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Leaving Earth (my first trip to space)


Uploaded on April 4, 2019


Leaving Earth (my first trip to space)

2019-04-04 - Since December 3, 2018, David Saint-Jacques has been living and working aboard the International Space Station. His mission will be more than six months long. Here are some memorable moments from his time in space so far. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)


Voice over: On December 3, 2018, David Saint-Jacques had a dream come true. He flew to the International Space Station for a six-and-a-half month mission in space.

The days leading up to David’s departure were exciting and emotional. They included qualification exams, traditional ceremonies, and press conferences.

When astronauts are quarantined before going to space, what was once a dream begins to feel more and more real.

The launch on December 3 was a success!

David’s journey to the Space Station lasted six hours. He is now in orbit, 400 km above Earth.

Once on board, a very busy schedule awaited the astronauts.

From conducting science experiments to maintaining the Space Station, working out every day, and communicating with young Canadians all over the country, David is performing a wide variety of tasks to ensure the success of the mission.

David has a breathtaking view from the windows of the Station. In order to share it with as many people as possible, he takes plenty of photos so that you, too, can see the most beautiful thing that lives in the vacuum of space – our planet, Earth!


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