What is David’s favourite meal in space?
David Saint-Jacques: This is very special food for me, because that’s a food that… a recipe that… my wife prepared for me.
What’s in the package?
Chili, with a very special flavour!
David Saint-Jacques: Véronique was able to go to a special laboratory to make a family dish, which was dehydrated and then sent up to space for me. This is the meal that I share with my friends on special occasions.
Véronique Morin: We worked with a Quebec company that makes dehydrated meals in order to dehydrate my infamous chili con caribou, which is our favourite dehydrated camping food that I make regularly, and that I dehydrate myself.
Does the chili taste just as good in space as it does on Earth? David did a taste test…
David Saint-Jacques: Okay, the moment of truth… Perfectly re-hydrated… Here, we don’t worry about dishes. Cut the package with scissors. Texture is good. Smells great. Just like at home!