Sunlight broken down by a prism

2022-11-10 - A glass prism separates sunlight into all its colours to create a rainbow, which is a spectrum of its visible light. Sunlight also contains invisible kinds of light, like ultraviolet and infrared light, which are parts of the spectrum as well. (Credit: NASA/ESA/L. Hustak (STScI))
Text version
On the left side of the image, a white beam of light, labelled Sunlight, enters a pyramidal prism at the centre of the image. The prism separates sunlight into all its colours to create a rainbow, which is a spectrum of its visible light. On the right side of the image, the visible rainbow is depicted, with red on top and purple on the bottom. Above the red is labelled Infrared, and below the rainbow is labelled Ultraviolet.
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