RADARSAT-2: Keeping an eye on Earth
Uploaded on September 29, 2014
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RADARSAT-2: Keeping an eye on Earth
2014-10-03 - Capable of scanning the Earth at all times, day or night through any weather conditions, RADARSAT-2 has typically acquired more than 30,000 images a year since its launch in 2007. Its images are used by research centres, private industries, and Government departments and agencies across the country and around the world. The information they provide is used for a vast array of applications from helping monitor fishing activities on our coasts, increasing our agriculture's profitability and sustainability, monitoring landslide risks along strategic transportation and energy corridors, to helping coordinate rescue teams on the ground following a natural disaster. RADARSAT-2 provides critical information about our planet. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)
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In December 2007, Canada’s Earth observation satellite RADARSAT-2 was launched into space. Capable of scanning the Earth at all times, day or night through any weather conditions, the satellite typically acquires more than thirty thousand images a year. These images are used by research centres, private industries,and Government departments and agencies across the country, and around the world. The information they provide is used for a vast array of applications: from helping monitor fishing activities on our coasts, to increasing our agriculture’s profitability and sustainability.
RADARSAT-2 technology can be used to monitor landslide risks along strategic transportation and energy corridors, giving our country the means to better protect critical infrastructures. Because it delivers data in near real time, its images are also used to help coordinate rescue teams on the ground following a natural disaster; making RADARSAT-2 an essential tool where lives, communities, and the environment are at stake. RADARSAT-2 collects critical information on remote or inaccessible areas, helping ships navigate safely through Canadian waters and enabling Northern communities to plan safer routes for fishing and hunting expeditions.
Space technologies developed for satellites bring new solutions to Earth challenges. The Canadian Space Agency is committed to fostering innovation for the benefit of all Canadians.
Canadian Space Agency, thinking outside of the globe.
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