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Vlog 1: A day in my life


Uploaded on September 1, 2023


Vlog 1: A day in my life

CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen brings us into his extraordinary daily routine. He shows us what a typical day looks like for an astronaut who is training for the Artemis II mission to the Moon. From his healthy breakfast to his flight training exercises, he shares his secret to keeping calm and getting rid of the stress. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA, Fulwell 73 UK Limited)


You know, if you don't do things right or follow the procedures, you won't go home that night. And so that's a great way that we prepare astronauts to fly in space. 

Good morning. I'm going to take you along on my day of Artemis II training today. 

Starts off in my home and I like to start my day with gratitude. Just appreciating all that I have and all that I have to be thankful for. Also starts off with breakfast to fuel my day. 

Sometimes I like to check up on what's coming up on my day, looking at my calendar and just an opportunity for me to read through some of the stuff that I might want to prep. 

Just got to the gym here at the Johnson Space Center. The Sun is just rising and on the other side of me is the Moon. And I don't think you can see it, just behind me there. 

Okay, work out complete. 

There's the building where the astronaut offices are located and as well as the simulator that I'll be using today for the testing. 

We have a good view from our offices on the sixth floor, but it does mean six floors of stairs.
A little extra work out to add on to the previous work out. 

Okay into the office for a few minutes before I need to be downstairs for testing. Just a bit of time to check email for any urgent responses. And then I'll head down and I get about 10 minutes to cool off. 

Just on a break between testing sessions. This morning, I ran through an entire process from separation of the service module, from the actual capsule that the crew will be in, and then all the way through landing and securing the vehicle in the Pacific Ocean. 

But so far it seems like it's really well designed and working great. So about to head back down and start again. 

All right. We’ve got the displays turned off so that I can bring you in here and show you where we're doing our testing today and the team that's helping me do that. 

So let's see if you can see everybody there. So I've got Hayfa, Jacob and Cynthia, and this is the testing rig we're using. And these are the displays we have in Orion.

And what we've been doing is going through entry profiles. So we start off before we interface with the Earth's atmosphere. We separate from the Service Module, and then we watch the automation fly the capsule as we go through the displays and the checklists. So we're kind of doing nominal entry simulations today. 

Anyway, thanks to a great team helping me get through it today.
All right, so finishing up here on site and in order to do the flight training, I have to head over to Ellington Airfield. It's not far away. 

Last thing we do before we go to the airplane is a briefing. So, if there's two of us, we go back and forth on these items. Since it's just me today I review them by myself. One of them is reviewing emergency procedures. 

So that's all complete for me. I filed my flight plan and done review of all that and I can go to the airplane. 

Good day! Good day! 

Okay back from a successful flight in the T-38 and wrapping up my day.

You know, if you don't do things right or follow the procedures, you won't go home that night. And so that's a great way that we prepare astronauts to fly in space. Great simulators, and then great, very realistic training that helps us practice all of the skill sets we'll need to perform in space. So, a great day and thanks for coming along with me. Have a good night. 


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