Funding for universities on planetary and astronomy missions

Four grants totalling $493,081 are being awarded to Canadian universities to advance scientific knowledge of the Sun–Earth system, the solar system and the universe through participation in international science missions.
The researchers from these institutions are:
- Dr. Ed Cloutis from the University of Winnipeg, who is a co-investigator on the Mastcam-Z instrument on the Perseverance rover.
- Dr. Wesley Fraser from the University of Victoria, who is leading a project to support the New Horizons mission by continuing the search for Kuiper Belt objects.
- Dr. William J. Percival from the University of Waterloo, who will use data from the Euclid mission to shed light on the accelerating expansion of the universe.
- Dr. Livio Tornabene from Western University, who is a co-investigator on the CaSSIS instrument on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.