David Saint-Jacques' space mission: before launch
Uploaded on November 28, 2018
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David Saint-Jacques' space mission: before launch
2018-11-28 - After close to 10 years of preparation, Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques is about to see his dream come true: on December 3, he will be flying to the International Space Station on his first mission. This video will give you a behind-the-scenes look at the training program designed to prepare him for his trip to space. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, NASA, Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, Trio Orange)
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Narrator: On December 3rd, 2018, Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques, will fly to the International Space Station.
David Saint-Jacques: After close to 10 years of preparation, including thousands of hours of training, I’m about to see a dream come true.
Narrator: In 2008, David Saint-Jacques embarked on his adventure to become an astronaut.
Narrator: After a lengthy selection process that took over a year, David Saint-Jacques was recruited by the Canadian Space Agency in May 2009. He officially became a Canadian astronaut.
David Saint-Jacques: When I found out I was selected, I realized just how lucky I was. Very few people have this opportunity.
Narrator: He then started his extensive classroom and physical training to acquire all of the knowledge he needs for his profession.
David Saint-Jacques: My training has been demanding and complex but... what a ride!
Narrator: In May 2016, we announced that David had been assigned to a mission. It was official – David was going to space!
David Saint-Jacques: Humbled to represent all Canadians on this mission, you pick me, you train me and now you're putting your trust in me. I promise to do my best to live up to your expectations.
Narrator: Now that David was assigned to his first mission, he had to take a training program designed to prepare him for his trip to space.
David Saint-Jacques: A six-month mission on the International Space Station awaits me.
David Saint-Jacques: For many months I’ve been sharing my time between Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States to prepare for my space mission.
Narrator: David has officially completed his training.
David Saint-Jacques: Now, I have the opportunity to apply all this knowledge and skills I’ve acquired.
Narrator: December 3rd, 2018, is D day. David Saint-Jacques will fly from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, to the International Space Station.
David Saint-Jacques: I’m finally ready to get closer to the stars! I’ll see you in space.
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