Studying the Arctic atmosphere from the ground, air and space - Infographic

2017-02-24 - From February 23 to April 1, 2017, a group of eight researchers is collecting data on atmospheric conditions from the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) facilities in Nunavut. These measurements, taken with state-of-the-art instruments installed on the ground and aboard balloons, are used to validate data from Canadian instruments on the SCISAT and Odin satellites. The 2017 validation campaign is supported by the Canadian Space Agency, Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Northern Scientific Training Program. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)
Text version
The infographic displays a variety of information on the validation campaign conducted in the Canadian Arctic from February 23 to April 1, 2017.
The aim of the campaign is to collect data on atmospheric conditions over the Canadian Arctic and validate measurements taken from space.
These are the research institutions involved (six Canadian and one French):
- University of Toronto
- Western University
- University of Saskatchewan
- York University
- Dalhousie University
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
- National Center for Scientific Research
The research team takes measurements of the atmosphere at the Ridge Laboratory and the Zero Altitude PEARL Auxiliary Laboratory. Both of those laboratories are part of the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory, located at the Eureka Weather Station in Nunavut.
The validation campaign concerns data from two satellites: SCISAT, which measures 13 trace gases with the ACE-FTS instrument; and Odin, which measures three gases and aerosols with the OSIRIS instrument.
There will be 107 balloon launches. Measurements of ozone, temperature and pressure will be taken aboard the balloons.
In addition, measurements of atmospheric gases will be taken from 11 ground-based instruments.
The following results are sought:
- Accurate data for climate and atmospheric studies.
- A better understanding of ozone depletion and climate change.
- A unique field training experience for the next generation of scientists.
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Resolution: 96 dpi
Image date: February 24, 2017
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