78 results
Chris Hadfield gets tough on Space Station spills
Chris Hadfield's and Steve MacLean's favourite Moon song
Using the challenges of space food production to help grow food on Earth
Chris Hadfield on installing Canadarm2 on the International Space Station
Building on a lunar legacy: Canadian astronauts look towards a new chapter of Moon exploration
Astronauts wanted – Episode 4, Part 3: My mission
Astronauts wanted – Episode 4, Part 2: My selection process
Astronauts wanted – Episode 4, Part 1: My dream
Chris Hadfield launchiversary
Chris Hadfield returns to Earth
Chris Hadfield's mission reflections
Transfer of command ceremony from Hadfield to Vinogradov
The five senses in space: touch
The five senses in space: smell
The five senses in space: taste
Chris Hadfield and students from coast-to-coast fill the sky with music (excerpt)
The five (main) senses in space: sight
The five senses in space: hearing
Quick-don mask: Work can be fun
Controlling the ISS
Canadarm2 and Dextre debut on new Canadian $5 bank note
Water recycling on the ISS
Chris Hadfield's snapshots from space
Radi-N2: Detecting neutron radiation on the ISS
Wringing out water on the ISS - for science!
Canadian space technology: Microflow
Sleeping in space
Chris Hadfield on getting sick in space
Chris Hadfield on how eyesight is affected in space
Chris Hadfield on how astronauts shave in space
Chris' kitchen: Dessert in space
Tears in space (don't fall)
Spacesuit waltz on the ISS
Chris Hadfield brushes his teeth in space
CSA presents: The Hadfield shake
Hadfield demonstrates microbial air sampling on the ISS
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