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Thomas Pesquet invites Canadian professors and students to build and fly their own satellite!


Uploaded on May 12, 2017

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Thomas Pesquet invites Canadian professors and students to build and fly their own satellite!

2017-05-12 - European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet invites professors and students from Canadian post-secondary institutions to participate in a real space mission – the Canadian CubeSat Project. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, ESA, NASA, University of Alberta)

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Thomas Pesquet: Welcome aboard the International Space Station! I am Thomas Pesquet.

Before I became an astronaut, I spent one year in Canada as an exchange student. So, today, I am thrilled to announce a challenge for Canadian students to join the ranks of space explorers.    

The Canadian Space Agency is offering you an out-of-this world opportunity to design, build, launch and operate your own satellite. It will be approximately this size.

The winning teams will develop a miniature satellite called a CubeSat to be released into space from right here – the International Space Station.

This is your chance to explore space through science that interests you. If you are studying in a Canadian post-secondary institution, talk to your professors, or visit the Canadian Space Agency’s website for more details.

Show us you have the “right stuff” and take part in the Canadian CubeSat Project! Good luck!


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