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Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist: Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation


Uploaded on January 25, 2024


Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist: Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation

The Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation, Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist, presents its autonomous and tele-operable medical robot for rapid diagnosis and treatment of early cancers.

The Canadian Space Agency and Impact Canada are running the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, a competition to develop new diagnostic and detection technologies for remote communities in Canada and crews on deep-space missions.  (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA, Impact Canada, McGill University's Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning – Office of Education Technology and E-learning Collaboration for Health)


Dr. Mehran Anvari: The robot will take a… is suctioning tissue and in doing so, it will not only take a biopsy but in most lesions less than a centimetre, it completely removes this. 

Our technology is a spinoff of Canadarm technology which was adapted for medical treatments.

It’s an image-guided medical surgical robot which is now coupled with artificial intelligence to be able to carry out imaging, diagnose early cancer, and then plan and execute biopsy and ablation of the cancer early on in its life cycle. 

This will save many lives in patients who live in remote areas and don’t have access to these latest approaches.


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