicators will have disaggregated GBA Plus data available and will include several variables such as gender, region and education level.
Data collection plan (all Programs) Data related to gender is collected on an annual basis through Agency-led surveys. The CSA also collaborates with Statistics Canada to bridge disaggregated data gaps where possible.
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