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Chris Hadfield on installing Canadarm2 on the International Space Station


Uploaded on December 1, 2021


Chris Hadfield on installing Canadarm2 on the International Space Station

2021-12-01 – Chris Hadfield, Canadian Space Agency astronaut, on installing Canadarm2 on the International Space Station. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)


Chris Hadfield: Spacewalking is the – maybe the most stimulus-rich and magnificent experience of my life, the 15 hours that I spent outside over two spacewalks.

Ten times around the world, building Canadarm2, building Canada’s main contribution to the world’s space program onto the outside of the International Space Station, carefully un-cradling it out of the shuttle, bringing it to life, attaching it to the International Space Station – and then once we had it attached then wiring it up so that it not only had power, but it had computer control and it had data running back and forth, but also video.

Brought it to life, got it all done, got back into Endeavour and came back, and we ended up landing back out at Edwards where I’d been a test pilot student, because the weather was bad in Florida.


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