What is the International Space Station?
Uploaded on June 27, 2018
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What is the International Space Station?
2018-06-27 - Did you know that there's a research laboratory in space? In this video, Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques describes its size, its speed compared to a Formula 1 race car, the essential role played by Canadian robots, and how to go on board virtually! (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)
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David Saint-Jacques: Did you know there’s a research laboratory… in space? It’s the International Space Station!
It is as wide as five NHL rinks, and has about as much living space as a five bedroom house. Astronauts live aboard it for months at a time.
The laboratory circles the globe at an altitude of about 370 km and travels at a speed of 28,000 km/h. That’s 90 times faster than a Formula 1 race car!!!
The Station orbits the Earth 16 times a day. This distance is equivalent to a round trip between the Earth and the Moon everyday.
As an international partner in the Station, Canada contributed a set of robots. They were essential in its construction, but now one of their most important tasks is keeping the Station in ship-shape.
And it’s thanks to this contribution that Canada can conduct science experiments on board and send astronauts to space like me.
You can even go onboard virtually and share in real time the astronaut’s view of the Earth.
àIt’s quite visible at night. After the Moon, it’s the brightest object in the night sky – try spotting it tonight!
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