Venus in numbers – infographic

Infographic about Venus, the second planet from the Sun. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)
Text version
This infographic features an image of Venus along with a series of facts that highlight some of the differences between Venus and Earth.
- A graphic shows that Venus and Earth orbit the Sun in the same direction.
- The distance from the Earth to Venus ranges from 38 to 261 million kilometres depending on its orbit. Venus is Earth's closest planetary neighbour.
- Venus is 19/20ths the size of Earth.
- Venus is four-fifths the mass of Earth.
- It takes Venus 225 Earth days to make one revolution around the Sun.
- It takes Venus 243 Earth days to complete one rotation on its axis. One day is longer than an entire year!
- Backwards rotation: Venus is one of just two planets (the second being Uranus) that spin in the opposite direction from the others. This means that the Sun rises in the west.
- Hurricane-force winds drive the top level of clouds around the planet every four days. Winds can reach speeds of 360 kilometres per hours.
- Venus has no moons. Of all the planets in our solar system, only Venus and Mercury have no moons.
- Venus is covered with thousands of volcanoes, some of which seem to still be active.
File size: 0.86 MB
Image size: 2400 x 1800 pixels
Resolution: 300 dpi
Image date: December 24, 2018
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