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How heavy is a satellite? – infographic

Infographic featuring five categories of satellites according to their weight.

Chart of the approximate weight of satellites launched into space, according to their category. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)

Text version

The title of this infographic is How Heavy is a Satellite? It features five categories of satellites according to their weight.

First category: large satellite, featuring an image of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission as an example. Large satellites weigh over 1,000 kilograms. An illustration of a rhino is shown for comparison purposes.

Second category: medium satellite, featuring an image of CASSIOPE as an example. Medium satellites weigh between 500 kilograms and 1,000 kilograms. An illustration of a buffalo is shown for comparison purposes. 

Third category: mini satellite, featuring an image of SCISAT as an example. Mini satellites weigh between 100 kilograms and 350 kilograms. An illustration of a lion is shown for comparison purposes.

The fourth and fifth categories are classified as CubeSats.

Fourth category: microsatellite, featuring an image of WildFireSat (in development) as an example. Microsatellites weigh between 10 kilograms and 100 kilograms. An illustration of a wolf is shown for comparison purposes.

Fifth category: nanosatellite, featuring an image of the ORCASat. Nanosatellites weigh between 1 kilogram and 10 kilograms. An illustration of a raccoon is shown for comparison purposes. CubeSats weigh 1 kilogram per unit. 

CubeSats Weigh 1 kg per unit.

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File size: 0.95 MB
Image size: 2400 x 1800 pixels
Resolution: 96 dpi

Image date: April 12, 2017

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