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Building on a lunar legacy: Canadian astronauts look towards a new chapter of Moon exploration


Uploaded on July 12, 2019

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Building on a lunar legacy: Canadian astronauts look towards a new chapter of Moon exploration

Fifty years ago, Canadian expertise made humanity's first steps on the Moon possible. Now, Canadian astronauts reflect on that incredible lunar legacy, and look ahead to a future when Canadian astronauts could one day participate in a Moon mission. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA, Héroux-Devtek)


Joshua Kutryk: We have such a proud and a deep history of human space exploration for Canada up to this point.

Chris Hadfield: Right from the very beginning, in the effort to get to the Moon, the United States was counting on Canada: the technology, the people that were involved…

Dave Williams: When we had humans walk on the Moon in 1969, the message was not so much that we set foot on the Moon – we set eyes on the Earth.

David Saint-Jacques: When I was a young child, I saw one of those photos of the Earth seen from the Moon. And it really struck me as an example of adventure in the 20th century.

Jeremy Hansen: I can’t recall a period in my life when I didn’t want to be an astronaut. For as long as I can remember, I was fascinated by space exploration.

Jenni Sidey-Gibbons: To go to the Moon would be incredible, to represent Canada in that way.

Joshua Kutryk: Just the thought of the day when we might see a Canadian flag on the Moon, is something that excites me like nothing else. That day is coming, and I think that it’s very exciting for me to think about that.

Chris Hadfield: This is important, this is interesting, and this is possible.


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