Chris Hadfield dives into Pavilion Lake

2010-07-01 - Astronaut Chris Hadfield was part of the international, multidisciplinary Pavilion Lake Research Project (PLRP) team who studied and explored the origin of rare freshwater carbonate rock formations that thrive in Pavilion Lake, British Columbia. Scientists believe the carbonate rock structures, known as microbialites, were formed by microorganisms more than 2.5 billion years ago. Today, environments rich in microbialites are seen as potential analogues for the biological, geological and chemical processes of early Earth. Similar processes possibly occurred on other planets. The team conducted research about life in extreme environments using a combination of underwater vehicles and scuba divers. The research project blends science and technology to advance knowledge of astrobiology and examine how humans could explore the Moon and Mars. (Credit: Donnie Reid)
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Image date: July 1, 2010
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