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Canadarm2 gets a shout out from NASA astronaut Jack Fischer during a video conference with the President of the United States


Uploaded on April 24, 2017


Canadarm2 gets a shout out from NASA astronaut Jack Fischer during a video conference with the President of the United States

2017-04-24 - While speaking with U.S. President Donald Trump during a space-to-Earth video conference, NASA astronaut Jack Fischer highlighted the important role Canadarm2 played in capturing and docking the Cygnus spacecraft after its launch to the International Space Station (ISS) on April 20th. Fischer also emphasized how the ISS is the best example of international cooperation.

During the 30 minute conversation, the President congratulated NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson for breaking the record for cumulative time spent in space by a U.S. astronaut. (Credit: NASA)


NASA astronaut Jack Fischer: A couple of hours later, I watched our crew mate, Thomas Pesquet, a Frenchman, drive a Canadian robotic arm to capture a space ship from Virginia, carrying three and a half tons of cargo and science that is going to keep us busy for the next few months, and dock that to the station.

Sir, it’s amazing. And now I am talking to the President of the United States while hanging from a wall. It’s amazing. The International Space Station is, by far, the best example of international cooperation and what we can do when we work together in the history of humanity and I am so proud to be a part of it.


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