157 results
First RCM satellite passes TVAC test with flying colours!
First RCM satellite completes thermal vacuum testing
First RCM satellite being prepared for thermal vacuum testing
First RCM satellite at David Florida Laboratory
First RCM satellite arrives at David Florida Laboratory
Simulated RCM data over Vancouver
The making of a satellite – The RADARSAT Constellation
RCM satellite bus and payload
Integration of RCM satellite bus and payload
Inside the second RCM satellite bus – close-up
RCM satellite buses at Magellan Aerospace
Inspecting the inside of an RCM satellite bus
Inspection of an RCM satellite panel
An RCM SAR panel undergoing antenna tests
An RCM SAR panel and a satellite payload undergoing antenna tests
SAR panel electronics on integration table
Working on the inside of an RCM satellite payload
Back of a SAR panel – close-up
RCM satellite bus's power control unit and harnessing
RCM electronics
Back of an RCM SAR panel
Radiating face of an RCM SAR panel
RCM pre-flight model bus
Transmit/receive modules being installed on an RCM SAR panel
RCM synthetic aperture radar (SAR) panel seen from the back
RCM satellite transport container
RCM launch vehicle adapter
First RCM satellite payload
Assembly of an RCM synthetic aperture radar (SAR) panel
RCM transmit/receive module (TRM) close-up
RADARSAT-2 image of Vancouver
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