219 results
Chris Hadfield gets tough on Space Station spills
Chris Hadfield's and Steve MacLean's favourite Moon song
Using the challenges of space food production to help grow food on Earth
Chris Hadfield on installing Canadarm2 on the International Space Station
Building on a lunar legacy: Canadian astronauts look towards a new chapter of Moon exploration
Poster of Canadian Space Agency astronauts – 24 x 36
Fireside chat with Canadian astronauts
Poster of Canadian Space Agency astronauts
Astronauts wanted – Episode 4, Part 3: My mission
Astronauts wanted – Episode 4, Part 2: My selection process
Astronauts wanted – Episode 4, Part 1: My dream
Chris Hadfield becomes the first Canadian commander of the ISS
NEEMO 14 - Chris Hadfield on the sea floor
NEEMO 14 mission crew
Canadian astronauts
Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield displays the seeds for the Tomatosphere project
Launch of the Living in Space exhibition
Chris Hadfield launchiversary
Space plumber
St. Patty's Day in space
Orange in space
Expedition 35 in Kibo
Chris Hadfield performs BP Reg
The crew together
Moments after landing
Chris Hadfield returns to Earth
Chris Hadfield's mission reflections
Transfer of command ceremony from Hadfield to Vinogradov
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