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Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist: Luxsonic Technologies


Uploaded on January 18, 2024


Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist: Luxsonic Technologies

Luxsonic Technologies presents its solution for the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge: SieVRt, a mixed reality point of care ultrasound system.

The Canadian Space Agency and Impact Canada are running the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, a competition to develop new diagnostic and detection technologies for remote communities in Canada and crews on deep-space missions.  (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, Impact Canada, McGill University's Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning – Office of Education Technology and E-learning Collaboration for Health, Luxsonic Technologies)


Dr. Shawna Pandya

... ribs shadows here. And then what I want to do is look between...

We at Luxsonic Technologies have created one of the world's first mixed reality point of care ultrasound systems.

When we talk about the challenges of remote and rural healthcare, oftentimes we don't have the same access to the same imaging capabilities that a major hospital in a large urban centre would have.

So that means as a healthcare practitioner, our choice is to send our patient out to a major centre, hours away, or go without that capability.

By providing healthcare practitioners with access to ultrasound in a point of care fashion, we’re increasing their autonomy and their ability to care for a patient within their own rural community.


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