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Astronauts invite educators and young Canadians to participate in the Junior Astronauts campaign


Uploaded on October 31, 2019


Astronauts invite educators and young Canadians to participate in the Junior Astronauts campaign

2019-11-01 - Canadian Space Agency astronauts Jenni Sidey-Gibbons and David Saint-Jacques, along with grade 6 student Hannah, invite Canadian educators and youth in grades 6 to 9 to register to the Junior Astronauts campaign.

Young Canadians can test their skills and knowledge through the Canadian Space Agency's Junior Astronauts campaign with online activities in science and technology, fitness and nutrition, and teamwork and communications. Selected kids from across Canada will have the opportunity to come to the Canadian Space Agency in Saint-Hubert, Quebec for a week of training by astronauts, scientists and engineers. Participating teachers, educators and youth group leaders will also have an opportunity to win a visit by an astronaut or space expert to their school or youth organization. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)


Child: Oh, I was on the Moon!

Jenni (smiling): That's all right! You're in the right place… and you're right on time!

David (turns to the camera): That's right! The Canadian Space Agency is actually looking for junior astronauts for future missions to the Moon!

Jenni: That's right! As part of the Junior Astronauts campaign, young Canadians from grades 6 to 9 can test their skills and knowledge in areas like: science and technology, fitness and nutrition, and communications and teamwork.

They will discover what it takes to be a “real” astronaut.

David: Your educators or youth group leaders can also enter a contest to win a visit from an astronaut or other space expert!

Child: Just like you!

Jenni: That's right! And we will visit every province and territory in Canada.

David: And that's not all! Young people from all over the country will be chosen for a week of space training at the CSA headquarters where they will join engineers, scientists and astronauts!

Jenni: All of the details are on our website. Go check it out!

David: We're counting on you. Register now!


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