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Looking back in time with the James Webb Space Telescope


Uploaded on June 17, 2022


Looking back in time with the James Webb Space Telescope

2022-06-17 – Travel back in time with the James Webb Space Telescope to the early stages of the universe! The powerful telescope will be able to observe the beginnings of the cosmos, gathering ancient light from just after the Big Bang.

Canada’s Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) will help study many astronomical objects, from exoplanets to distant galaxies.

As the universe expands, the blue light of its early objects must travel great distances to reach us. This light is stretched and becomes redder as it moves through space. NIRISS is perfectly suited to capture this near-infrared light.

Canadian scientists will take part in Webb’s exciting science mission that promises to change our understanding of the universe.

Webb is an international collaboration between NASA, ESA, and the Canadian Space Agency. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)

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Sarah Gallagher: We asked you what you wanted to know about the science of Webb.

David Saint-Jacques: And we’re here to answer your questions.

David Saint-Jacques: Hi, I’m David Saint-Jacques.

Sarah Gallagher: And I’m Sarah Gallagher.

David Saint-Jacques and Sarah Gallagher: And you are an astrophysicist!

Sarah Gallagher: How far back will the James Webb Space Telescope see?

David Saint-Jacques: Webb will be able to look back in time and observe the ancient light of the early universe when it was still a baby, merely a few hundred million years old.

That’s actually over 13 and a half billion years ago.

More questions will arise as Webb opens a new chapter in our understanding of the universe.

Sarah Gallagher: Join astronomers from across Canada and around the world on a thrilling journey of discovery.


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