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Hadfield trains at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)


Uploaded on August 24, 2012


Hadfield trains at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

2012-08-24 - CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield is in a simulator of the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) at the Tsukuba Space Centre in Japan. Hadfield is training for the upcoming Expedition 34/35, a long-duration mission on board the International Space Station that launches in December 2012. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)


Chris Hadfield:

We are inside the Japanese laboratory, the Japanese Experiment Module or JEM. This is one of the main laboratories at the International Space Station full of experiment racks and equipment to keep the module alive.

I'm trained as a specialist. I have to be able to run the experiments and fix anything that breaks. And so part of my training takes place here inside the simulator for this experiment module, for the JEM which is here in the town of Tsukuba in Japan.


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