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Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist:


Uploaded on January 19, 2024


Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist:, Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist, presents its AI-powered Solution for Dermatology for Primary Care Practices in Remote Communities.

The Canadian Space Agency and Impact Canada are running the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, a competition to develop new diagnostic and detection technologies for remote communities in Canada and crews on deep-space missions. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, Impact Canada, McGill University's Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning – Office of Education Technology and E-learning Collaboration for Health, MetaOptima)


Nuzio Ruffolo: I can navigate around here with the icons on the left-hand side.

Our intelligent dermatology solution provides patients located anywhere on the planet with remote access to specialists to have any skin concern diagnosed quickly. 

This includes wounds, infections, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer, etc.

The system also empowers dermatologists to be more effective by leveraging the power of human-supervised AI. 

Through the work on the Deep Space Health Care Challenge, our solution has already proved to save lives of Indigenous individuals in remote communities who have otherwise never seen a dermatologist.


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